5.3.1 5GMM modes and N1 NAS signalling connection

目录    Establishment of the N1 NAS signalling connection    Re-establishment of the N1 NAS signalling connection    Release of the N1 NAS signalling connection    5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication    Suspend and resume of the N1 NAS signalling connection    Establishment of the N1 NAS signalling connection       建立N1 NAS信令连接
When the UE is in 5GMM-IDLE mode over 3GPP access and needs to transmit an initial NAS message, the UE shall request the lower layer to establish an RRC connection. Upon indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection has been established, the UE shall consider that the N1 NAS signalling connection over 3GPP access is established and enter 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access.
当UE在3GPP接入上处于5GMM-IDLE模式并且需要发送初始NAS消息时,UE应请求下层建立RRC连接。在来自较低层的RRC连接已经建立的指示后,UE应考虑通过3GPP接入建立N1 NAS信令连接,并通过3GPP接入进入5GMM连接模式。
When the UE is in 5GMM-IDLE mode over non-3GPP access, and the UE receives an indication from the lower layers of non-3GPP access, that the access stratum connection is established between the UE and the network, the UE shall send an initial NAS message, consider the N1 NAS signalling connection is established and enter 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over non-3GPP access.
当UE在非3GPP接入上处于5GMM空闲模式,并且UE从非3GPP接入的较低层接收到在UE和网络之间建立接入层连接的指示时,UE应发送初始NAS消息,考虑N1 NAS信令连接已建立,并在非3GPP接入上进入5GMM连接模式。
Initial NAS messages are:
a) 注册请求消息;
b) 注销请求消息;
c)    SERVICE REQUEST message; and
c) 服务请求消息;和
d) 控制平面服务请求。

If the UE is capable of both N1 mode and S1 mode and lower layers provide an indication that the current E-UTRA cell is connected to both EPC and 5GCN, for the routing of the REGISTRATION REQUEST message during the initial registration procedure to the appropriate core network (EPC or 5GCN), the UE NAS provides the lower layers with the selected core network type information.
如果UE能够同时支持N1模式和S1模式,并且较低层提供当前E-UTRA小区连接到EPC和5GCN的指示,以便在初始注册过程期间将注册请求消息路由到适当的核心网络(EPC或5GCN),则UE NAS向较低层提供所选择的核心网络类型信息。

For the routing of the initial NAS message to the appropriate AMF, if the UE holds a 5G-GUTI or 4G-GUTI, the UE NAS provides the lower layers with the UE identity according to the following rules:
为了将初始NAS消息路由到适当的AMF,如果UE持有5G-GUTI或4G-GUT,则UE NAS根据以下规则向较低层提供UE标识:
a)    if the registration procedure for mobility and periodic update was triggered due to the last CONFIGURATION UPDATE COMMAND message containing the Configuration update indication IE with the Registration bit set to "registration requested" and including:
a) 如果由于包含配置更新指示IE的最后配置更新命令消息触发了移动性和定期更新的注册过程,注册位设置为“注册请求”,并且包括:
1)    no other parameters;
1) 无其他参数;
2)    one or both of the Allowed NSSAI IE and the Configured NSSAI IE; or
2) 允许的NSSAI IE和配置的NSSAI IE中的一个或两个;或
3)    the Network slicing indication IE with the Network slicing subscription change indication set to "Network slicing subscription changed";
3) 网络切片指示IE,其中网络切片订阅更改指示设置为“网络切片订阅已更改”;
      the UE NAS shall not provide the lower layers with the 5G-S-TMSI or the registered GUAMI;
    UE NAS不应向较低层提供5G-S-TMSI或注册的GUAMI;
b)    if the service request procedure was initiated over non-3GPP access, the UE NAS shall provide the lower layers with the registered GUAMI, but shall not provide the lower layers with the 5G-S-TMSI;
b) 如果服务请求过程是通过非3GPP接入发起的,则UE NAS应向较低层提供注册的GUAMI,但不应向较低级提供5G-S-TMSI;
c)    if the initial NAS message other than the SERVICE REQUEST or CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message was initiated over untrusted non-3GPP access, the UE NAS shall provide the lower layers with the GUAMI of the 5G-GUTI that the UE NAS has selected as specified in the subclause and, but shall not provide the lower layers with the 5G-S-TMSI;
c) 如果服务请求或控制平面服务请求消息以外的初始NAS消息是通过不受信任的非3GPP接入发起的,则UE NAS应向下层提供UE NAS在小节5.和5.中选择的5G-GUTI的GUAMI,但不得向下层提供5G-S-TMSI;
    if the initial NAS message other than the SERVICE REQUEST or CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message was initiated over trusted non-3GPP access, the UE NAS shall provide the lower layers with the 5G-GUTI, if available, otherwise shall provide the lower layers with the SUCI;
    如果除了服务请求或控制平面服务请求消息之外的初始NAS消息是通过可信非3GPP接入发起的,则UE NAS应向较低层提供5G-GUTI(如果可用),否则应向较低层提供SUCI;
    if the UE is the 5G-RG and the initial NAS message other than the SERVICE REQUEST or CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message was initiated over wireline access, the UE NAS shall provide the lower layers with the GUAMI of the 5G-GUTI that the UE NAS has selected as specified in the subclause and, if available, otherwise shall not provide the lower layers with any UE identity;
    如果UE是5G-RG,并且除了服务请求或控制平面服务请求消息之外的初始NAS消息是通过有线接入发起的,则UE NAS应向下层提供UE NAS根据小节5.和5.如果可用)中的规定选择的5G-GUTI的GUAMI,否则不得向下层提供任何UE标识;
d)    if the UE does not hold a 5G-GUTI that was previously assigned by the same PLMN with which the UE is performing the registration procedure and if:
d) 如果UE不持有先前由UE正在执行注册过程的同一PLMN分配的5G-GUTI,并且如果:
1)    the UE operating in the single-registration mode performs a registration procedure for mobility and periodic update indicating "mobility registration updating" following an inter-system change from S1 mode to N1 mode; or
1) 在单注册模式下操作的UE在从S1模式到N1模式的系统间改变之后执行用于移动性的注册过程和指示“移动性注册更新”的周期性更新;或
2)    the UE which was previously registered in S1 mode before entering state EMM-DEREGISTERED, performs an initial registration procedure, the UE has received the interworking without N26 interface indicator set to "interworking without N26 interface not supported" from the network, and the UE holds a 4G-GUTI;
2) 在进入状态EMM-DEREGISTERED之前在S1模式下注册的UE执行初始注册过程,UE已从网络接收到设置为“不支持N26接口的互通”的无N26接口互通指示符,UE持有4G-GUTI;
    then the UE NAS provides the lower layers with a GUAMI part of the 5G-GUTI mapped from 4G-GUTI as specified in 3GPP TS 23.003 [4] with an indication that the GUAMI is mapped from EPS; or
    则UE NAS向较低层提供如3GPP TS 23.003[4]中规定的从4G-GUTI映射的5G-GUTI的部分的GUAMI,该GUAMI指示从EPS映射;或
e)    otherwise:
e) 否则:
1)    if the tracking area of the current cell is in the registration area, the UE NAS shall provide the lower layers with the 5G-S-TMSI, but shall not provide the registered GUAMI to the lower layers; or
1) 如果当前小区的跟踪区域在注册区域中,UE NAS将向下层提供5G-S-TMSI,但不向下层提供注册的GUAMI;或
2)    if the tracking area of the current cell is not in the registration area, the UE NAS shall provide the lower layers with the GUAMI of the 5G-GUTI that the UE NAS has selected as specified in the subclauses and, but shall not provide the lower layers with the 5G-S-TMSI.
2) 如果当前小区的跟踪区域不在注册区域内,则UE NAS应向下层提供UE NAS根据写、小节5.和5.中的规定选择的5G-GUTI的GUAMI,但不应为下层提供5G-S-TMSI。

