
ChatGLM2-6B 是开源中英双语对话模型 ChatGLM-6B 的第二代版本,在保留了初代模型对话流畅、部署门槛较低等众多优秀特性的基础之上,ChatGLM2-6B 引入了如下新特性:

更强大的性能=混合目标函数+1.4T中英标识符:基于 ChatGLM 初代模型的开发经验,我们全面升级了 ChatGLM2-6B 的基座模型。ChatGLM2-6B 使用了 GLM 的混合目标函数,经过了 1.4T 中英标识符的预训练与人类偏好对齐训练,评测结果显示,相比于初代模型,ChatGLM2-6B 在 MMLU(+23%)、CEval(+33%)、GSM8K(+571%) 、BBH(+60%)等数据集上的性能取得了大幅度的提升,在同尺寸开源模型中具有较强的竞争力。
更长的上下文=Flash Attention技术+上下文长度扩展到32K+8K训练+多轮对话:基于 Flash Attention 技术,我们将基座模型的上下文长度(Context Length)由 ChatGLM-6B 的 2K 扩展到了 32K,并在对话阶段使用 8K 的上下文长度训练,允许更多轮次的对话。但当前版本的 ChatGLM2-6B 对单轮超长文档的理解能力有限,我们会在后续迭代升级中着重进行优化。
更高效的推理=Multi-Query Attention技术+INT4量化:基于 Multi-Query Attention 技术,ChatGLM2-6B 有更高效的推理速度和更低的显存占用:在官方的模型实现下,推理速度相比初代提升了 42%,INT4 量化下,6G 显存支持的对话长度由 1K 提升到了 8K。
更开放的协议:ChatGLM2-6B 权重对学术研究完全开放,在获得官方的书面许可后,亦允许商业使用。如果您发现我们的开源模型对您的业务有用,我们欢迎您对下一代模型 ChatGLM3 研发的捐赠。


1. 准备数据集


import pandas as pd

train_df = pd.read_csv('./csv_data/train.csv') 
test_df = pd.read_csv('./csv_data/test.csv')

## 制作数据集
res = [] 

for i in range(len(train_df)):
  paper_item = train_df.loc[i]
  tmp = {
    "instruction": "Please judge...", 
    "input": f"title:{
    "output": str(paper_item[5])

import json
with open('paper_label.json', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  json.dump(res, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)


2. 微调ChatGLM


  • 首先需要clone微调脚本:git clone https://github.com/KMnO4-zx/huanhuan-chat.git
  • 进入目录安装环境:cd ./huanhuan-chat;pip install -r requirements.txt
  • 将脚本中的model_name_or_path更换为你本地的chatglm2-6b模型路径,然后运行脚本:sh xfg_train.sh
  • 微调过程大概需要两个小时(我使用阿里云A10-24G运行了两个小时左右),微调过程需要18G的显存,推荐使用24G显存的显卡,比如3090,4090等。
  • 当然,我们已经把训练好的lora权重放在了仓库里,您可以直接运行下面的代码。
  • 更多微调的细节我们会持续在这个仓库更新,欢迎关注star!https://github.com/KMnO4-zx/huanhuan-chat.git


  • 微调需要消耗大量GPU算力,需要准备至少24G显存的高端GPU。

  • 微调需要指定正确的模型路径,否则会导致错误。

  • 如果遇到内存不足的问题,可以适当调小batch size。

3. 加载微调权重进行预测



from peft import PeftModel
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, GenerationConfig, AutoModelForCausalLM

model_path = "chatglm2-6b"
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True).half().cuda()
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True)

# 加载LoRA权重
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model, 'huanhuan-chat/output/label_xfg').half()
model = model.eval()
response, history = model.chat(tokenizer, "你好", history=[])

4. 预测

加载微调后的语言模型进行预测时,我们需要注意将模型切换到eval模式。这是PyTorch的知识点,eval模式将 BN和Dropout固定住,可以提高预测的稳定性。另外,为了获得确定的预测输出,可以设置temperature=0.01来取 argmax。

# 预测函数
def predict(text):
    response, history = model.chat(tokenizer, f"Please judge whether it is a medical field paper according to the given paper title and abstract, output 1 or 0, the following is the paper title, author and abstract -->{
      text}", history=[],
    return response

predict('title:Seizure Detection and Prediction by Parallel Memristive Convolutional Neural Networks,author:Li, Chenqi; Lammie, Corey; Dong, Xuening; Amirsoleimani, Amirali; Azghadi, Mostafa Rahimi; Genov, Roman,abstract:During the past two decades, epileptic seizure detection and prediction algorithms have evolved rapidly. However, despite significant performance improvements, their hardware implementation using conventional technologies, such as Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS), in power and areaconstrained settings remains a challenging task; especially when many recording channels are used. In this paper, we propose a novel low-latency parallel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture that has between 2-2,800x fewer network parameters compared to State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) CNN architectures and achieves 5-fold cross validation accuracy of 99.84% for epileptic seizure detection, and 99.01% and 97.54% for epileptic seizure prediction, when evaluated using the University of Bonn Electroencephalogram (EEG), CHB-MIT and SWEC-ETHZ seizure datasets, respectively. We subsequently implement our network onto analog crossbar arrays comprising Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) devices, and provide a comprehensive benchmark by simulating, laying out, and determining hardware requirements of theCNNcomponent of our system. We parallelize the execution of convolution layer kernels on separate analog crossbars to enable 2 orders of magnitude reduction in latency compared to SOTA hybrid Memristive-CMOS Deep Learning (DL) accelerators. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of non-idealities on our system and investigate Quantization Aware Training (QAT) to mitigate the performance degradation due to lowAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)/Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) resolution. Finally, we propose a stuck weight offsetting methodology to mitigate performance degradation due to stuck RON/ROFF memristor weights, recovering up to 32% accuracy, without requiring retraining. The CNN component of our platform is estimated to consume approximately 2.791Wof power while occupying an area of 31.255 mm(2) in a 22 nm FDSOI CMOS process.')

# 预测测试集

from tqdm import tqdm

label = []

for i in tqdm(range(len(test_df))):
    test_item = test_df.loc[i]
    test_input = f"title:{

test_df['label'] = label

submit = test_df[['uuid', 'Keywords', 'label']]

submit.to_csv('submit.csv', index=False)


  • 尽量利用预训练模型:现在的预训练语言模型已经能提取强大的语义特征,直接fine-tune往往能取得不错的结果。
  • 多尝试微调技巧:例如使用LoRA进行层间微调,不仅可以提升效果,也更加参数效率。
  • 仔细设计Prompt:根据任务设计合适的Prompt(语句模板),可以让模型更好地捕捉下游任务的特点。
  • 多组验证试验:跑多个实验组合,如模型大小、Prompt长度、batch size等超参数,找出最优配置。
  • 注意过拟合现象:大模型容易过拟合,可以采用早停等策略,或者增强训练数据。
  • 炼数技巧:结合统计特征,或者堆叠多个模型的输出等手段,可以进一步提高分数。

