How to use async function in Qthread in python怎么在python的qthread中使用async函数

You must feel strange about my need for this.Because I’m trying to integrate a function provided by a library which all fuction is defind with ‘async’ key word with a GUI interface which is powered by pyqt.
for example,I want use this async fuction in pyqt which is binded to a botton.clicked function.

async def doSomethingSlow():
	# do something slow such as HTTP request
	# ...
	return result

so i just use the slot funciton.
but it doesn’t work.

The solution is below.
1.create a Qthread to run this function to avoid freezing GUI.
2.encapsulate this async fuction in a new async function which assigns return to nonlocal variable.
3.use loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()to create a new loop and use asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
to set it.
3.use loop.run_until_completeto run this new async function

def test(Qthread):
	finishSig = pyqtSignal()

	def __init__(self):
		self.res = ''
	def run(self):
		result = ''
		async def encapsulate():
			nonlocal result
			result = await doSomethingSlow()
		loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        self.res = result

