


搭配 意思 例句
be in 在 什么什么之中 I am in the kitchen.(我在厨房里。)
be at 在 什么什么地点 He is at school.(他在学校。)
be on 在 什么什么表面 The book is on the table.(这本书在桌子上。)
be for 对 什么什么有好处 This medicine is good for your health.(这种药对你的健康有好处。)
be with 陪伴 She is with her friends.(她和朋友们在一起。)
be of 属于 This book is of the library.(这本书属于图书馆。)
be to 将要 The train is to arrive soon.(火车马上就要到达了。)
be from 来自 He is from China.(他来自中国。)
be off 离开,关闭 The plane is taking off.(飞机正在起飞。)
be into 喜欢 She is into swimming.(她喜欢游泳。)
be onto 知道,明白 She is onto his secret.(她知道了他的秘密。)
be out 不在家,熄灭 He is out for lunch.(他出去吃午餐了。)
be up 醒着,起床 I am up early every day.(我每天起得很早。)
be by 沿 什么什么走 The river is by the bridge.(河流从桥边流过。)
be over 结束,结束了 The meeting is over.(会议已经结束了。)
be under 在 什么什么下面 The table is under the chair.(桌子在椅子下面。)
be back 回来 He will be back tomorrow.(他明天回来。)
be through 完成 I am through with my homework. (我完成了我的功课。)
be down 垂头丧气,萎靡不振 He is feeling down today.(他今天感觉很失落。)
be out of 缺乏某物,用完某物 We are out of milk.(我们的牛奶用光了。)
be up for 准备好做某事 Are you up for a challenge?(你准备好接受挑战了吗?)
be away 离开 He is away on business.(他因公出差了。)
be inside 在里面 The cat is inside the box.(猫在盒子里面。)
be off to 离开,前往 She is off to Paris.(她前往巴黎。)
be off duty 下班,不工作 The nurse is off duty.(护士下班了。)
be out for 寻找某物 She is out for a new job.(她正在找一份新工作。)
be up to 忙于某事,有责任 What are you up to?(你在忙什么?。。。


turn away(from) 不准(某人)进入; turn back (使)原路返回,往回走; turn down 拒绝,关小,把什么什么调低
turn in 交还,上交,提交,获得(利润) turn(...)into 使(...)变成 turn off 关掉,截断(电流、煤气、水等)
turn on 接通(电流、煤气、水等) turn out 结果是;出席;生产;熄灭 turn over 认真思考;(使)翻身;翻身
turn to 向什么什么求助(或请求指教等) turn up 开大,调高;偶然出现;露面
come about 发生,来拿 come across (偶然)遇见,发现;被理解 come after 追逐,追随
come along 到达,跟随;进步 come apart 破裂,破碎 come(a)round 恢复知觉;短暂访问
come away (from)分离,脱离 come back 返回;再度流行;回想起 come down 下降;落下;崩塌;流传下来
come for 来做,来拿 come from 来自,产自 come in 进来;流行;到达;卷入;参与
come into 继承;进入 come into being 形成,出现,存在,成立 come into existence 成立;开始存在
come into force/ effect 开始实施 come off 举行,与什么什么分离或分开 come on 上场;加油;开始;偶然遇见
come out 出版;显示;漏出;出现;盛开 come out at 总共;共计 come over 短暂造访;突然感到
come through (重病后)康复;(消息等)传来 come to 被想出;苏醒;共计 come to a conclusion 得出结论
come true 实现,成为现实 come up 破土而出;升起;发生 come up against 面对,遭到什么什么的反对
come up to 达到;走进 come up with 找到(答案)拿出;想出 come upon 偶然遇见,偶然发现
give away 泄露(秘密等);赠送;分发 give back 归还;使恢复 give in 投降;屈服;认输;让步;交上
give off 发出;放出(光热等) give out 用完;分发;放出(光热等) give rise to 使发生(或存在)
give up 放弃;投降;抛弃 give way to 被什么什么代替;让什么什么先行
lay aside 把什么什么放在一边;留存备用 lay down 放下;制定(条例或原则) lay emphasis on 强调,重视
lay in/ up 贮存,贮备 lay off 停止使用,解雇,停止 lay on 提供(尤指食物或娱乐)
lay out 布置;设计;展开 lay over 做短暂停留
bring about 导致,引起 bring back 把什么什么送回;带回;恢复;使想起 bring down 降低;使着陆;击落;打垮
bring forth 生产,产出 bring forward 提议;将(什么什么的日期或时间)提前 bring in 引入;让什么什么参与;赚得
bring...into being 使产生 bring on 导致;促使提高,帮助进步 bring out 使显现;出版;拿出;生产
bring up 抚养;养育;提出(讨论等) bring out 使显现;出版;拿出;生产 bring sb. to/ (a) round 使某人苏醒
bring... to an end 结束 bring off 做完(艰难的工作)
break a promise 违背诺言 break away (from)逃脱;背叛 break down 失败;垮掉;出故障;打倒;消除
break in 强行进入;打断 break into 强行闯入;突然开始(跑、笑、唱等) break off 停顿;(使)折断;突然终止
break out (战斗、斗打等)突然开始,爆发 break out (of)摆脱(某情况),逃离 break through 突破;克服;做出新的重大发现
break up 破碎;结束(关系等);解散
put across/ over 交流,沟通(思想、感情等) put aside 储存;不理睬,忽视 put away 将什么什么收起;积蓄;存钱
put forward 提出;将什么什么提前;向前拔 put in 安装;花费;插话 put ... into effect 实行,使生效,实施
put off 推迟,延迟;将 ...下车 put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加体重(若干) put out 熄灭,扑灭;清理掉;出版
put through 完成;使经受;给...接通(电话) put up 提高;提升;建造;张贴;留宿 put up with 容忍;忍受
make a / no difference 有 / 没有作用 make a mistake 犯错误 make for 向...移动,促进
make fun of 嘲笑;拿...开玩笑 make it 获得成功;准时到达 make out 理解;辨认清楚
make ... out of... 用...制成... make sense 有道理,讲得通,有意义 make sense of 理解,弄懂
make the most of 充分利用 make up 编造;凑数 ;构成;化妆;补上 make up for 补偿,弥补
make up one's mind 下定决心;做出决定 make use of 使用;利用
look after 照顾,照料 look (a) round 环顾;参观 look at 看;(仔细)察看;思考,考虑
look back(on)照顾,回忆 look down on 蔑视,瞧不起 look for 寻找;期待
look like 看起来好像,似乎,仿佛 look on 旁观 look on ... as 把...看作...
look out 小心,留神;向外看 look over 查看,检查 look through 浏览,快速查看
look up 抬头向上看;拜访;查阅,查验 look up to 钦佩,仰慕,尊敬
cut across 抄近路穿过;影响 cut back 修剪;削减 cut down 砍到;削减;减小
cut in 插嘴,打断 cut off 切断;中断 cut out 删除;把什么什么排除在外
cut through 开辟(出路或通道) cut up 切碎;使伤心

