复现densefuse-pytorch问题记录 Ubuntu20复现



densefuse-pytorch 图像融合代码复现记录


pip install torchfile
 pip install scikit-image




import os
from os import listdir, mkdir, sep
from os.path import join, exists, splitext
import random
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torchfile
from args_fusion import args
# from scipy.misc import imread, imsave, imresize
import matplotlib as mpl
import cv2
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from skimage.transform import resize as imresize

from imageio import imwrite,imread

def list_images(directory):
    images = []
    names = []
    dir = listdir(directory)
    for file in dir:
        name = file.lower()
        if name.endswith('.png'):
            images.append(join(directory, file))
        elif name.endswith('.jpg'):
            images.append(join(directory, file))
        elif name.endswith('.jpeg'):
            images.append(join(directory, file))
        name1 = name.split('.')
    return images

def tensor_load_rgbimage(filename, size=None, scale=None, keep_asp=False):
    img = Image.open(filename).convert('RGB')
    if size is not None:
        if keep_asp:
            size2 = int(size * 1.0 / img.size[0] * img.size[1])
            img = img.resize((size, size2), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            img = img.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    elif scale is not None:
        img = img.resize((int(img.size[0] / scale), int(img.size[1] / scale)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    img = np.array(img).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    img = torch.from_numpy(img).float()
    return img

def tensor_save_rgbimage(tensor, filename, cuda=True):
    if cuda:
        # img = tensor.clone().cpu().clamp(0, 255).numpy()
        img = tensor.cpu().clamp(0, 255).data[0].numpy()
        # img = tensor.clone().clamp(0, 255).numpy()
        img = tensor.clamp(0, 255).numpy()
    img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype('uint8')
    img = Image.fromarray(img)

def tensor_save_bgrimage(tensor, filename, cuda=False):
    (b, g, r) = torch.chunk(tensor, 3)
    tensor = torch.cat((r, g, b))
    tensor_save_rgbimage(tensor, filename, cuda)

def gram_matrix(y):
    (b, ch, h, w) = y.size()
    features = y.view(b, ch, w * h)
    features_t = features.transpose(1, 2)
    gram = features.bmm(features_t) / (ch * h * w)
    return gram

def matSqrt(x):
    U,D,V = torch.svd(x)
    return U * (D.pow(0.5).diag()) * V.t()

# load training images
def load_dataset(image_path, BATCH_SIZE, num_imgs=None):
    if num_imgs is None:
        num_imgs = len(image_path)
    original_imgs_path = image_path[:num_imgs]
    # random
    mod = num_imgs % BATCH_SIZE
    print('BATCH SIZE %d.' % BATCH_SIZE)
    print('Train images number %d.' % num_imgs)
    print('Train images samples %s.' % str(num_imgs / BATCH_SIZE))

    if mod > 0:
        print('Train set has been trimmed %d samples...\n' % mod)
        original_imgs_path = original_imgs_path[:-mod]
    batches = int(len(original_imgs_path) // BATCH_SIZE)
    return original_imgs_path, batches

def get_image(path, height=256, width=256, mode='L'):
    if mode == 'L':
        image = imread(path, pilmode=mode)
    elif mode == 'RGB':
        image = Image.open(path).convert('RGB')

    if height is not None and width is not None:
        image = imresize(image, [height, width], interp='nearest')
    return image

def get_train_images_auto(paths, height=256, width=256, mode='RGB'):
    if isinstance(paths, str):
        paths = [paths]
    images = []
    for path in paths:
        image = get_image(path, height, width, mode=mode)
        if mode == 'L':
            image = np.reshape(image, [1, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]])
            image = np.reshape(image, [image.shape[2], image.shape[0], image.shape[1]])

    images = np.stack(images, axis=0)
    images = torch.from_numpy(images).float()
    return images

def get_test_images(paths, height=None, width=None, mode='RGB'):
    ImageToTensor = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
    if isinstance(paths, str):
        paths = [paths]
    images = []
    for path in paths:
        image = get_image(path, height, width, mode=mode)
        if mode == 'L':
            image = np.reshape(image, [1, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]])
            # test = ImageToTensor(image).numpy()
            # shape = ImageToTensor(image).size()
            image = ImageToTensor(image).float().numpy()*255
    images = np.stack(images, axis=0)
    images = torch.from_numpy(images).float()
    return images

# colormap
def colormap():
    return mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('cmap', ['#FFFFFF', '#98F5FF', '#00FF00', '#FFFF00','#FF0000', '#8B0000'], 256)

def save_images(path, data):
    # if isinstance(paths, str):
    #     paths = [paths]
    # t1 = len(paths)
    # t2 = len(datas)
    # assert (len(paths) == len(datas))

    # if prefix is None:
    #     prefix = ''
    # if suffix is None:
    #     suffix = ''

    if data.shape[2] == 1:
        data = data.reshape([data.shape[0], data.shape[1]])
    cv2.imwrite(path, data)

