

package HashMapPractice;

public class Letter {
	private int count;
	public Letter () {

	public Letter(int count) {
		this.count = count;

	public int getCount() {
		return count;

	public void setCount(int count) {
		this.count = count;


package HashMapPractice;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * 统计这句话中单词出现的次数
 * The early birds catch the worm Twenty years old is not the years to be happy
 * 存储到Map中
 * key:String
 * value:自定义类型
 * 分拣思路:
 * 方法1.为所有的key(不同的单词)创建容器
 * 		 之后容器中存放对应的Value
 * 方法2:第一次为所有的单词创建容器并存放值
 * 		  第二次直接使用容器存放值
 * @author Wang

public class Practice01 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String str = "The early birds catch the worm Twenty years old is not the years to be happy";
		String[] strArray = str.split(" ");//将字符串以空格为界限  进行分割;
	/*	for(String temp : strArray) {//这个for-each或者叫增强for   是直接遍历数组里面的元素   而不是通过index遍历的 跟迭代器的原理类似  
	/*	Map <String,Letter> map = new HashMap <String,Letter> ();//创建一个map 
		for(String temp : strArray){
			if(!map.containsKey(temp)) {//如果map里面没有包含这个单词的的容器Letter就创建一个
				map.put(temp,new Letter());
		for(String temp : strArray) {
			Letter let = map.get(temp);//把创建好的容器Letter拿出来;
			let.setCount(let.getCount() + 1);//对存放单词的数组进行遍历  出现相同的单词就会拿出相同的容器  让容器里面的count加一
		Set <String> keys = map.keySet();//把Map所有的key都拿出来放到keys里面  那么我们遍历map就只需要遍历keys这个数组就行了
		for(String key : keys) {
			System.out.println(key + "出现了" + map.get(key).getCount() + "次");
	*/  //我们可以把第一个for  和第二个for进行合并简化一下  看下面的method01
	public static void method01() {
		String str = "The early birds catch the worm Twenty years old is not the years to be happy";
		String[] strArray = str.split(" ");//将字符串以空格为界限  进行分割
		Map <String,Letter> map = new HashMap <String,Letter> ();//创建一个map 
		for(String temp : strArray){
			if(!map.containsKey(temp)) {//如果map里面没有包含这个单词的的容器Letter就创建一个
				map.put(temp,new Letter());
			Letter let = map.get(temp);//然后把创建好的容器Letter拿出来;
			let.setCount(let.getCount() + 1);//对存放单词的数组进行遍历  出现相同的单词就会拿出相同的容器  让容器里面的count加一
		Set <String> keys = map.keySet();//把Map所有的key都拿出来放到keys里面  那么我们遍历map就只需要遍历keys这个数组就行了
		for(String key : keys) {
			System.out.println(key + "出现了" + map.get(key).getCount() + "次");
	public static void method02() {
		String str = "人 生 是 一 场 没 有 彩 排 的 现 场 直 播";
		String[] strArray = str.split(" ");//将字符串以空格为界限  进行分割
		Map <String,Letter> map = new HashMap <String,Letter> ();//创建一个map 
		for(String temp : strArray) {
			if(!map.containsKey(temp)) {//如果没有这个单词的容器就创建一个新容器
				Letter a = new Letter();
				map.put(temp, a);//并将元素存进去  数加一
			}else {//说明传见过容器了
				Letter b = map.get(temp);//将这个的容器拿出来  数加一
				b.setCount(b.getCount() +1);
		Set <String> keys = map.keySet();
		for(String key : keys) {
			System.out.println(key + " 出现了 " + map.get(key).getCount() + " 次");