(1) turn

turn away(from) 不准(某人)进入; turn back (使)原路返回,往回走; turn down 拒绝,关小,把什么什么调低 turn in 交还,上交,提交,获得(利润) turn(...)into 使(...)变成 turn off 关掉,截断(电流、煤气、水等) turn on 接通(电流、煤气、水等) turn out 结果是;出席;生产;熄灭 turn over 认真思考;(使)翻身;翻身 turn to 向什么什么求助(或请求指教等) turn up 开大,调高;偶然出现;露面

(2) come

come about 发生,来拿; come across (偶然)遇见,发现;被理解; come after 追逐,追随; come along 到达,跟随;进步; come apart 破裂,破碎; come(a)round 恢复知觉;短暂访问; come away (from)分离,脱离; come back 返回;再度流行;回想起; come down 下降;落下;崩塌;流传下来; come for 来做,来拿; come from 来自,产自; come in 进来;流行;到达;卷入;参与; come into 继承;进入; come into being 形成,出现,存在,成立; come into existence 成立;开始存在; come into force/ effect 开始实施; come off 举行,与什么什么分离或分开; come on 上场;加油;开始;偶然遇见; come out 出版;显示;漏出;出现;盛开; come out at 总共;共计; come over 短暂造访;突然感到; come through (重病后)康复;(消息等)传来; come to 被想出;苏醒;共计; come to a conclusion 得出结论; come true 实现,成为现实; come up 破土而出;升起;发生; come up against 面对,遭到什么什么的反对; come up to 达到;走进; come up with 找到(答案)拿出;想出; come upon 偶然遇见,偶然发现;

(3) give

give away 泄露(秘密等);赠送;分发; give back 归还;使恢复; give off 发出;放出(光热等); give out 用完;分发;放出(光热等); give rise to 使发生(或存在); give up 放弃;投降;抛弃; give way to 被什么什么代替;让什么什么先行;

(4) lay

lay aside 把什么什么放在一边;留存备用; lay down 放下;制定(条例或原则); lay emphasis on 强调,重视; lay in/ up 贮存,贮备; lay off 停止使用,解雇,停止; lay on 提供(尤指食物或娱乐); lay out 布置;设计;展开; lay over 做短暂停留;

(5) bring

bring about 导致,引起; bring back 把什么什么送回;带回;恢复;使想起; bring down 降低;使着陆;击落;打垮; bring forth 生产,产出; bring forward 提议;将(什么什么的日期或时间)提前; bring...into being 使产生; bring on 导致;促使提高,帮助进步; bring out 使显现;出版;拿出;生产; bring up 抚养;养育;提出(讨论等); bring... to an end 结束; bring off 做完(艰难的工作);

(6) break

break a promise 违背诺言; break away (from)逃脱;背叛; break down 失败;垮掉;出故障;打倒;消除; break in 强行进入;打断; break into 强行闯入;突然开始(跑、笑、唱等); break off 停顿;(使)折断;突然终止; break out (战斗、斗打等)突然开始,爆发; break out (of)摆脱(某情况),逃离; break through 突破;克服;做出新的重大发现; break up 破碎;结束(关系等);解散;

(7) put

put across/ over 交流,沟通(思想、感情等); put aside 储存;不理睬,忽视; put forward 提出;将什么什么提前;向前拔; put in 安装;花费;插话; put ... into effect 实行,使生效,实施; put off 推迟,延迟;将 ...下车; put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加体重(若干); put out 熄灭,扑灭;清理掉;出版; put through 完成;使经受;给...接通(电话); put up 提高;提升;建造;张贴;留宿; put up with 容忍忍受,容许

(8) make

make a / no difference 有 / 没有作用 make a mistake 犯错误 make for 向...移动,促进 make fun of 嘲笑;拿...开玩笑 make it 获得成功;准时到达 make out 理解;辨认清楚 make ... out of... 用...制成... make sense 有道理,讲得通,有意义 make sense of 理解,弄懂 make the most of 充分利用 make up 编造;凑数 ;构成;化妆;补上 make up for 补偿,弥补 make up one's mind 下定决心;做出决定 make use of 使用;利用

(9) look

look after 照顾,照料 look (a) round 环顾;参观 look at 看;(仔细)察看;思考,考虑 look back(on)照顾,回忆 look down on 蔑视,瞧不起 look for 寻找;期待 look like 看起来好像,似乎,仿佛 look on 旁观 look on ... as 把...看作... look out 小心,留神;向外看 look over 查看,检查 look through 浏览,快速查看 look up 抬头向上看;拜访;查阅,查验 look up to 钦佩,仰慕,尊敬

(10) cut

cut across 抄近路穿过;影响 cut back 修剪;削减 cut down 砍到;削减;减小 cut in 插嘴,打断 cut off 切断;中断 cut out 删除;把什么什么排除在外 cut through 开辟(出路或通道) cut up 切碎;使伤心


get across 抄近路穿过;把什么什么讲清楚 get ahead(of)走在(什么什么)前面;领先;胜过 get along/on 对付;进展
get along/ on with 与什么什么和睦相处;进展 get away (from) 逃离(什么什么);离开(什么什么) get away with 做(坏事)而未受惩罚;偷走
get back 返回,回家;找回 get behind 落后;拖延;拖欠 get down 记下;写下
get down to 开始做;开始认真注意或对待 get in 进入;到达;购买 get into 进入;习惯于;开始;(使)陷入
get off 下车,动身;(使)入睡;下班 get out 离开;泄露 get out of 从什么什么出来;逃避,摆脱;抛弃
get over 克服;结束;从什么什么中恢复常态 get rid of 摆脱;丢弃;扔掉 get through 顺利通过(考试等);打通
get up 起身;(使)起床;安排 get somewhere/ nowhere 有/毫无进展
die away 逐渐减弱;逐渐消失 die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐平息 die for 为什么什么而死
die form / of 死于 die off 相继死去 die out 消失,灭绝
call at 停靠,(短时间)停留 call away 叫走 call back 回电话;再打电话
call for (公开)要求;需要;(去)接 call forth 引起;使产生 call in 下令收回;召来
call off 把什么什么叫走;取消 call on / upon 邀请;请求;短暂访问 call out 召唤出动;下令罢工
call up 打电话给;使想起;征召入伍
carry away 运走 carry back 运回;使回想起 carry off 成功地对付;赢得,获得
carry on 继续做;坚持干;继续移动 carry out 履行,实施,执行,完成(任务) carry over 运用;延迟;继续存在
carry 什么什么 through 帮助什么什么度过难关;成功完成 carry through(on/with)履行(承诺)
clear away 把什么什么清除掉 clear off 逃离,离开 clear out 把什么什么清空
clear up 消失;放晴;清理
hand (a)round 传递;分发 hand back (to)归还(给什么什么) hand down (to)把什么什么传下去(给什么什么)
hand in 上交;提交 hand out 分发;给予(建议;惩罚等) hand over (to)把什么什么转交给;把什么什么正式交给
hand on (to)把什么什么交给或留给什么什么使用(或处理)
keep away (from)逃离,避免接近;使离开 keep back (使)保持距离;抑制;隐瞒 keep down 蹲下;使保存在低水平
keep(什么什么) from 阻止;隐瞒不住;瞒着 keep 什么什么 in mind 将什么什么加在心中 keep 什么什么 out of 使什么什么置身于+什么什么身外
keep pace with 与什么什么并驾齐驱、步调一致 keep to 不跑题;坚守 keep up 继续;使不低落
keep up with 跟上;与(某人)保持距离
drop back / behind 后退,落后 drop by/ in /round 顺便访问;顺便进入 drop off 下降;小睡
drop out (of)退出;退学
lie down 躺下 lie in 在于
agree on 对什么什么取得一致意见 agree to 答应、应允 agree with 同意;和什么什么意见一致;与什么什么相符