For 3GPP access and untrusted non-3GPP access, if the UE does not hold a 5G-GUTI and the UE does not hold a 4G-GUTI, the UE NAS does not provide the lower layers with the 5G-S-TMSI or the registered GUAMI. For trusted non-3GPP access, if the UE does not hold a 5G-GUTI and the UE does not hold a 4G-GUTI, the UE NAS provides the lower layers with the SUCI.
对于3GPP接入和不受信任的非3GPP访问,如果UE不持有5G-GUTI并且UE不拥有4G-GUTI,则UE NAS不向较低层提供5G-S-TMSI或注册的GUAMI。对于可信任的非3GPP接入,如果UE不持有5G-GUTI并且UE不拥有4G-GUT,则UE NAS向较低层提供SUCI。
The UE NAS also provides the lower layers with the identity of the selected PLMN (see 3GPP TS 38.331 [30]) if the UE is not operating in SNPN access operation mode. If the UE is operating in SNPN access operation mode, the UE NAS provides the lower layers with the SNPN identity of the selected SNPN. In a shared network, the UE shall choose one of the PLMN identity(ies) or SNPN identity(ies) as specified in 3GPP TS 23.122 [5].
如果UE未在SNPN接入操作模式下操作,则UE NAS还向较低层提供所选PLMN的标识(参见3GPP TS 38.331[30])。如果UE正在SNPN接入操作模式下操作,则UE NAS向较低层提供所选SNPN的SNPN标识。在共享网络中,UE应选择3GPP TS 23.122[5]中规定的PLMN标识或SNPN标识之一。
The UE NAS layer may provide the lower layers with an NSSAI as specified in subclause
UE NAS层可向下层提供4.6.2.3节中规定的NSSAI。
If the UE performs initial registration for onboarding services in SNPN or is registered for onboarding services in SNPN, the UE NAS layer shall provide the lower layers with an indication that the connection is for onboarding.
如果UE在SNPN中对登入服务进行初始注册或在SNPN上注册登入服务,则UE NAS层应向较低层提供连接用于登入的指示。    Re-establishment of the N1 NAS signalling connection       重建N1 NAS信令连接
When the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has no pending NAS procedure and no pending uplink user data for PDU session(s) with user-plane resources already established, the UE shall:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;和
b)    initiate the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update and include the Uplink data status IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication, if any (see subclause for further details).
b) 启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序,并在注册请求消息中包括上行链路数据状态IE,指示在接收回落指示(如有)之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(更多详细信息,请参见5.5.1.3节)。

When the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has pending uplink user data for PDU session(s) with user-plane resources already established but no pending NAS procedure, the UE shall:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;和
b)    initiate the service request procedure and include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication (see subclause 5.6.1 for further details).
b) 启动服务请求程序,并在服务请求消息中包括上行链路数据状态IE,指示在接收回落指示之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(更多详细信息,请参见子条款5.6.1)。

When the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has a pending registration procedure, a service request procedure, or a de-registration procedure, the UE shall:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode;
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;
b)    proceed with the pending procedure; and
b) 继续进行未决程序;和
c)    if the pending procedure is a service request or registration procedure, the UE shall include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message, or in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message, indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were not active prior to receiving a fallback indication from the lower layers and the UE has pending user data to be sent over 3GPP access, if any, and the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication, if any (see subclauses and 5.6.1 for further details).
c) 如果挂起过程是服务请求或注册过程,则UE应在服务请求消息或注册请求消息中包括上行链路数据状态IE,指示在从较低层接收回落指示之前用户平面资源不活动的PDU会话,以及在接收回落指示(如有)之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(如有)(更多详细信息,参见第5.5.1.3和5.6.1节)。
When the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has a pending NAS procedure other than a registration procedure, a service request procedure, or a de-registration procedure, the UE shall:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode;
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;
b)    initiate the service request procedure and include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication, if any (see subclause 5.6.1 for further details); and
b) 启动服务请求程序,并在服务请求消息中包括上行链路数据状态IE,指示在接收回落指示(如有)之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(更多详细信息,请参见第5.6.1节);和
c)    upon successful service request procedure completion, proceed with any pending procedure.
c) 服务请求过程成功完成后,继续执行任何挂起的过程。
When the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has no pending NAS procedure and no pending uplink user data for PDU session(s) with user-plane resources already established, and the UE was using network resources for ProSe direct discovery over PC5 or ProSe direct communication over PC5 (see 3GPP TS 23.304 [6E]), the UE shall:
当处于3GPP接入上的5GMM连接模式的UE接收到来自较低层的回落指示,并且UE没有挂起的NAS过程,也没有针对已经建立的用户平面资源的PDU会话的挂起的上行链路用户数据,且UE正在使用网络资源通过PC5进行ProSe直接发现或通过PC5的ProSe直接通信(参见3GPP TS 23.304[6E]),UE应:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;和
b)    initiate the service request procedure and include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication, if any (see subclause 5.6.1 for further details).
b) 启动服务请求程序,并在服务请求消息中包括上行链路数据状态IE,指示在接收回落指示(如有)之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(更多详细信息,请参见第5.6.1款)。