    # for i, path in enumerate(paths):
    #     data = datas[i]
    #     # print('data ==>>\n', data)
    #     if data.shape[2] == 1:
    #         data = data.reshape([data.shape[0], data.shape[1]])
    #     # print('data reshape==>>\n', data)
    #     name, ext = splitext(path)
    #     name = name.split(sep)[-1]
    #     path = join(save_path, prefix + suffix + ext)
    #     print('data path==>>', path)
    #     # new_im = Image.fromarray(data)
    #     # new_im.show()
    #     imsave(path, data)


# test phase
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from net import DenseFuse_net
import utils
from args_fusion import args
import numpy as np
import time
import cv2
import os

def load_model(path, input_nc, output_nc):

	nest_model = DenseFuse_net(input_nc, output_nc)

	para = sum([np.prod(list(p.size())) for p in nest_model.parameters()])
	type_size = 4
	print('Model {} : params: {:4f}M'.format(nest_model._get_name(), para * type_size / 1000 / 1000))


	return nest_model

def _generate_fusion_image(model, strategy_type, img1, img2):
	# encoder
	# test = torch.unsqueeze(img_ir[:, i, :, :], 1)
	en_r = model.encoder(img1)
	# vision_features(en_r, 'ir')
	en_v = model.encoder(img2)
	# vision_features(en_v, 'vi')
	# fusion
	f = model.fusion(en_r, en_v, strategy_type=strategy_type)
	# f = en_v
	# decoder
	img_fusion = model.decoder(f)
	return img_fusion[0]

def run_demo(model, infrared_path, visible_path, output_path_root, index, fusion_type, network_type, strategy_type, ssim_weight_str, mode):
	# if mode == 'L':
	ir_img = utils.get_test_images(infrared_path, height=None, width=None, mode=mode)
	vis_img = utils.get_test_images(visible_path, height=None, width=None, mode=mode)
	# else:
	# 	img_ir = utils.tensor_load_rgbimage(infrared_path)
	# 	img_ir = img_ir.unsqueeze(0).float()
	# 	img_vi = utils.tensor_load_rgbimage(visible_path)
	# 	img_vi = img_vi.unsqueeze(0).float()

	# dim = img_ir.shape
	if args.cuda:
		ir_img = ir_img.cuda()
		vis_img = vis_img.cuda()
	ir_img = Variable(ir_img, requires_grad=False)
	vis_img = Variable(vis_img, requires_grad=False)
	dimension = ir_img.size()

	img_fusion = _generate_fusion_image(model, strategy_type, ir_img, vis_img)
	############################ multi outputs ##############################################
	file_name = 'fusion_' + fusion_type + '_' + str(index) +  '_network_' + network_type + '_' + strategy_type + '_' + ssim_weight_str + '.png'
	output_path = output_path_root + file_name
	# # save images
	# utils.save_image_test(img_fusion, output_path)
	# utils.tensor_save_rgbimage(img_fusion, output_path)
	if args.cuda:
		img = img_fusion.cpu().clamp(0, 255).data[0].numpy()
		img = img_fusion.clamp(0, 255).data[0].numpy()
	img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype('uint8')
	utils.save_images(output_path, img)


def vision_features(feature_maps, img_type):
	count = 0
	for features in feature_maps:
		count += 1
		for index in range(features.size(1)):
			file_name = 'feature_maps_' + img_type + '_level_' + str(count) + '_channel_' + str(index) + '.png'
			output_path = 'outputs/feature_maps/' + file_name
			map = features[:, index, :, :].view(1,1,features.size(2),features.size(3))
			map = map*255
			# save images
			utils.save_image_test(map, output_path)

def main():
	# run demo
	# test_path = "images/test-RGB/"
	test_path = "images/IV_images/"
	network_type = 'densefuse'
	fusion_type = 'auto'  # auto, fusion_layer, fusion_all
	strategy_type_list = ['addition', 'attention_weight']  # addition, attention_weight, attention_enhance, adain_fusion, channel_fusion, saliency_mask

	output_path = './outputs/'
	strategy_type = strategy_type_list[0]

	if os.path.exists(output_path) is False:

	# in_c = 3 for RGB images; in_c = 1 for gray images
	in_c = 1
	if in_c == 1:
		out_c = in_c
		mode = 'L'
		model_path = args.model_path_gray
		out_c = in_c
		mode = 'RGB'
		model_path = args.model_path_rgb

	with torch.no_grad():
		print('SSIM weight ----- ' + args.ssim_path[2])
		ssim_weight_str = args.ssim_path[2]
		model = load_model(model_path, in_c, out_c)
		for i in range(1):
			index = i + 1
			infrared_path = test_path + 'IR' + str(index) + '.png'
			visible_path = test_path + 'VIS' + str(index) + '.png'
			run_demo(model, infrared_path, visible_path, output_path, index, fusion_type, network_type, strategy_type, ssim_weight_str, mode)

if __name__ == '__main__':