  • get across 抄近路穿过;把什么什么讲清楚

    • I'm going to take this shortcut to get across the park. (我要走这条捷径穿过公园。)

    • She was having trouble getting her point across during the meeting. (她在会议上难以讲清自己的观点。)

  • get ahead(of)走在(什么什么)前面;领先;胜过

    • If we hurry, we can get ahead of the storm and avoid getting wet. (如果我们赶快,就能比暴风雨先到达目的地,避免淋湿。)

    • He studied hard and eventually got ahead of his classmates. (他刻苦学习,最终超过了同学们。)

  • get along/on 对付;进展

    • We need to get along with the limited resources we have. (我们需要用有限的资源去对付。)

    • How are you getting on with your new job? (你新工作进行得怎么样?)

  • get along/ on with 与什么什么和睦相处;进展

    • The neighbors don't get along with each other and often argue. (邻居之间不和睦相处,经常争吵。)

    • I'm getting along well with my new roommate. (我和新室友相处得很好。)

  • get away (from) 逃离(什么什么);离开(什么什么)

    • The prisoner managed to get away from the guards. (罪犯设法从警卫手中逃脱。)

    • I need to get away from work and take a vacation. (我需要离开工作,度个假。)

  • get away with 做(坏事)而未受惩罚;偷走

    • He always gets away with being late for work. (他总是上班迟到而不受惩罚。)

    • The thief managed to get away with the jewelry before anyone noticed. (小偷在有人注意之前成功偷走了珠宝。)

      主句谓语是"managed to get away"/从句谓语:noticed、连词before

  • get back 返回,回家;找回

    • What time do you think we'll get back home? (你认为我们什么时候能回家?)

    • I need to get back my lost phone. (我需要找回我丢失的手机。)

  • get behind 落后;拖延;拖欠

    • The team is getting behind in the game and needs to catch up. (球队在比赛中落后了,需要追赶。)

    • He's getting behind on his rent payments. (他的房租拖欠了。)

  • get down 记下;写下

    • Can you get down this phone number for me, please? (请你帮我记下这个电话号码,好吗?)

    • He got down everything the teacher said during the lecture. (他记下了老师在讲座期间说的一切。)

  • get down to 开始做;开始认真注意或对待

    • We need to get down to business and discuss the budget. (我们需要开始认真地商讨预算问题。)

    • She finally got down to studying for her exams after wasting a lot of time. (她浪费了很多时间,最终才开始认真学习备考。)

  • get in 进入;到达;购买

    • When did you get in town? (你什么时候到达城市的?)

    • I need to get in some groceries before the store closes. (商店关门前我需要进去买些杂货。)

  • get into 进入;习惯于;开始;(使)陷入

    • He got into trouble with the law when he was young.

    • (他年轻时曾经陷入法律的麻烦。)

    • She's really gotten into painting lately. (她最近真的迷上了绘画。)

  • get off 下车,动身;(使)入睡;下班

    • We need to get off at the next stop. (我们需要在下一站下车。)

    • I can't seem to get off to sleep tonight. (我今晚好像无法入睡。)

    • What time do you usually get off work? (你通常几点下班?)

  • get out 离开;泄露

    • Let's get out of here and go somewhere else. (我们离开这里去别的地方吧。)

    • The secret information got out to the public. (机密信息泄露给了公众。)

  • get out of 从什么什么出来;逃避,摆脱;抛弃

    • He always tries to get out of doing his share of the work. (他总是试图逃避做自己应该分担的工作。)

    • She was able to get out of her contract with the company by citing a breach of agreement. (她通过援引协议违约条款,成功地解除了与公司的合同。)

    • He got out of his car and walked over to greet us. (他下车过来和我们打招呼。)

  • get over 克服;结束;从什么什么中恢复常态

    • It took her a long time to get over the loss of her pet. (她花了很长时间才从失去宠物中恢复过来。)

    • I hope we can get over our disagreement and move on. (我希望我们能够解决分歧并继续前进。)

  • get rid of 摆脱;丢弃;扔掉

    • I need to get rid of these old clothes in my closet. (我需要丢掉我衣柜里的这些旧衣服。)

    • She's been trying to get rid of her bad habit for years. (她多年来一直在努力摆脱她的坏习惯。)

  • get through 顺利通过(考试等);打通

    • He finally got through the difficult exam and passed. (他终于通过了困难的考试并通过了。)

    • We need to get through to customer service to resolve this issue. (我们需要打通客户服务电话解决这个问题。)

  • get up 起身;(使)起床;安排

    • What time did you get up this morning? (你今天早上几点起床?)

    • I need to get up early tomorrow to catch my flight. (我明天需要早起赶飞机。)

    • Let's get a meeting set up for next week. (让我们安排下周开会。)

  • get somewhere / nowhere 有 或 毫无进展

    • After many months of hard work, he finally feels like he's getting somewhere with his new business. (经过数月的努力工作,他终于感觉自己在新业务上有所进展。)


  • die away: 逐渐减弱;逐渐消失。

  • The sound of the applause slowly died away. (掌声逐渐消失了。)

  1. die down: 逐渐变弱,逐渐平息。

  • The wind has died down now. (风现在已经减弱了。)

  1. die for: 为什么什么而死。

  • He would die for his country. (他愿意为自己的国家而献身。)

  1. die form / of: 死于。

  • He died of a heart attack. (他死于心脏病。)

  1. die off: 相继死去。

  • The elderly people in the village are dying off. (村里的老年人正在相继离世。)

  1. die out: 消失,灭绝。

  • The tradition died out with the older generation. (这个传统随着老一辈人的离去而消失了。)


  1. call at: 停靠,(短时间)停留。

  • The ship will call at three ports before reaching its final destination. (这艘船在到达最终目的地之前将停靠三个港口。)

  1. call away: 叫走。

  • The boss called him away from the meeting. (老板让他离开会议室。)

  1. call back: 回电话;再打电话。

  • I missed the call, so I had to call back. (我错过了电话,所以不得不回电。)

  1. call for: (公开)要求;需要;(去)接。

  • The protesters are calling for justice. (抗议者要求公正。)

  1. call forth: 引起;使产生。

  • The tragedy called forth a strong emotional response from the community. (这场悲剧引发了社区强烈的情感反应。)

  1. call in: 下令收回;召来。

  • The company called in all the defective products for a recall. (公司下令召回所有有缺陷的产品。)

  1. call on / upon: 邀请;请求;短暂访问。

  • I'm going to call on my old friend when I'm in town. (我到城里时会拜访我的老朋友。)

  1. call out: 召唤出动;下令罢工。

  • The captain called out the troops to defend the border. (指挥官下令调遣部队保卫边境。)

  1. call up: 打电话给;使想起;征召入伍。

  • I'll call up my friend to see if he's free tonight. (我会给朋友打电话看看他今晚是否有空。)