The cases above apply when the UE is in an allowed area or when the UE is not in a non-allowed area.
When the UE:
a)    is in a non-allowed area or is not in an allowed area;
a) 位于不允许的区域或不在允许的区域;
b)    is in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access;
b) 在3GPP接入上处于5GMM连接模式;
c)    receives a fallback indication from lower layers; and
c) 从较低层接收回落指示;和
d)    does not have signalling pending,
d) 不具有挂起的信令,
the UE shall:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;和
b)    initiate the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update. The UE shall not include the Uplink data status IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message except if the PDU session for which user-plane resources were active is an emergency PDU session, or if the UE is configured for high priority access in the selected PLMN.
b) 启动移动性和定期注册更新的注册程序。UE不应在注册请求消息中包括上行链路数据状态IE,除非用户平面资源活动的PDU会话是紧急PDU会话,或者UE被配置用于所选PLMN中的高优先级接入。
In the above cases when the UE receives a fallback indication from lower layers, if the UE is in non-allowed area or not in allowed area, the UE shall behave as specified in subclause 5.3.5.
在上述情况下,当UE从较低层接收到回落指示时,如果UE处于不允许区域或不在允许区域内,则UE应按照第5.3.5节的规定行事。    Release of the N1 NAS signalling connection       释放N1 NAS信号连接
The signalling procedure for the release of the N1 NAS signalling connection is initiated by the network.
N1 NAS信令连接释放的信令程序由网络启动。
In N1 mode, upon indication from lower layers that the access stratum connection has been released, the UE shall enter 5GMM-IDLE mode and consider the N1 NAS signalling connection released.
在N1模式下,当下层指示接入层连接已释放时,UE应进入5GMM-IDLE模式,并考虑释放N1 NAS信令连接。
If the UE in 3GPP access is configured for eCall only mode as specified in 3GPP TS 31.102 [22] then:
如果3GPP接入中的UE配置为3GPP TS 31.102[22]中指定的eCall only模式,则:
-    if the N1 NAS signalling connection that was released had been established for eCall over IMS, the UE shall start timer T3444; and
-如果为IMS上的eCall建立而释放N1 NAS信令连接,UE应启动定时器T3444;和
-    if the N1 NAS signalling connection that was released had been established for a call to an HPLMN designated non-emergency MSISDN or URI for test or terminal reconfiguration service, the UE shall start timer T3445.
-如果释放的N1 NAS信令连接已建立,用于呼叫HPLMN指定的非紧急MSISDN或URI进行测试或终端重新配置服务,则UE应启动定时器T3445。
The UE shall start the timer T3447 if not already running when the N1 NAS signalling connection is released as specified in subclause 5.3.17.
当按照5.3.17节的规定释放N1 NAS信号连接时,如果尚未运行,UE应启动定时器T3447。
To allow the network to release the N1 NAS signalling connection, the UE:
为了允许网络释放N1 NAS信令连接,UE:
a)    shall start the timer T3540 if the UE receives any of the 5GMM cause values #7, #11, #12, #13, #15, #27, #31, #62, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76 and the UE does not consider the received 5GMM cause value as abnormal case as specified in subclause;
a) 如果UE收到5GMM原因值#7、#11、#12、#13、#15、#27、#31、#62、#72、#73、#74、#75、#76中的任何一个,并且UE不认为收到的5GMM起因值是第5.节规定的异常情况,则应启动定时器T3540;
b)    shall start the timer T3540 for a UE in 3GPP access if:
b) 在以下情况下,应为3GPP接入中的UE启动定时器T3540:
1)    the UE receives a REGISTRATION ACCEPT message which does not include a Pending NSSAI IE or UE radio capability ID deletion indication IE;
1) UE收到REGISTRATION ACCEPT消息,该消息不包括Pending NSSAI IE或UE无线电能力ID删除指示IE;
2)    the UE has set the Follow-on request indicator to "No follow-on request pending" in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message;
2) UE已在注册请求消息中将后续请求指示设置为“没有挂起的后续请求”;
3)    the UE has not included the Uplink data status IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message, or the UE has included the Uplink data status IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message but the REGISTRATION ACCEPT message indicates that no user-plane resources of any PDU sessions are to be re-established;
3) UE没有在注册请求消息中包括上行数据状态IE,或者UE已经在注册请求消息中将上行数据状态EI包括在内,但注册接受消息表明不需要重新建立任何PDU会话的用户平面资源;
4)    the UE has not included the Allowed PDU session status IE or has included the Allowed PDU session status IE indicating there is no PDU session(s) for which the UE allowed the user-plane resource to be re-established over 3GPP access in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message, or the UE has included the Allowed PDU session status IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message but the REGISTRATION ACCEPT message does not indicate that any user-plane resources of any PDU sessions are to be re-established;
4) UE未包含允许 PDU 会话状态 IE或已包含允许 PDU 会话状态 IE,指示在注册请求消息中没有UE允许通过3GPP接入重新建立用户平面资源的PDU会话,或者UE在注册请求消息中包含允许 PDU 会话状态 IE,但注册接受消息并不指示要重新建立任何PDU会话的任何用户平面资源;
5)    the registration procedure has been initiated in 5GMM-IDLE mode, or the UE has set Request type to "NAS signalling connection release" in the UE request type IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message and the N1 NAS signalling connection release bit is set to "N1 NAS signalling connection release supported" in the 5GS network feature support IE of the REGISTRATION ACCEPT message;
5) 注册程序已在5GMM-IDLE模式下启动,或者UE在注册请求消息中的UE请求类型IE中将请求类型设置为“释放NAS信令连接”,在注册接受消息的5GS网络功能支持IE中,将释放N1 NAS信令连接位设置为“支持释放N1 NAS信令连接”;
6)    the user-plane resources for PDU sessions have not been set up, except for the case the UE has set Request type to "NAS signalling connection release" in the UE request type IE in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message and the N1 NAS signalling connection release bit is set to "N1 NAS signalling connection release supported" in the 5GS network feature support IE of the REGISTRATION ACCEPT message;
6) PDU会话的用户平面资源尚未设置,除非UE在注册请求消息的UE请求类型IE中将请求类型设置为“释放NAS信令连接”,并且在注册接受消息的5GS网络功能支持IE中将释放N1 NAS信令连接位设置为“支持释放N1 NAS信令连接”;
7)    the UE need not request resources for V2X communication over PC5 reference point (see 3GPP TS 23.287 [6C]); and
7) UE无需为PC5参考点上的V2X通信请求资源(参见3GPP TS 23.287[6C]);和
8)    the UE need not request resources for ProSe direct discovery over PC5 or ProSe direct communication over PC5 (see 3GPP TS 23.304 [6E]);
8) UE无需为通过PC5直接发现ProSe或通过PC5进行ProSe直接通信请求资源(参见3GPP TS 23.304[6E]);
NOTE 1:    The lower layers indicate when the user-plane resources for PDU sessions are successfully established or released.
c)    shall start the timer T3540 if the UE receives a REGISTRATION REJECT message indicating:
c) 如果UE收到注册拒绝消息,则应启动定时器T3540,该消息指示:
    the 5GMM cause value #9 or #10;
d)    shall start the timer T3540 if the UE receives a SERVICE REJECT message indicating:
d) 如果UE收到SERVICE REJECT(拒绝服务)消息,则应启动定时器T3540,该消息指示:
    the 5GMM cause value #9, #10; or 
    the 5GMM cause value #28 and with no emergency PDU session has been established;
e)    shall start the timer T3540 if:
e) 在以下情况下,应启动定时器T3540:
1)    the UE receives a CONFIGURATION UPDATE COMMAND message containing the Configuration update indication IE with the Registration bit set to "registration requested" and with:
1) UE接收到一条CONFIGURATION配置更新命令消息,其中包含配置更新指示IE,注册位设置为“注册已请求”,并且:
i)    either new allowed NSSAI information or new configured NSSAI information or both included;
i) 新允许的NSSAI信息或新配置的NSSAI信息,或两者都包括在内;
ii)    the network slicing subscription change indication; or
iii)    no other parameters;
2)    the user-plane resources for PDU sessions have not been set up; and
2) 尚未设置PDU会话的用户平面资源;和