题目:定义一个Student类,属性:name 姓名,classNumber 班号,score 成绩



package HashMapPractice;

public class Student {
	private int classRoomNum;
	private String name;
	private double score;
	public Student(int classRoomNum, String name, double score) {
		this.classRoomNum = classRoomNum;
		this.name = name;
		this.score = score;

	public int getClassRoomNum() {
		return classRoomNum;

	public void setClassRoomNum(int classRoomNum) {
		this.classRoomNum = classRoomNum;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public double getScore() {
		return score;

	public void setScore(double score) {
		this.score = score;
package HashMapPractice;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ClassRoom {
	private int classRoomNum;
	private List <Student> studentList;
	private double total;
	public ClassRoom(){
		studentList = new ArrayList();//先在这里建一个储存student的  容器

	public ClassRoom(int classRoomNum) {
		this();//调用空构造器  这里会生成一个student的容器
		this.classRoomNum = classRoomNum;

	public int getClassRoomNum() {
		return classRoomNum;

	public void setClassRoomNum(int classRoomNum) {
		this.classRoomNum = classRoomNum;

	public List<Student> getStudentList() {
		return studentList;

	public void setStudentList(List<Student> studentList) {
		this.studentList = studentList;

	public double getTotal() {
		return total;

	public void setTotal(double total) {
		this.total = total;
package HashMapPractice;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * HashMap练习2
 * 题目:定义一个Student类,属性:name 姓名,classNumber 班号,score 成绩
 * 现在将若干Student对象放入List,请统计出每个班级的总分和平均分,
 * 分别打印,并打印出来每个班的学生都是谁;这里我们用面向对象方法来写
 * @author Wang

public class Practice02 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List <Student> list = new ArrayList();//创建一个储存student的容器 
		Map <Integer,ClassRoom> mapRoom = new HashMap();
	public static void inputInformation(List <Student> list) {//添加信息
		list.add(new Student(1,"张三",102));
		list.add(new Student(1,"王亚杰",149));
		list.add(new Student(1,"李双",133));
		list.add(new Student(2,"李四",77));
		list.add(new Student(2,"王二",111));
		list.add(new Student(2,"李大双",112));
		list.add(new Student(3,"栋宝宝",150));
	public static void handle(List <Student> list,Map <Integer,ClassRoom> mapRoom) {//处理信息
		for(Student stu : list) {
			int a = stu.getClassRoomNum();
			String b = stu.getName();
			double c = stu.getScore();     
			ClassRoom room = mapRoom.get(a);  //将这个学生的班级通过他的班级号拿出来
			if(room == null) {                //检测mapRoom中有没有这个这个班级   如果没有的话
				 room = new ClassRoom();      //就新建一个班级
				 mapRoom.put(a, room);        //并且吧这个班级放到Map里面
			room.setClassRoomNum(a);          //把班级号加进去
			room.setTotal(room.getTotal()+c); //已经有这个班级了  那么就把这个学生的分数加到总分里
			room.getStudentList().add(stu);   //把这个学生加到这个班级里
	public static void print01(Map <Integer,ClassRoom> mapRoom) {//打印总分,平均分,各班的学生名单    用的是mapRoom.keySet()
		Set <Integer> keys = mapRoom.keySet();
		for(Integer key : keys) {
			double totalScore = mapRoom.get(key).getTotal();
			double averageScore = totalScore/ mapRoom.get(key).getStudentList().size();
			System.out.println("班级号为: " + key +"  " + "班级总分为 " + totalScore +"  "+ "班级的平均分为 " + averageScore);
			List <Student> list1 = mapRoom.get(key).getStudentList();
			System.out.print("班级成员有:   ");
			for(int i = 0; i<list1.size();i++) {
				System.out.print(list1.get(i).getName() + "    ");
	public static void print02(Map <Integer,ClassRoom> mapRoom) {//写这个方法的主要目的是  让自己熟悉一下迭代器  用的是mapRoom.entrySet()
		Set <Map.Entry<Integer,ClassRoom> >entrySet  = mapRoom.entrySet();
		Iterator <Map.Entry<Integer,ClassRoom> > it = entrySet.iterator();
		while(it.hasNext()) {
			Map.Entry<Integer,ClassRoom> entry =it.next();
			ClassRoom room = entry.getValue();
			double avg = room.getTotal()/room.getStudentList().size();
	public static void print03(Map <Integer,ClassRoom> mapRoom) {//写这个方法的主要目的是  让自己熟悉一下迭代器  用的是mapRoom.keySet()
		Set <Integer> keys  = mapRoom.keySet();
		Iterator <Integer> iter = keys.iterator();
		while(iter.hasNext()) {
			ClassRoom room = mapRoom.get(iter.next());
			double totalScore = room.getTotal();
			double averageScore = totalScore/room.getStudentList().size();
			System.out.println(totalScore+ "  " + averageScore);