  1. carry away: 运走。

  • The flood carried away everything in its path. (洪水冲走了它所到之处的一切。)

  1. carry back: 运回;使回想起。

  • The smell of the flowers carried me back to my childhood. (花香让我回忆起了童年。)

  1. carry off: 成功地对付;赢得,获得。

  • He managed to carry off the difficult task with ease. (他轻松地完成了困难的任务。)

  1. carry on: 继续做;坚持干;继续移动。

  • We need to carry on working if we want to finish on time. (如果我们想按时完成,就需要继续工作。)

  1. carry out: 履行,实施,执行,完成(任务)。

  • The police will carry out a thorough investigation. (警方将会执行全面的调查。)

  1. carry over: 运用;延迟;继续存在。

  • We can carry over the extra vacation days to next year. (我们可以把多余的休假日保留到明年。)

  1. carry 什么什么 through: 帮助什么什么度过难关;成功完成。

  • Her support helped me carry through the difficult times. (她的支持帮助我渡过了困难时刻。)

  1. carry through(on/with): 履行(承诺)。

  • I promised to help, and I intend to carry through on that promise. (我答应过要帮忙,我打算遵守承诺。)


  • carry away: 运走。例如:The flood carried away everything in its path.

  • carry back: 运回;使回想起。例如:The smell of the flowers carried me back to my childhood.

  • carry off: 成功地对付;赢得,获得。例如:He managed to carry off the difficult task with ease.

  • carry on: 继续做;坚持干;继续移动。例如:We need to carry on working if we want to finish on time.

  • carry out: 履行,实施,执行,完成(任务)。例如:The police will carry out a thorough investigation.

  • carry over: 运用;延迟;继续存在。例如:We can carry over the extra vacation days to next year.

  • carry 什么什么 through: 帮助什么什么度过难关;成功完成。例如:Her support helped me carry through the difficult times.

  • carry through(on/with): 履行(承诺)。例如:I promised to help, and I intend to carry through on that promise.


  • clear away: 把什么什么清除掉。例句:Please clear away the dishes after dinner.(晚饭后请把餐具收拾干净。)

  • clear off: 逃离,离开。例句:Clear off and don't come back!(滚蛋,别再回来!)

  • clear out: 把什么什么清空。例句:Please clear out your locker by Friday.(请在周五之前把你的储物柜清空。)

  • clear up: 消失;放晴;清理。例句:The weather is finally clearing up.(天气终于放晴了。)


  • hand (a)round: 传递;分发。例句:Could you please hand these flyers around the office?(请你把这些传单在办公室里发一下。)

  • hand back (to): 归还(给什么什么)。例句:Please hand back your exam papers at the end of the class.(请在课程结束时归还你们的考卷。)

  • hand down (to): 把什么什么传下去(给什么什么)。例句:My grandfather handed down his watch to me.(我祖父把他的手表传给了我。)

  • hand in: 上交;提交。例句:Please hand in your homework by next Monday.(请在下周一之前交你的作业。)

  • hand out: 分发;给予(建议;惩罚等)。例句:The teacher handed out the exam papers to the students.(老师把考卷发给了学生。)

  • hand over (to): 把什么什么转交给;把什么什么正式交给。例句:The police asked the suspect to hand over his weapons.(警方要求嫌疑人交出武器。)

  • hand on (to): 把什么什么交给或留给什么什么使用(或处理)。例句:I will hand on your message to my boss.(我会把你的信息转告给我的老板。)

  1. keep

  • keep away (from): 逃离,避免接近;使离开。

    • The sign warned people to keep away from the edge of the cliff.(牌子警告人们远离悬崖边。)

  • keep back: (使)保持距离;抑制;隐瞒。

    • He kept back some important information that could have helped us.(他隐瞒了一些本可以帮助我们的重要信息。)

  • keep down: 蹲下;使保存在低水平。

    • She had to keep down her voice so as not to wake the baby.(她不得不压低声音,以免吵醒婴儿。)

  • keep (something) from: 阻止;隐瞒不住;瞒着。

    • You can't keep the truth from me forever.(你不能永远对我隐瞒真相。)

  • keep (something) in mind: 将什么什么加在心中。

    • Keep these safety tips in mind when you're hiking in the mountains.(在登山时记住这些安全提示。)

  • keep (something) out of: 使什么什么置身于+什么什么身外。

    • I try to keep stressful thoughts out of my mind before going to bed.(睡觉前我尽量不让有压力的想法占据我的头脑。)

  • keep pace with: 与什么什么并驾齐驱、步调一致。

    • We need to keep pace with the latest developments in technology.(我们需要跟上科技的最新发展。)

  • keep to: 不跑题;坚守。

    • The speaker asked the audience to keep their questions to the topic at hand.(演讲者要求听众就手头的话题提问。)

  • keep up: 继续;使不低落。

    • You need to keep up your French if you want to live in Paris.(如果你想在巴黎生活,你需要继续学习法语。)

  • keep up with: 跟上;与(某人)保持距离。

    • It's hard to keep up with him when he's running so fast.(当他跑得这么快时,很难跟上他。)

  1. drop

  • drop back/behind: 后退,落后。

    • Our team dropped behind the competition after making some mistakes.(我们的队伍犯了一些错误后落后于竞争对手。)

  • drop by/in/round: 顺便访问;顺便进入。

    • I'm going to drop by my friend's house on the way home.(我回家的路上要顺便拜访一下朋友。)

  • drop off: 下降;小睡。

    • The temperature is starting to drop off as we head into autumn.(随着秋天的来临,温度开始下降。)

  • drop out (of): 退出;退学。

    • She decided to drop out of college and pursue a career in music.(她决定退学并追求音乐事业。)

  1. lie

  • lie down: 躺下。

    • I'm going to lie down for a few minutes to rest my legs.(我要躺下几分钟休息一下我的腿。)

  • lie in: 在于。

    • The key to success lies in hard work and dedication.(成功的关键在于努力和奉献。)

  1. agree

  • agree on: 对什么什么取得一致意见。

    • We need to agree on a date for the meeting before we can proceed.(我们需要就开会日期达成一致意见才能继续。)

  • agree to: 答应,同意,应允

    • I finally convinced her to agree to my proposal after weeks of negotiation.(经过数周的协商,我最终成功说服她同意我的提议。)

    • The union and management were able to agree to a new contract after months of talks.(经过数月的谈判,工会和管理层达成了一份新合同。)