f)    shall start the timer T3540 for a UE in 3GPP access if:
f) 在以下情况下,应为3GPP接入中的UE启动定时器T3540:
1)    the UE receives a SERVICE ACCEPT message;
1) UE接收服务接受消息;
2)    for the case that the UE sent the:
2) 对于UE发送的情况:
i)    SERVICE REQUEST message, the UE did not set the Service type IE to "signalling" or "high priority access", the UE has not included the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message, or the UE has included the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message but the SERVICE ACCEPT message indicates that no user-plane resources of any PDU sessions are to be re-established; or
i)服务请求消息,UE未将服务类型 IE设置为“信令”或“高优先级接入”,UE在服务请求消息中未包含上行数据状态 IE,或者UE在服务请求消息中包含上行数据状态 IE,但服务接受消息表明任何PDU会话的用户平面资源都不会被重新建立;或
ii)    CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message, the UE did not set the Control plane service type IE to "emergency services fallback", the UE has not included the Uplink data status IE in the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message, or the UE has included the Uplink data status IE in the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message but the SERVICE ACCEPT message indicates that no user-plane resources of any PDU sessions are to be re-established;
3)    the UE has not included the Allowed PDU session status IE or has included the Allowed PDU session status IE indicating there is no PDU session(s) for which the UE allowed the user-plane resource to be re-established over 3GPP access in the SERVICE REQUEST message or the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message, or the UE has included the Allowed PDU session status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message or the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message but the SERVICE ACCEPT message does not indicate that any user-plane resources of any PDU sessions are to be re-established;
3) UE未在服务请求消息或控制面服务请求消息中包含允许 PDU 会话状态 IE或包含允许 PDU 会话状态 IE指示UE不允许通过3GPP接入重新建立用户平面资源的PDU会话,或者UE在服务请求消息或控制面服务请求消息中包含允许 PDU 会话状态 IE,但服务接受消息并不指示要重新建立任何PDU会话的任何用户平面资源;
4)    the service request procedure has been initiated in 5GMM-IDLE mode;
4) 服务请求程序已在5GMM-IDLE模式下启动;
5)    the user-plane resources for PDU sessions have not been set up;
5) 尚未设置PDU会话的用户平面资源;
6)    the UE need not request resources for V2X communication over PC5 reference point (see 3GPP TS 23.287 [6C]); and
6) UE无需为PC5参考点上的V2X通信请求资源(参见3GPP TS 23.287[6C]);和
7)    the UE need not request resources for ProSe direct discovery over PC5 or ProSe direct communication over PC5 (see 3GPP TS 23.304 [6E]);
7) UE无需为通过PC5直接发现ProSe或通过PC5进行ProSe直接通信请求资源(参见3GPP TS 23.304[6E]);
NOTE 2:    The lower layers indicate when the user-plane resources for PDU sessions are successfully established or released.

g)    may start the timer T3540 if the UE receives any of the 5GMM cause values #3 or #6 or if it receives an AUTHENTICATION REJECT message;
g) 如果UE收到任何5GMM原因值#3或#6,或者如果UE接收到验证拒绝消息,则可以启动定时器T3540;
h)    shall start the timer T3540 upon completion of the configuration update procedure or the registration procedure if the UE does not have an emergency PDU session and:
h) 如果UE没有紧急PDU会话,在完成配置更新过程或注册过程是应启动定时器T3540,并且:
1)    the UE received a CONFIGURATION UPDATE COMMAND message or a REGISTRATION ACCEPT message while camping on a CAG cell and the entry for the current PLMN in the received "CAG information list" does not include any of the CAG-ID(s) supported by the current CAG cell;
1) UE在CAG小区驻留时接收到配置更新命令消息或注册接受消息,并且接收到的“CAG信息列表”中的当前PLMN条目不包括当前CAG小区支持的任何CAG-ID;
2)    the UE received a CONFIGURATION UPDATE COMMAND message or a REGISTRATION ACCEPT message while camping on a non-CAG cell and the entry for the current PLMN in the received "CAG information list" includes an "indication that the UE is only allowed to access 5GS via CAG cells"; or
2) UE在非CAG小区上驻留时收到配置更新命令消息或注册接受消息,并且收到的“CAG信息列表”中当前PLMN的条目包括“UE仅允许通过CAG小区访问5GS的指示”;或
3)    the UE received a CONFIGURATION UPDATE COMMAND message while camping on a CAG cell and the entry for the current PLMN in not included in the received "CAG information list"; or
3) UE在CAG小区上驻留时收到一条配置更新命令消息,当前PLMN的条目未包含在收到的“CAG信息列表”中;或

