spec cpu2006官网上的数据如何解释

解释_spec cpu2006官网上的数据如何解释


| CINT2006 | CFP2006 | CINT2006 Rates | CFP2006 Rates |
那个CINT2006 和CINT2006 Rates有什么区别吗?

参考技术AQ15. What is the difference between a "rate" and a "speed" metric?
There are several different ways to measure computer performance. One way is to measure how fast the computer completes a single task; this is a speed measure. Another way is to measure how many tasks a computer can accomplish in a certain amount of time; this is called a throughput, capacity or rate measure.
The SPECspeed metrics (e.g., SPECint2006) are used for comparing the ability of a computer to complete single tasks.
The SPECrate metrics (e.g., SPECint_rate2006) measure the throughput or rate of a machine carrying out a number of tasks.
For the SPECrate metrics, multiple copies of the benchmarks are run simultaneously. Typically, the number of copies is the same as the number of CPUs on the machine, but this is not a requirement. For example, it would be perfectly acceptable to run 63 copies of the benchmarks on a 64-CPU machine (thereby leaving one CPU free to handle system overhead).
Note: a speed run which uses a parallelizing compiler to distribute one copy of a benchmark over multiple CPUs is still a speed run, and uses the SPECspeed metrics. You can identify such runs by the field "Auto Parallel".参考技术BQ15. What is the difference between a "rate" and a "speed" metric? There are several different ways to measure computer performance.参考技术C  SPEC是标准性能评估公司(Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation)的简称。SPEC是由计算机厂商、系统集成商、大学、研究机构、咨询等多家公司组成的非营利性组织,这个组织的目标是建立、维护一套用于评估计算机系统的标准。
  SPEC CPU 2006是SPEC组织推出的CPU子系统评估软件最新版,在早些年,业界使用的是其上一个版本SPEC CPU 2000。和SPEC CPU 2000一样,SPEC CPU 2006包括了CINT2006和C FP2006两个子项目,前者用于测量和对比整数性能,而后者则用于测量和对比浮点性能,SPEC CPU 2006中对SPEC CPU 2000中的一些测试进行了升级,并抛弃/加入了一些测试,因此两个版本测试得分并没有可比较性。