  • agree with 同意,与什么什么意见一致,与什么什么相符

    • The evidence seems to agree with the hypothesis that was put forward earlier.(证据似乎与先前提出的假设相符。)

go about 开始做,着手做;继续做 go after 追求;谋求;追赶 go against 与什么什么相背;对什么什么不利
go ahead 进行;先走;开始做 go along 继续;开展 go along with 赞同;和什么什么观点一致
go away 走开,离开;消失 go back 回到;返回(某地) go back to 追溯到;回忆起
go by (时间)流逝,过去;遵循 go down 倒下;落下;(船)下沉;下降 go for 努力争取;(更)喜欢;适用于
go in for 参加(考试或竞赛);爱好;追求 go into 详细调查;投入(某事) go off 离开;爆炸;停止运行;
go on 继续下去;发生;(时间)流逝 go on with 继续做 go out 外出交际;过时;发表;熄灭
go over 仔细检查;反复研究 go through 经历,遭受;仔细察看,检查 go through with 完成(艰难或令人不快的事)
go up (价格等)上升;上涨 go with 同意,接收;与(某物)相配 go without 没有什么什么而勉强应付
consist in 存在于,存在于 consist of 由什么什么组成(或构成)
set about 开始做,着手做 set apart 使突出;留出,拔出 set aside 把什么什么放到一旁;留出(钱或金钱)
set back 使推迟,耽误 set down 规定;记下,写下 set in 到来;开始
set off 出发,启程;使爆炸‘;引发 set out 动身,启程;(怀着目标)开始工作 set sb. free 释放某人
set up 创建,建立;安装好;安排
take advantage of 利用;欺骗 take after (外貌或行为)像;追赶,跟踪 take along 随身带着;
take apart 拆卸,拆开 take什么什么 as 什么什么 把什么什么 作为 什么什么 take away 消(感情、痛苦等)带走
take back 收回;与什么什么 重归于好 take down 记录;写下;拆掉 take effect 见效;生效
take exercise 锻炼 take in 吸入;包含;领会,理解;雇佣 take out 带(某人)出去;切除
take over 接管,接替 take place 发生;进行 take the place of 代替,替换
take to 养成什么什么的习惯;开始喜欢 take up 占用;开始从事;学着做 take it for granted(that...)认为什么什么是理所当然
count in 把什么什么算入;包括 count on 指望,依靠,依赖 count out 不把什么什么算入;不包括;逐一地数
count up (按顺序)数数;计算总数
draw back 移开;后退 draw in (天黑)渐早,(白昼)渐短 draw off 抽出,排掉
draw on/ upon 凭借、利用,动用 draw out (天黑)渐晚,(白昼)渐长 draw sb. in 使某人卷入;使某人参与
draw sth .out 拖延,拉长 draw up 拟定,制定,起草
pull down 拆毁;使扫兴 pull in 进站停靠;驶向路边或某处停靠 pull off 做成,完成
pull out (车辆或司机)驶出;脱离 pull over (车辆或司机)驶向路边 pull (sb).through (协助某人) 完成(十分困难的事情)
pull together 齐心协力 pull up (车辆或司机)停车;斥责
hold back 隐瞒;抑制(感情等);阻挡 hold down 按住(某人);使保持低水平 hold in 忍住(真实感情)
hold off 推迟;战胜;克服 hold on 等一下,别挂断;坚持住 hold onto/on to 保住(优势);抓紧
hold out 坚持;伸出(手或者胳膊) hold over 推迟,搁置 hold together (使)保持团结
hold up 支持住;举起;障碍
check in (at) (在旅馆、机场等)登记、报道 check into 登记入住(旅馆或私立学院) check off 给什么什么画上钩
check on 核实,检查; check out 调查;查证;核实;结账离开 check over / through 仔细检查;核对
check up on 监督;查证 check with sb. 向某人证实
spread out 伸展身体,摊开东西;散开 spread什么什么over/ on 什么什么 在什么什么上涂(或摊开)

ask a favor 请帮个忙 ask about 询问,问 ask after 问候,问好
ask around 四处打听,多方询问 ask for 请求;说要找(某人) ask (sb.)for help (向某人)寻求帮助
run across 偶然遇见(或看到) run after 追求;追赶 run away 突然离开,逃离
run away from 躲避,从什么什么逃离 run down (使)停止工作;贬低;把什么什么撞到 run into 突然遇见;遇到(困难等);撞上
run off 复制;(使)流出 run out (of)用完;耗尽 run over (车辆或司机)撞到或碾压;溢出
run through 快速穿越;遍布;快速阅读 run up 积欠(账款、债务等);竖起 run up against 遭遇(困难)
leave alone 不碰;不移动;不打扰 leave aside 不予考虑;搁置一边 leave behind 忘了带;丢下;把什么什么抛在后面
leave for 动身去 leave off 停止,中断,不包括 leave out 不包括;不提及
result from 因什么什么发生 result in 造成,导致
knock at / 敲,击败 knock back 阻碍,妨碍 knock down 杀价,减价;打倒;推倒
knock off 停止,中断;减价 knock out 使不省人事;使精疲力尽 knock over 打倒,击倒,撞到
work as 从事什么什么工作 work at 致力于;努力做 work for 受雇于,为什么什么工作;力争
work on 努力改善(或完成);对什么什么奏效 work out 锻炼身体;计算;解决 work to 根据什么什么行事
pick off 去除 pick out 精心挑选;认出来 pick over/ through 用心挑选,筛选
pick up 拿起;接电话;接人;学会


go about 开始做,着手做;继续做 go after 追求;谋求;追赶 go against 与什么什么相背;对什么什么不利 go ahead 进行;先走;开始做 go along 继续;开展 go along with 赞同;和什么什么观点一致 go away 走开,离开;消失 go back 回到;返回(某地) go back to 追溯到;回忆起 go by (时间)流逝,过去;遵循 go down 倒下;落下;(船)下沉;下降 go for 努力争取;(更)喜欢;适用于 go in for 参加(考试或竞赛);爱好;追求 go into 详细调查;投入(某事) go off 离开;爆炸;停止运行; go on 继续下去;发生;(时间)流逝 go on with 继续做 go out 外出交际;过时;发表;熄灭 go over 仔细检查;反复研究 go through 经历,遭受;仔细察看,检查 go through with 完成(艰难或令人不快的事) go up (价格等)上升;上涨 go with 同意,接收;与(某物)相配 go without 没有什么什么而勉强应付


consist in 存在于,存在于 consist of 由什么什么组成(或构成)


set about 开始做,着手做 set apart 使突出;留出,拔出 set aside 把什么什么放到一旁;留出(钱或金钱) set back 使推迟,耽误 set down 规定;记下,写下 set in 到来;开始 set off 出发,启程;使爆炸‘;引发 set out 动身,启程;(怀着目标)开始工作 set sb. free 释放某人 set up 创建,建立;安装好;安排


take advantage of 利用;欺骗 take after (外貌或行为)像;追赶,跟踪 take along 随身带着; take apart 拆卸,拆开 take什么什么 as 什么什么 意为 把什么什么 作为 什么什么


take away 消(感情、痛苦等)带走 take back 收回;与什么什么 重归于好 take down 记录;写下;拆掉 take effect 见效;生效 take exercise 锻炼 take in 吸入;包含;领会,理解;雇佣 take out 带(某人)出去;切除 take over 接管,接替 take place 发生;进行 take the place of 代替,替换 take to 养成什么什么的习惯;开始喜欢 take up 占用;开始从事;学着做 take it for granted(that...)认为什么什么是理所当然


count in 把什么什么算入;包括 count on 指望,依靠,依赖 count out 不把什么什么算入;不包括;逐一地数 count up (按顺序)数数;计算总数


draw back 移开;后退 draw in (天黑)渐早,(白昼)渐短 draw off 抽出,排掉 draw on/ upon 凭借、利用,动用 draw out (天黑)渐晚,(白昼)渐长 draw sb. in 使某人卷入;使某人参与 draw sth .out 拖延,拉长 draw up 拟定,制定,起草


