
根据Matlab2021a中Stateflow的任务7Project-Robotic Vacuum开始构建扫地机器人

Robotic Vacuum Supervisory Control(机器人真空监控)

Robotic Vacuums(机器人真空吸尘器)

Autonomous, robotic vacuums generally have a few specific operating modes, like vacuuming or charging. In this project, you will model a robotic vacuum that has four modes: off, vacuuming, docking, and charging.
Certain rules govern how the robot can move between these modes. For example, it can be vacuuming and be turned off, but it cannot go from vacuuming to charging without docking first.

These modes, and the rules for moving between them, can be modeled using a state machine. In this project, imagine that you are a control engineer, tasked with designing the supervisory logic for the robotic vacuum. You will then connect this Stateflow chart to Simulink subsystems, provided by the plant modeling team, that describe the dynamics of the robot as it performs tasks.

Design Requirements(设计要求)

The design requirements for your robotic vacuum are as follows.(您的机器人真空吸尘器的设计要求如下。)

·There will be 4 states: off, vacuuming, docking, and charging.(将有4中状态:关闭、抽真空、对接和充电。)

·The user can manually set the robot to off, vacuuming, or docking.(用户可以手动将机器人设置为关闭、抽真空或对接。)

·Charging begins as soon as docking is complete.(对接完成后立即开始充电。)

·After the robot is charged, it turns off.(机器人充电后,它会关闭。)

·The battery drains at a given rate any time the robot is moving (vacuuming or docking states), and charges at another rate while in the charging state.(每当机器人移动时(抽真空或对接状态),电池都会以给定的速率消耗,并在充电状态下以另一速率充电。)

·The robot automatically moves from vacuuming to docking under two conditions: if the battery drops below 30% charge while vacuuming or when vacuuming is complete.(机器人在两种情况下自动从抽真空移动到对接:如果在抽真空时电池电量降至30%以下或抽真空完成时。)

·Vacuum mode cannot be requested if the battery is low.(如果电池电量不足,则无法请求真空模式。)



Add four states to your model: Off, Vacuum, SeekDock and Charge, with Off as the default state.

Note: When you run or submit this model, a MATLAB figure window will appear showing the robot and dock positions in the simulated room. Once you connect Stateflow and Simulink in the last task, this figure will animate, showing you the simulated robot vacuum movement.


When the user sets the robot to off, vacuum, or dock, this is processed as a numerical signal, requestMode. requestMode has the corresponding values shown.

-1 – off
1 – dock
2 – vacuum

The user can(用户可以)
Request Off from either Vacuum or SeekDock,(从Vacuum或SeekDock请求关闭)
Request either Vacuum, or SeekDock from Off and,(从Off请求Vacuum或SeekDock)
Request SeekDock from Vacuum.(从Vacuum中请求SeekDock)

Create the appropriate transitions and add conditions that describe how to transition between the Off, Vacuum and SeekDock states based on the user input.

For example, the machine should transition from Off to Vacuum if requestMode == 2.

Use the Symbols Pane to Resolved undefined symbols and define requestMode as Input Data.


The user input is stored as requestMode. However, the Simulink subsystem that describes the dynamics needs the current operating mode. (The current mode can differ from the user request if, for example, the battery is too low to continue vacuuming.) Thus, you will set the value of an Output Data symbol using state entry actions.

Add state entry actions to each of the states to set a Symbol, driveMode, as described below.

Off/Charge driveMode = 0;
SeekDock driveMode = 1;
Vacuum driveMode = 2;

Define driveMode as Output Data.


In addition to the user requested modes, the robot will also automatically change modes when the given task is complete. Simulink sends a “complete” flag when the physical model of the robot has finished vacuuming or found the dock.

Add the condition complete == 1 to transition from Vacuum to SeekDock and from SeekDock to Charge. You will need to add a new transition from SeekDock to Charge.
(添加条件complete=1,以从Vacuum转换到SeekDock状态,并从Seek Dock状态转换到Charge。您需要添加一个从SeekDock到Charge的新转换。)

Define complete as Input Data.


The battery drains whenever the robot is driving. This includes the Vacuum and SeekDock states. In the Charge state, the battery charges.
( 每当机器人行驶时,电池就会耗尽。这包括真空和SeekDock状态。在充电状态下,电池充电。)

For this project, you will use a naïve model of linear battery drain and charge and account for the state of charge (SOC) using Local Data.

Add the following during actions to the appropriate states to model the battery state.

Battery drain: SOC = SOC - 1e-5;(蓄电池电量:SOC=SOC-1e-5;)
Battery charge: SOC = SOC + 2e-5;(电池电量:SOC=SOC+2e-5;)

Define SOC as Local Data. Assign it an initial value of 100 (percent).


The status of the battery also affects the robot’s behavior.

First, the robot automatically begins seeking the dock if the battery drops below 30% charge while vacuuming.

Second, charging is considered complete when the battery is 97% full. When charging is complete, the robot turns off.

Add the following conditions to the appropriate transitions (you will need to both create new and modify existing transitions).

Battery is less than 30% full: SOC < 30.(电池电量不足30%:SOC<30。)
Charging is complete: SOC >= 97.(充电完成:SOC>=97。)


The final step is to integrate your logic with the Simulink model of the robot behavior.

Navigate to the Simulink model and connect the signals to their appropriate ports.