i)    shall start the timer T3540 for a UE in 3GPP access if:
i) 在以下情况下,应为3GPP接入中的UE启动定时器T3540:
1)    the UE receives a SERVICE ACCEPT message; and
2)    the UE:
-    has set Request type to "NAS signalling connection release" in the UE request type IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message or CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message; or
-    has set Request type to "Rejection of paging" in the UE request type IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message or CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message and the UE receives a CONFIGURATION UPDATE COMMAND message; or

j)    shall start the timer T3540 if the UE receives the 5GMM cause value #22 along with a T3346 value, and the value indicates that the timer T3346 is neither zero nor deactivated.
j) 如果UE随着T3346值接收到5GMM原因值#22,并且该值指示定时器T3346既不为零也不停用,则应启动定时器T3540。、
Upon expiry of T3540,
-    in cases a), b), f), g), h), i) and j) the UE shall locally release the established N1 NAS signalling connection;
-在a)、b)、f)、g)、h)、i)和j)情况下,UE应本地释放已建立的N1 NAS信令连接;
-    in cases c) and d) the UE shall locally release the established N1 NAS signalling connection and the UE shall initiate the registration procedure as described in subclause or; or
-在情况c)和d)中,UE应本地释放已建立的N1 NAS信令连接,并且UE应启动小节5.5.1.3或5.6.1.5中所述的注册程序;或
-    in case e), the UE shall locally release the established N1 NAS signalling connection and perform a new registration procedure as specified in subclause
-在情况e)中,UE应本地释放已建立的N1 NAS信令连接,并执行小节5.中规定的新注册程序。

In case a),
-    upon receiving a request from the upper layers to perform emergency services fallback only for a UE in 3GPP access or establishing an emergency PDU session, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and shall locally release the N1 NAS signalling connection, before proceeding as specified in subclause 5.5.1.
-当接收到上层的请求,仅为3GPP接入中的UE执行紧急服务回落或建立紧急PDU会话时,UE应停止定时器T3540,并应在本地释放N1 NAS信令连接,然后再按照小节5.5.1的规定进行操作。
In case b) and f),
-    upon an indication from the lower layers that the user-plane resources for PDU sessions are set up, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and may send uplink signalling via the existing N1 NAS signalling connection or user data via user plane. If the uplink signalling is associated with emergency services fallback only for a UE in 3GPP access or establishing an emergency PDU session, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and send the uplink signalling via the existing N1 NAS signalling connection;
-当下层指示PDU会话的用户平面资源已设置时,UE应停止定时器T3540,并可通过现有的N1 NAS信令连接或通过用户平面的用户数据发送上行链路信令。如果上行信令仅与3GPP接入或建立紧急PDU会话中的UE的紧急服务回落相关,则UE应停止定时器T3540,并通过现有的N1 NAS信令连接发送上行信令;
In case b), f) and i),
-    upon receipt of a DEREGISTRATION REQUEST message, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and respond to the network-initiated de-registration request via the existing N1 NAS signalling connection as specified in subclause;
-在收到取消注册请求消息后,UE应停止定时器T3540,并通过子小节5.5.2.3中规定的现有N1 NAS信令连接响应网络发起的取消注册请求;

-    upon receipt of a message of a network-initiated 5GMM common procedure, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and respond to the network-initiated 5GMM common procedure via the existing N1 NAS signalling connection as specified in subclause 5.4;
-在收到网络发起的5GMM通用程序的消息后,UE应停止定时器T3540,并通过5.4节中规定的现有N1 NAS信令连接响应网络发起的5 GMM通用过程;
-    if there is no user-plane resources established for PDU sessions, upon receiving a request from the upper layers to perform emergency services fallback only for a UE in 3GPP access or establishing an emergency PDU session, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and shall locally release the N1 NAS signalling connection, before proceeding as specified in subclause 5.6.1;
-如果没有为PDU会话建立用户平面资源,则在接收到上层的请求后,仅为3GPP接入中的UE执行紧急服务回落或建立紧急PDU会话,UE应停止定时器T3540,并在本地释放N1 NAS信令连接,然后再按5.6.1节的规定继续;

-    if there is no user-plane resources established for PDU sessions, upon receiving a request from the upper layers to perform services other than emergency services fallback only for a UE in 3GPP access or establishing an emergency PDU session, the UE shall wait for the local release of the established N1 NAS signalling connection upon expiry of timer T3540 or wait for timer T3540 being stopped, before initiating NAS signalling;
-如果没有为PDU会话建立用户平面资源,则在接收到来自上层的请求以执行除紧急服务以外的服务时,仅为3GPP接入中的UE回落或建立紧急PDU会话,UE应等待定时器T3540到期时建立的N1 NAS信令连接的本地释放,或等待定时器T3540停止,在启动NAS信令之前;
-    upon receipt of a DL NAS TRANSPORT message, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and may send uplink signalling via the existing N1 NAS signalling connection; or
-收到DL NAS 传输消息后,UE应停止定时器T3540,并可通过现有的N1 NAS信令连接发送上行信令;或
-    upon initiation of registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update as specified in subclause for cases h), i), j), subclause for cases j), k) or subclause for case a), the UE shall stop timer T3540.