pull down 拆毁;使扫兴 pull in 进站停靠;驶向路边或某处停靠 pull off 做成,完成 pull out (车辆或司机)驶出;脱离 pull over (车辆或司机)驶向路边 pull(sb).through (协助某人) 完成(十分困难的事情) pull together 齐心协力 pull up (车辆或司机)停车;斥责


hold back 隐瞒;抑制(感情等);阻挡 hold down 按住(某人);使保持低水平 hold in 忍住(真实感情) hold off 推迟;战胜;克服 hold on 等一下,别挂断;坚持住 hold onto/on to 保住(优势);抓紧 hold out 坚持;伸出(手或者胳膊) hold over 推迟,搁置 hold together (使)保持团结 hold up 支持住;举起;障碍


check in (at) (在旅馆、机场等)登记、报道 check into 登记入住(旅馆或私立学院) check off 给什么什么画上钩 check on 核实,检查; check out 调查;查证;核实;结账离开 check over/ through 仔细检查;核对 check up on 监督;查证 check with sb. 向某人证实


spread out 伸展身体,摊开东西;散开 spread 什么什么 over/ on 意为:什么什么 在什么什么上涂(或摊开)


(21) go

go about 开始做,着手做;继续做 例句:Let's go about doing our work.(让我们开始干我们的工作。)

go after 追求;谋求;追赶 例句:He is going after his dream of becoming a professional football player.(他正在追求成为职业足球运动员的梦想。)

go against 与什么什么相背;对什么什么不利 例句:His decision goes against the interests of the company.(他的决定有损于公司的利益。)

go ahead 进行;先走;开始做 例句:You can go ahead and start eating without me.(你可以先开吃,我稍后加入。)

go along 继续;开展 例句:The project is going along smoothly.(这个项目进展顺利。)

go along with 赞同;和什么什么观点一致 例句:I don't really go along with his way of thinking.(我并不完全赞同他的思考方式。)

go away 走开,离开;消失 例句:Please go away and leave me alone.(请走开,别打扰我。)

go back 回到;返回(某地) 例句:I want to go back to my hometown for a visit.(我想回故乡探亲。)

go back to 追溯到;回忆起 例句:This tradition goes back to ancient times.(这个传统可以追溯到古代。)

go by (时间)流逝,过去;遵循 例句:The years go by so quickly.(岁月匆匆而过。)

go down 倒下;落下;(船)下沉;下降 例句:The sun is going down.(太阳正在下落。)

go for 努力争取;(更)喜欢;适用于 例句:I'm going for a promotion at work.(我正努力争取晋升。)

go in for 参加(考试或竞赛);爱好;追求 例句:He doesn't really go in for sports.(他并不是很热衷于运动。)

go into 详细调查;投入(某事) 例句:We need to go into this matter more deeply.(我们需要更深入地调查这个问题。)

go off 离开;爆炸;停止运行; 例句:The alarm went off at six o'clock this morning.(今天早上六点闹钟响了。)

go on 继续下去;发生;(时间)流逝 例句:Let's go on with the meeting.(让我们继续开会。)

go on with 继续做 例句:Please go on with your story.(请继续讲你的故事。)

go out 外出交际;过时;发表;熄灭 例句:We're going out to dinner tonight.(今晚我们要外出吃晚餐。)

go over 仔细检查;反复研究 例句:Please go over this report and check for any errors.(请仔细检查这个报告,看有没有错误。)

go through 经历,遭受;仔细察看,检查 例句:She went through a difficult time after her husband died.(丈夫去世后,她经历了一段艰难的时期。)

go through with 完成(艰难或令人不快的事) 例句:He was determined to go through with the surgery.(他下定决心要完成手术。)

go up (价格等)上升

go with 同意,接收;与(某物)相配 例句:This dress goes well with your shoes.(这件裙子和你的鞋子很搭配。)

go without 没有什么什么而勉强应付 例句:I can go without coffee for a few days.(我可以几天不喝咖啡勉强应付。)

(22) consist

consist in 存在于,存在于 例句:The beauty of this painting consists in its simplicity.(这幅画之所以美在于它的简洁。)

consist of 由什么什么组成(或构成) 例句:The committee consists of five members.(委员会由五名成员组成。)

(23) set

set about 开始做,着手做 例句:Let's set about cleaning the house.(让我们开始打扫房子。)

set apart 使突出;留出,拔出 例句:The red flowers were set apart from the rest.(红色的花被从其他花中拔出来了。)

set aside 把什么什么放到一旁;留出(钱或金钱) 例句:He set aside some money for his daughter's education.(他留出了一些钱用于女儿的教育。)

set back 使推迟,耽误 例句:The bad weather set our construction schedule back by a week.(恶劣的天气耽误了我们一个星期的建筑进度。)

set down 规定;记下,写下 例句:The company set down new regulations for employee behavior.(公司制定了新的员工行为规定。)

set in 到来;开始 例句:Winter has set in early this year.(今年冬天来得很早。)

set off 出发,启程;使爆炸‘;引发 例句:We're planning to set off on our trip tomorrow morning.(我们计划明天早上出发旅行。)

set out 动身,启程;(怀着目标)开始工作 例句:He set out to become a successful businessman.(他开始追求成为一名成功的商人。)

set sb. free 释放某人 例句:The prisoner was set free after serving his sentence.(那个囚犯在服完刑期后被释放了。)

set up 创建,建立;安装好;安排 例句:They plan to set up a new business together.(他们计划一起创立一家新企业。)

(24) take

take advantage of 利用;欺骗 例句:He took advantage of the situation to make more money.(他利用这种情况赚了更多的钱。)

take after (外貌或行为)像;追赶,跟踪 例句:She takes after her mother in both looks and personality.(她在外貌和个性方面都像她的母亲。)

take along 随身带着; 例句:Don't forget to take your passport along when you travel abroad.(出国旅行时别忘了随身带上你的护照。)

take apart 拆卸,拆开 例句:He took apart the clock to see how it worked.(他拆开了钟表想看看它是如何运转的。)

take 什么什么 as 把什么什么 作为 什么什么 例句:I take this opportunity as a chance to improve myself.(我把这次机会当做提高自己的机会。)

take away 消除(感情、痛苦等)带走 例句:A good book can take away the stress of a long day.(一本好书可以消除一整天的压力。)

take back 取回;收回(说话或行动);与什么什么重归于好 例句:I want to take back what I said earlier.(我想收回我之前说的话。)

take effect 见效;生效


  • The medication will take effect in about an hour.(药物将在大约一个小时内开始发挥作用。)

  • The new policy will take effect next month.(新政策将于下个月开始生效。)

take exercise 锻炼


  • I try to take some form of exercise every day, whether it's going for a run or doing yoga.(我每天都会尝试进行某种形式的锻炼,无论是跑步还是做瑜伽。)

take in 收留,接待;理解;缩小(衣服) 例句:The hotel can take in up to 200 guests.(这家酒店最多可容纳200位客人。)

take off 起飞;脱下(衣物);迅速流行;休假 例句:The plane is scheduled to take off at 8:00 am.(这架飞机计划在早上8点起飞。)

take on 接纳;雇用,聘请;呈现,承担 例句:The company is taking on new staff for the busy season.(公司为繁忙季节雇佣了新员工。)

take out 取出切除;带某人外出(用餐等) 例句:Can you take out the trash for me?(你能替我把垃圾拿出去吗?)

