
import collections
import functools
# Set headless-friendly backend.
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('Agg')  # pylint: disable=multiple-statements
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image as Image
import PIL.ImageColor as ImageColor
import PIL.ImageDraw as ImageDraw
import PIL.ImageFont as ImageFont
import six
import tensorflow as tf

from object_detection.core import standard_fields as fields
def draw_bounding_box_on_image(image, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, color='red', thickness=4,
                               display_str_list=(), use_normalized_coordinates=True):
  """Adds a bounding box to an image.

  Bounding box coordinates can be specified in either absolute (pixel) or
  normalized coordinates by setting the use_normalized_coordinates argument.

  Each string in display_str_list is displayed on a separate line above the
  bounding box in black text on a rectangle filled with the input 'color'.
  If the top of the bounding box extends to the edge of the image, the strings
  are displayed below the bounding box.

    image: a PIL.Image object.
    ymin: ymin of bounding box.
    xmin: xmin of bounding box.
    ymax: ymax of bounding box.
    xmax: xmax of bounding box.
    color: color to draw bounding box. Default is red.
    thickness: line thickness. Default value is 4.
    display_str_list: list of strings to display in box
                      (each to be shown on its own line).
    use_normalized_coordinates: If True (default), treat coordinates
      ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax as relative to the image.  Otherwise treat
      coordinates as absolute.
  draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
  im_width, im_height = image.size
  if use_normalized_coordinates:
    (left, right, top, bottom) = (xmin * im_width, xmax * im_width, ymin * im_height, ymax * im_height)
    (left, right, top, bottom) = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
  draw.line([(left, top), (left, bottom), (right, bottom), (right, top), (left, top)], width=thickness, fill=color)
    font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 24)
  except IOError:
    font = ImageFont.load_default()

  # If the total height of the display strings added to the top of the bounding
  # box exceeds the top of the image, stack the strings below the bounding box
  # instead of above.
  display_str_heights = [font.getsize(ds)[1] for ds in display_str_list]
  # Each display_str has a top and bottom margin of 0.05x.
  total_display_str_height = (1 + 2 * 0.05) * sum(display_str_heights)

  if top > total_display_str_height:
    text_bottom = top
    text_bottom = bottom + total_display_str_height
  # Reverse list and print from bottom to top.
  for display_str in display_str_list[::-1]:
    text_width, text_height = font.getsize(display_str)
    margin = np.ceil(0.05 * text_height)
    draw.rectangle( [(left, text_bottom - text_height - 2 * margin), (left + text_width, text_bottom)],fill=color)
    draw.text( (left + margin, text_bottom - text_height - margin), display_str, fill='black', font=font)
    text_bottom -= text_height - 2 * margin