In case c) and d),
-    upon an indication from the lower layers that the access stratum connection has been released, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and perform a new registration procedure as specified in subclause or
-    upon receiving a request from the upper layers to perform emergency services fallback only for a UE in 3GPP access or establishing an emergency PDU session, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and shall locally release the N1 NAS signalling connection, before proceeding as specified in subclause 5.5.1.
-当接收到上层的请求,仅为3GPP接入中的UE执行紧急服务回落或建立紧急PDU会话时,UE应停止定时器T3540,并应在本地释放N1 NAS信令连接,然后再按照子条款5.5.1的规定进行操作。

In case e),
-    upon an indication from the lower layers that the access stratum connection has been released, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and perform a new registration procedure as specified in subclause
-    upon an indication from the lower layers that the user-plane resources for PDU sessions are set up, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and may send user data via user plane.
NOTE 3:    In this case, the new registration procedure is performed when the UE moves to the 5GMM-IDLE mode.
-    upon receiving a request from the upper layers to perform emergency services fallback only for a UE in 3GPP access or establishing an emergency PDU session, the UE shall stop timer T3540 and shall locally release the N1 NAS signalling connection, before proceeding as specified in subclause 5.5.1.
-当接收到上层的请求,仅为3GPP接入中的UE执行紧急服务回落或建立紧急PDU会话时,UE应停止定时器T3540,并应在本地释放N1 NAS信令连接,然后再按照5.5.1节的规定进行操作。
If the UE had set the Follow-on request indicator to "Follow-on request pending" in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message due to pending uplink signalling but cannot send the pending signalling due to new service area restrictions received or due to network not supporting the feature as indicated in the REGISTRATION ACCEPT message (for example UE set the "Follow-on request pending" to send SMS over NAS but AMF notified "SMS over NAS not allowed") and if there is no further pending data or signalling and user plane resources have not been set up, the UE may locally release the established N1 NAS signalling connection upon completion of the registration procedure.
如果由于挂起的上行信令,UE在注册请求消息中将后续请求指示灯设置为“后续请求挂起”,但由于接收到新的服务区域限制,或由于网络不支持注册接受消息中指示的功能,UE无法发送挂起的信令(例如,UE设置“后续请求待定”要通过NAS发送SMS,但AMF通知“不允许通过NAS发送短信”),并且如果没有其他未决数据或信令,并且用户平面资源尚未设置,则UE可以在完成注册程序后本地释放已建立的N1 NAS信令连接。    5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication       带有RRC非活动指示的5GMM-连接模式
This subclause is only applicable for UE's 5GMM mode over 3GPP access. The 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication is not supported when the UE is in NB-N1 mode.
The UE is in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication when the UE is in:
a)    5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access at the NAS layer; and
a) NAS层3GPP接入上的5GMM-连接模式;和
b)    RRC_INACTIVE state at the AS layer (see 3GPP TS 38.300 [27]).
b) AS层的RRC_未激活状态(见3GPP TS 38.300[27])。

Unless stated otherwise, the UE behaviour in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication follows the UE behaviour in 5GMM-CONNECTED over 3GPP access, except that:
a)    the UE shall apply the mobility restrictions; and
a) UE应实施移动性限制;和
b)    the UE shall perform the PLMN selection procedures
b) UE应执行PLMN选择程序
as in 5GMM-IDLE mode over 3GPP access.

The UE shall transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access to 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication upon receiving an indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection has been suspended.
NOTE 0:    Any pending procedure or uplink data packet when receiving an indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection has been suspended, triggers a request to the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state. This is also the case when the pending procedure or uplink data packet triggered a previous request to the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state.

a)    a trigger of a procedure which requires sending of a NAS message different from a REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the NG-RAN-RCU bit of the 5GS update type IE set to "UE radio capability update needed";
a) 需要发送与注册请求消息不同的NAS消息,且5GS更新类型IE的NG-RAN-RCU位设置为“需要UE无线电能力更新”的过程的触发器;
b)    an uplink user data packet to be sent for a PDU session with suspended user-plane resources;
b) 上行链路用户数据包,用于与暂停的用户平面资源进行PDU会话;
c)    a trigger to request resources for 5G ProSe direct discovery over PC5 or 5G ProSe direct communication over PC5; or
c) 通过PC5或通过PC5的5G ProSe直接通信请求资源的触发器;或
d)    a trigger to request resources for V2X communication over PC5 (see 3GPP TS 23.287 [6C]);the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication over 3GPP access shall request the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state (see 3GPP TS 38.300 [27]).
d) 通过PC5请求V2X通信资源的触发器(见3GPP TS 23.287[6C]);5GMM-连接模式下的UE在3GPP接入上的RRC不活动指示应请求下层转换到RRC_连接状态(见3GPP TS 38.300[27])。

Upon a trigger to send a REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the NG-RAN-RCU bit of the 5GS update type IE set to "UE radio capability update needed", the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication shall move to 5GMM-IDLE mode over 3GPP access and proceed with the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration as specified in subclause
The UE shall transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication to 5GMM-CONNECTED mode over 3GPP access upon receiving an indication from the lower layers that the UE has transitioned to RRC_CONNECTED state (see 3GPP TS 38.300 [27]).
当从较低层接收到UE已转换到RRC_连接状态的指示时,UE应通过3GPP接入从带有RRC非活动指示的5GMM-连接模式过渡到5GMM-连接模式(见3GPP TS 38.300[27])。
NOTE 1:    The AMF can be aware of the transition between 5GMM-CONNECTED mode and 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication for a UE (see 3GPP TS 23.502 [9]).
注1:AMF可以知道UE在5GMM-连接模式和RRC不活动指示的5GMM-连接模式之间的转换(参见3GPP TS 23.502[9])。
The UE shall trigger a transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication to 5GMM-IDLE mode upon selection of a PLMN that is not an equivalent PLMN to the registered PLMN. The UE shall not trigger a transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication to 5GMM-IDLE mode upon entering a new PLMN which is in the list of equivalent PLMNs.
The UE shall trigger a transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication to 5GMM-IDLE mode upon receiving REFRESH command from the UICC as specified in subclause