take over 接替,接任;接收 例句:She will take over as CEO next month.(她将于下个月接任CEO。)

take place 发生;进行


  • The concert will take place in the park next Saturday.(音乐会将于下周六在公园举行。)

  • The meeting was supposed to take place at 10am, but it was delayed.(会议原定于上午10点举行,但被推迟了。)

take the place of 代替,替换


  • Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices.(电脑已经取代了大多数办公室的打字机。)

  • Sarah's assistant will take her place while she's on vacation.(萨拉休假期间,她的助手将代替她工作。)

take to 养成什么什么的习惯;开始喜欢


  • Since moving to the city, I've taken to walking everywhere instead of driving.(自从搬到城市以来,我开始养成步行而不是开车的习惯。)

  • At first, Mark didn't like sushi, but after trying it a few times, he took to it.(一开始,马克不喜欢寿司,但尝试了几次后,他开始喜欢上了。)

take up 占据空间;开始从事(某项活动);学着做 例句:The new sofa takes up too much space in the living room.(新沙发在客厅里占用了太多的空间。)

take it for granted (that...)认为什么什么是理所当然

例句:Don't take your health for granted. Take care of yourself.(不要把健康视为理所当然。好好照顾自己。)


(25) count

count in 把什么什么算入;包括 例句:Don't forget to count me in for the party.(别忘了把我算进派对名单里。)

count on 指望,依靠,依赖 例句:I'm counting on you to finish the project on time.(我指望你能按时完成这个项目。)

count out 不把什么什么算入;不包括;逐一地数 例句:Let's count out the money together to make sure we have enough.(我们一起数钱以确保足够。)

count up (按顺序)数数;计算总数 例句:We need to count up how much money we raised for the charity event.(我们需要统计我们为慈善活动筹集的款项总数。)

(26) draw

draw back 移开;后退 例句:The curtains can be drawn back to let more light in.(窗帘可以拉开以增加光线。)

draw in (天黑)渐早,(白昼)渐短 例句:As winter approaches, the days start to draw in.(随着冬天的来临,白昼开始变短。)

draw off 抽出,排掉 例句:She drew off the excess liquid from the recipe.(她从食谱中抽出多余的液体。)

draw on/ upon 凭借、利用,动用 例句:She drew on her past experience to tackle the new challenge.(她动用过去的经验来应对新的挑战。)

draw out (天黑)渐晚,(白昼)渐长 例句:As spring arrives, the days start to draw out.(随着春天的到来,白昼开始变长。)

draw sb. in 使某人卷入;使某人参与 例句:She always knows how to draw me in to her conversations.(她总是知道如何让我参与她的谈话。)

draw sth. out 拖延,拉长 例句:Let's not draw this meeting out any longer than necessary.(让我们不要把这次会议拖得比必要时间更长。)

draw up 拟定,制定,起草 例句:The lawyers will draw up a contract for us to sign.(律师们将为我们起草一份合同以供签署。)


pull down 拆毁;使扫兴 例句:They're going to pull down the old building and put up a new one.(他们打算拆除旧建筑,建造一座新的。)

pull in 进站停靠;驶向路边或某处停靠 例句:The train will pull in at platform five.(火车将在5号站台停靠。)

pull off 做成,完成 例句:She managed to pull off the difficult task with ease.(她轻松完成了这个困难的任务。)

pull out (车辆或司机)驶出;脱离 例句:The bus pulled out of the station and headed for the airport.(公共汽车从车站驶出,前往机场。)

pull over (车辆或司机)驶向路边 例句:The police officer signaled for the car to pull over.(警察示意车辆靠边停车。)

pull(sb).through (协助某人) 完成(十分困难的事情) 例句:Her friends helped pull her through the tough times.(她的朋友帮助她度过了艰难的时期。)

pull together 齐心协力 例句:We need to pull together to finish this project on time. 我们需要齐心协力按时完成这个项目。

pull up: (车辆或司机)停车,通常指暂时停车。

例句:The taxi pulled up outside the hotel entrance.(出租车在酒店入口处停下。)

pull up第二个意思:斥责某人,通常指在某事上纠正或警告某人。

例句:The teacher had to pull the student up for talking during class.(老师不得不批评这名学生在上课期间说话。)

(28) hold

hold back 隐瞒;抑制(感情等);阻挡 例句:She had to hold back tears as she said goodbye.(她不得不忍住泪水告别。)

hold down 按住(某人);使保持低水平 例句:The nurse held down the patient while the doctor examined him.(护士按住病人,医生给他检查。)

hold in 忍住(真实感情) 例句:He had to hold in his anger when he heard the news.(他在听到这个消息时不得不压抑自己的愤怒。)

hold off 推迟;战胜;克服 例句:We need to hold off on making a decision until we have more information.(在我们拥有更多信息之前,我们需要推迟做出决定。)

hold on 等一下,别挂断;坚持住 例句:Hold on, I'll be right there.(别挂断,我马上过来。)

hold onto/on to 保住(优势);抓紧 例句:She held onto her lead and crossed the finish line first.(她保持领先并率先越过终点线。)

hold out 坚持;伸出(手或者胳膊) 例句:She held out her hand for him to shake.(她伸出手让他握手。)

hold over 推迟,搁置 例句:The meeting was held over until next week.(会议推迟到下周举行。)

hold together (使)保持团结 例句:We need to hold together as a team if we want to succeed.(如果我们想成功,就必须团结在一起。)

hold up 支持住;举起;障碍 例句:She had to hold up the heavy box while he opened the door.(他打开门时,她不得不托着重箱子。)


check in (at) (在旅馆、机场等)登记、报道 例句:We need to check in at the hotel before we can go sightseeing.(我们需要先在酒店登记入住,然后再去观光。)

check into 登记入住(旅馆或私立学院) 例句:They checked into the resort and went straight to the beach.(他们登记入住度假村,直接去了海滩。)

check off 给什么什么画上钩 例句:After she packed her suitcase, she checked off everything on her packing list.(她收拾好行李箱后,在她的装箱清单上勾掉了所有东西。)

check on 核实,检查; 例句:I'll go check on the baby to make sure she's sleeping soundly.(我去看看孩子,确保她睡得很安稳。)

check out 调查;查证;核实;结账离开 例句:The police need to check out the alibi of the suspect.(警方需要调查嫌疑人的不在场证明。)

check over/ through 仔细检查;核对 例句:He checked over his work to make sure there were no mistakes.(他检查了自己的工作,确保没有错误。)

check up on 监督;查证 例句:The boss likes to check up on his employees to see how they're doing.(老板喜欢监督他的员工,看看他们的工作情况如何。)

check with sb. 向某人证实 例句:I need to check with my manager before I can approve your vacation request.(我需要向我的经理核实后才能批准你的休假请求。)



spread out 伸展身体,摊开东西;散开 例句:The children spread out on the grass and started playing.(孩子们散开在草地上开始玩耍。)

spread something over/on 意为:什么什么在什么什么上涂(或摊开) ;

  • spread butter on toast 在吐司上涂黄油

  • spread paint over the canvas 在画布上涂颜料

  • spread a blanket over the bed 在床上铺一条毛毯

  • spread cream cheese on a bagel 在百吉饼上涂奶油芝士

  • spread fertilizer on the lawn 在草坪上施肥


(31) ask

ask a favor 请帮个忙 例句:Can I ask a favor of you?(我可以请你帮个忙吗?)

ask about 询问,问 例句:He asked about my family and how they were doing.(他询问了我的家人和他们的近况。)

ask after 问候,问好 例句:Please say hello to your parents for me and ask after their health.(请代我向你的父母问好并关心他们的健康。)

ask around 四处打听,多方询问 例句:I'll ask around and see if anyone knows where the party is.(我会四处打听看看有没有人知道派对在哪里。)

ask for 请求;说要找(某人) 例句:She asked for a glass of water.(她请求要一杯水。) ask (sb.)for help (向某人)寻求帮助 例句:Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.(如果需要,不要害怕向别人寻求帮助。)

(32) run

run across 偶然遇见(或看到) 例句:I ran across an old friend on the street yesterday.(昨天我在街上偶然碰到了一个老朋友。)

run after 追求;追赶 例句:The cat ran after the mouse, but couldn't catch it.(猫追逐老鼠,但没能抓住它。)

run away 突然离开,逃离 例句:The children ran away from home and were missing for three days.(孩子们离家出走,失踪了三天。)

run away from 躲避,从什么什么逃离 例句:You can't keep running away from your problems.(你不能一直逃避你的问题。)

run down (使)停止工作;贬低;把什么什么撞到 例句:The batteries ran down and I had to replace them.(电池没电了,我不得不更换它们。) run into 突然遇见;遇到(困难等);撞上 例句:I ran into an old friend at the grocery store yesterday.(昨天在杂货店里我遇到了一个老朋友。)

run off 复制;(使)流出 例句:Can you run off a few copies of this document for me?(你能给我复印几份这份文件吗?)

run out (of)用完;耗尽 例句:We ran out of milk this morning, so I had to go to the store.(今天早上我们的牛奶用完了,所以我不得不去商店。)

run over (车辆或司机)撞到或碾压;溢出 例句:The car ran over a dog on the road.(车子在路上撞到了一只狗。)

run through 快速穿越;遍布;快速阅读 例句:I need to run through my notes before the meeting.(开会前我需要快速浏览一下我的笔记。)

run up 积欠(账款、债务等);竖起 例句:He ran up a huge credit card debt while he was in college.(他在大学期间积欠了巨额信用卡债务。) run up against 遭遇(困难) 例句:We've run up against some unexpected problems with this project.(我们在这个项目中遇到了一些意想不到的问题。)

(33) leave

leave alone 不碰;不移动;不打扰 例句:Leave the cat alone. It's sleeping.(别去碰那只猫,它正在睡觉。)

leave aside 不予考虑;搁置一边 例句:Let's leave that issue aside for now and focus on the more pressing matter.(现在我们把这个问题搁置一边,集中精力解决更紧迫的事情。)

leave behind 忘了带;丢下;把什么什么抛在后面 例句:I always seem to leave something behind when I travel.(我旅行时总是会忘记带某些东西。)

leave for 动身去 例句:What time are you leaving for the airport tomorrow?(你明天几点出发去机场?)

leave off 停止,中断,不包括 例句:We'll have to leave off the project until we get more funding.(我们必须暂停这个项目直到我们得到更多的资金。)

leave out 不包括;不提及 例句:Don't leave me out of the loop. I want to be kept informed.(不要把我排除在外,我想要保持知情。)

(34) result

result from 因什么什么发生 例句:The accident resulted from a combination of factors, including bad weather and poor visibility.(这起事故是由多种因素造成的,包括恶劣的天气和能见度低。)

result in 造成,导致 例句:The heavy rain resulted in flooding throughout the city.(大雨导致整个城市发生了洪水。)

(35) knock

knock at / 敲,击败 例句:Someone is knocking at the door.(有人在敲门。)

knock back 阻碍,妨碍 例句:His lack of experience knocked him back in the hiring process.(他缺乏经验,在招聘过程中遭到阻碍。)

knock down 杀价,减价;打倒;推倒 例句:The store knocked down the price of the TV by 20%.(商店将电视的价格降低了20%。)

knock off 停止,中断;减价 例句:Let's knock off work early today and go to the beach.(今天我们早点下班去海滩吧。)

knock out 使不省人事;使精疲力尽 例句:The boxer was knocked out in the third round.(拳击手在第三轮被打晕了。)

knock over 打倒,击倒,撞到 例句:I accidentally knocked over a vase and broke it.(我不小心撞到了一个花瓶并打翻了它。)

(36) work

work as 从事什么什么工作 例句:He used to work as a teacher, but now he's a writer.(他以前是一名教师,现在成为了一名作家。)

work at 致力于;努力做 例句:I'm currently working at improving my English skills.(我现在致力于提高我的英语能力。)

work for 受雇于,为什么什么工作;力争 例句:She works for a large corporation in the marketing department.(她在一家大公司的市场部门工作。)

work on 努力改善(或完成);对什么什么奏效 例句:I need to work on my presentation skills before next week's meeting.(下周会议前我需要努力改善我的演讲技巧。)

work out 锻炼身体;计算;解决 例句:I try to work out at the gym three times a week.(我每周尽量去健身房锻炼三次。)

work to 根据什么什么行事 例句:We're working to a tight deadline, so we need to stay focused and work efficiently.(我们工作的时间紧迫,所以需要保持专注和高效。)

(37) pick

pick off 去除 例句:She picked off the dead leaves from the plant.(她把植物上的死叶子去掉了。)

pick out 精心挑选;认出来 例句:I'm trying to pick out a gift for my brother's birthday.(我正在挑选一份礼物给我兄弟过生日。)

pick over/ through 用心挑选,筛选 例句:The shoppers were picking over the merchandise at the clearance sale.(顾客们正在清仓大甩卖时仔细地挑选商品。)

pick up 拿起;接电话;接人;学会 例句:Can you pick up some milk on your way home?(你回家的路上能不能帮我买点牛奶?)




"or something"通常用在一个人或者一件事情的描述后面,表示这个描述不是很准确或者说有些模糊,可以用来表示大概的意思。例如,“I think he's in his twenties or something.” 意思是“我认为他应该是20多岁”,但实际上并不确定具体是几岁。在英语中,"or something"还经常用在表达建议或者提供选择时,表示还有其他可选项或者建议,例如,“Let's go to the park or something.” 意思是“我们去公园或者去其他什么地方吧。”

"something"一词尾通常加在名词前面,用来表示不确定或未知的事物或物品。例如,如果我们想要形容一个人穿着奇怪的衣服,但是不确定这件衣服叫什么,可以说“他穿了一件什么东西(something)”。在英语中,“something”还可以用来表达含糊、模糊或不确定的情况。例如,“I have something else to do.” 意思是“我还有其他事情要做”,但具体指什么事情并没有说明。


  • He would be the last man to break his word

  • break someone's word 不守诺言