If the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives an indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection has been suspended, the UE shall stay in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication. The UE shall re-initiate any pending procedure that had triggered the request to the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state, if still needed.
When the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has no pending NAS procedure and no pending uplink user data for PDU session(s) with user-plane resources already established, the UE shall:
a)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
a) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;和
b)    initiate the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update as specified for case o) in subclause
b) 按照5.节中情况o)的规定,启动移动注册程序和定期注册更新。
If the UE requests the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state at initiation of a registration procedure, a service request procedure or a de-registration procedure, upon fallback indication from lower layers, the UE shall:
-    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode;
-   进入5GMM-IDLE模式;
-    proceed with the pending procedure; and
-   继续进行未决程序;和
-    if the pending procedure is a service request or registration request procedure and the SERVICE REQUEST message, the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message or the REGISTRATION REQUEST message does not include UE request type IE with Request type value set to "NAS signalling connection release", the UE shall include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message, the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message or in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message, indicating the PDU session(s) without active user-plane resources for which the UE has pending user data to be sent, if any, and the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication, if any (see subclauses and 5.6.1 for further details).
-  如果挂起的过程是服务请求或注册请求过程,并且服务请求消息、控制面服务请求信息或注册请求消息不包括UE请求类型IE,请求类型值设置为“NAS信令连接释放”,则UE应在服务请求消息中包括上行数据状态IE,控制平面服务请求消息或注册请求消息中,指示没有活动用户平面资源的PDU会话,UE有待发送的待处理用户数据(如果有),以及用户平面资源在收到回退指示之前处于活动状态的PDU对话(如果有,请参见第5.5.1.3和5.6.1节了解更多详细信息)。
If the UE requests the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state for other reason than initiation of a registration procedure, or for other reason than a service request procedure, or for other reason than a de-registration procedure, upon fallback indication from lower layers, the UE shall:
1)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode;
1) 进入5GMM-IDLE模式;
2)    initiate the service request procedure and include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message or the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication, if any (see subclause 5.6.1 for further details). If the procedure that triggered the request to the lower layers to transition to RRC_CONNECTED state is the UE-initiated NAS transport procedure and the UE had SMS, location services message, or CIoT user data to send, the UE shall also include the SMS, location services message, or CIoT user data in the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message as described in subclause; and
2) 启动服务请求程序,并将上行数据状态IE包括在service request消息或CONTROL PLANE service request消息中,该消息指示在接收回退指示之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(如有)(更多详细信息见5.6.1节)。如果触发向较低层过渡到RRC_CONNECTED状态的请求的过程是UE启动的NAS传输过程,并且UE有SMS、位置服务消息或CIoT用户数据要发送,则UE还应在控制平面服务请求消息中包括SMS、位置服务消息或CIoT用户数据,如5.节所述;和
3)    upon successful service request procedure completion, proceed with any pending procedure.
3) 成功完成服务请求过程后,继续执行任何挂起的过程。
If the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives a fallback indication from lower layers, and the UE has pending uplink user data for PDU session(s) with user-plane resources already established but no pending NAS procedure, the UE shall:
1)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
1) 进入5GMM-IDLE模式;和
2)    initiate the service request procedure and include the Uplink data status IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message or the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message indicating the PDU session(s) for which user-plane resources were active prior to receiving the fallback indication (see subclause 5.6.1 for further details).
2) 启动服务请求程序,并在服务请求消息或控制面服务请求消息中包含上行数据状态IE,该消息指示在接收回落指示之前用户平面资源处于活动状态的PDU会话(更多详细信息,请参见第5.6.1节)。

In the above cases when the UE receives a fallback indication from lower layers, if the UE is in non-allowed area or not in allowed area, the UE shall behave as specified in subclause 5.3.5.
If the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives an indication from the lower layers that the resumption of the RRC connection has failed, and:
a)    if the lower layers indicate that access barring is applicable for all access categories except categories 0 and 2, or access barring is applicable for all access categories except category 0, the UE shall:
a) 如果下层表示访问限制适用于除0类和2类以外的所有访问类别,或者访问限制适用于除0类以外的全部访问类别,则UE应:
1)    stay in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication;
1) 保持在具有RRC不活动指示的5GMM-连接模式,;
b)    else, the UE shall:
b) 否则,UE应:
1)    enter 5GMM-IDLE mode; and
1) 进入5GMM-空闲模式;和
2)    initiate the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update used for mobility (i.e. the 5GS registration type IE set to "mobility registration updating" in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message) for N1 NAS signalling connection recovery as specified for case f) in subclause
2) 按照5.节中情况f)的规定,启动用于N1 NAS信令连接恢复的移动性注册程序和用于移动性的定期注册更新(即,5GS注册类型IE在注册请求消息中设置为“移动性注册更新”)。
NOTE 2:    An indication from the lower layer that the RRC connection has been released with cause "RRC resume failure" can be considered as an indication that the resumption of the RRC connection has failed.

The UE shall transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication to 5GMM-IDLE mode over 3GPP access upon receiving from the lower layers:
a)    indication of transition from RRC_INACTIVE state to RRC_IDLE state; or
a) 指示从RRC_不活动状态过渡到RRC_空闲状态;或
b)    indication of cell selection to E-UTRAN or another RAT that the UE supports.
b) 向E-UTRAN或UE支持的另一RAT指示小区选择。
If the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives an indication from the lower layers about the cell (re-)selection to different RAT that the UE supports, the UE shall initiate the registration procedure for mobility or periodic registration update used for mobility (i.e. the 5GS registration type IE set to "mobility registration updating" in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message) as specified in subclause

If the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives an indication from the lower layers of a transition from RRC_INACTIVE state to RRC_IDLE state and 5GMM-REGISTERED.LIMITED-SERVICE is entered, the UE shall subsequently upon entering state 5GMM-REGISTERED.NORMAL-SERVICE and if there is no uplink user data or signalling pending, initiate the registration procedure for mobility and periodic registration update used for mobility (i.e. the 5GS registration type IE set to "mobility registration updating" in the REGISTRATION REQUEST message) for N1 NAS signalling connection recovery as specified in subclause
如果具有RRC非活动指示的5GMM-连接模式中的UE从下层接收到从RRC_不活动状态转移到RRC_空闲状态的指示,并且输入了5GMM-注册受限服务,则UE随后应在进入状态5GMM注册正常服务并且如果没有上行用户数据或信令挂起,按照5.节的规定,启动用于N1 NAS信令连接恢复的移动性注册程序和用于移动性的定期注册更新(即,在注册请求消息中将5GS注册类型IE设置为“移动性注册更新”)。

If the UE in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication receives an indication from the lower layers about RAN paging and the MUSIM UE decides to reject the RAN paging, the UE shall initiate the service request procedure and set request type to "NAS signalling connection release" in the UE request type IE and service type to "signalling" in the SERVICE REQUEST message as specified in subclause for case o of subclause The UE may include its paging restriction preferences in the Paging restriction IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message as specified in subclause for case o of subclause
如果处于5GMM-连接模式且RRC不活动指示的UE接收到来自下层关于RAN寻呼的指示,并且MUSIM UE决定拒绝RAN寻呼,UE应启动服务请求程序,并将UE请求类型IE中的请求类型设置为“NAS信令连接释放”,将服务请求消息中的服务类型设置为第5.6.1.2节(针对第5.6.1.1节的情况)中规定的“信令”。UE可以在服务请求消息中的寻呼限制IE中包含其寻呼限制首选项,如第5.6.1.2节针对第5.6.1.1节的情况所规定。
NOTE 3:    The interworking between the NAS layer and the AS layer triggered by RAN paging is up to UE implementation.

Upon receiving AMF paging indication from the lower layers, the UE shall transition from 5GMM-CONNECTED mode with RRC inactive indication to 5GMM-IDLE mode over 3GPP access and handle the AMF paging same as the paging request received in the 5GMM-IDLE mode over 3GPP access as specified in subclause 5.6.1.
在接收到来自下层的AMF寻呼指示后,UE应通过3GPP接入从具有RRC非活动指示的5GMM-连接模式转移到5GMM-空闲模式,并按照5.6.1节的规定,处理AMF寻呼请求,与通过3GPP接入在5GMM-空闲模式下接收到的寻呼请求相同。    Suspend and resume of the N1 NAS signalling connection       暂停和恢复N1 NAS信号连接
Suspend of the N1 NAS signalling connection can be initiated by the network in 5GMM-CONNECTED mode when user plane CIoT 5GS optimization is used. Resume of the suspended N1 NAS signalling connection is initiated by the UE.
当使用用户平面CIoT 5GS优化时,网络可以在5GMM-连接模式下启动N1 NAS信令连接的挂起。UE启动暂停的N1 NAS信令连接的恢复。
In the UE, when user plane CIoT 5GS optimization is used:
在UE中,当使用用户面CIoT 5GS优化时:

-    Upon idle suspend indication from the lower layers, the UE shall enter 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication, shall not consider the N1 NAS signalling connection released and shall not consider the secure exchange of NAS messages terminated (see subclause and 4.4.5).
-当下层显示空闲暂停时,UE应进入带有暂停指示的5GMM-空闲模式,不应考虑释放的N1 NAS信令连接,也不应考虑终止的NAS消息的安全交换(见小节4.4.2.5和4.4.5)。
-    Upon trigger of a procedure using an initial NAS message when in 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication, the UE shall:
i)    if the initial NAS message is a REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the NG-RAN-RCU bit of the 5GS update type IE set to "UE radio capability update needed", enter 5GMM-IDLE mode without suspend indication and proceed with the registration procedure; or
i) 如果初始NAS消息是注册请求消息,且5GS更新类型IE的NG-RAN-RCU位设置为“需要UE无线电能力更新”,则进入5GMM-空闲模式,无暂停指示,继续注册程序;或
ii)    otherwise, request the lower layer to resume the RRC connection.
NOTE 1:    In NB-N1 mode, in the request to the lower layer the data volume information of the initial NAS message is provided to the lower layers. Interactions between the NAS and the lower layers in order to obtain the data volume information of the initial NAS message (see 3GPP TS 36.321 [25E], 3GPP TS 36.331 [25A]) is left to implementations.
注1:在NB-N1模式下,在对下层的请求中,向下层提供初始NAS消息的数据量信息。NAS和下层之间的交互,以获取初始NAS消息的数据量信息(请参阅3GPP TS 36.321[25E]、3GPP TS 36331[25A]),这由实施决定。
-    Upon indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection has been resumed when in 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication, the UE shall enter 5GMM-CONNECTED mode. If the pending NAS message is:
i)    a SERVICE REQUEST message, the service type IE is not set to "emergency services fallback", and the UE did not include the NAS message container IE in the SERVICE REQUEST message; or
i) 一条服务请求消息,服务类型IE未设置为“紧急服务回退”,且UE未在服务请求消息中包含NAS消息容器IE;或
ii)    a CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message, and the UE did not include the CIoT small data container IE or the NAS message container IE in the CONTROL PLANE SERVICE REQUEST message,
the message shall not be sent. Otherwise the UE shall cipher the message as specified in subclause 4.4.5 and send the pending initial NAS message upon entering 5GMM-CONNECTED mode;
NOTE 2:    If a NAS message is discarded and not sent to the network, the uplink NAS COUNT value corresponding to that message is reused for the next uplink NAS message to be sent.
注2:如果NAS消息被丢弃且未发送到网络,则与该消息对应的上行NAS 计数值将重新用于下一条要发送的上行NAS消息。

-    Upon fallback indication from the lower layers at RRC connection resume when in 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication, the UE shall enter 5GMM-IDLE mode without suspend indication, send any pending initial NAS message and proceed as if RRC connection establishment had been requested;
-    Upon indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection resume has failed and indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection is suspended, the UE shall enter 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication and restart the ongoing NAS procedure if required; and
-    Upon indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection resume has failed and indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection is not idle suspended, the UE shall enter 5GMM-IDLE mode without suspend indication and restart the ongoing NAS procedure if required.
In the network, when user plane CIoT 5GS optimization is used:
在网络中,当使用用户平面CIoT 5GS优化时:
-    Upon idle suspend indication from the lower layers, the network shall enter 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication, shall not consider the N1 NAS signalling connection released and shall not consider the secure exchange of NAS messages terminated; and
-当下层显示空闲暂停时,网络应进入带有暂停指示的5GMM-idle模式,不应考虑释放的N1 NAS信令连接,也不应考虑终止的NAS消息的安全交换;和
-    Upon indication from the lower layers that the RRC connection has been resumed when in 5GMM-IDLE mode with suspend indication, the network shall enter 5GMM-CONNECTED mode.

