DTV下的AD Switch和Hearing Impaired功能介绍


  本文介绍DTV下的audio language下的AD Switch和subtitle language下的Hearing Impaired功能

1. audio language之AD Switch

1.1 简介


1.2. 类别

  AD的类型有两种,分别是Receiver-Mixed AD和Broadcast-Mixed AD

1.2.1. Receiver-Mixed AD


1.2.2. Broadcast-Mixed AD


1.3 识别方式

audio_type description 中文描述
0x00 Undefined 主音轨
0x01 Clean effects 把一些环境声音去掉了,只保留人声
0x02 Hearing impaired 听力障碍
0x03 Visual impaired commentary 视力障碍
0x03~0x0F Reserved 预留
mix_type 辅助流类型 描述 特点
0 Reciever-MIX 辅助音轨与主音轨分开传输,在接收端本地合成 以单独设置AD音轨流的音量,不会影响Nomal音轨流的音量
1 Broadcast-MIX 辅助音轨与主音轨一起传输,在发送端提前合成 客户按正常的主音轨解码,避免部分接收机器不支持
editorial_classification 描述
0x00 Main audio,the classification shall not be used for broadcast-mix audio
0x01 Audio description for the visually impaired
0x02 Clean audio for the hearing impaired
0x03 Spoken subtitle for the visuall impaired
0x04 Dependent paremetric data stream
0x05~0x16 Reserved for future use
0x17 Unspecific supplementtary audio for the general audience
0x18~0x1F User defined
Audio purpose audio_type mix_type editorial_classification
Main audio (see note 3) 0x00 or 0x01 1 0x00
Audio description (broadcast mixed) 0x00, 0x01 or 0x03 1 0x01
Audio description (receiver mixed) 0x03 0 0x01
Clean audio 0x02 1 0x02
Parametric data dependent stream 0x02 0 0x04
Spoken subtitles (broadcast-mix) 0x00, 0x01 or 0x03 1 0x03
Spoken subtitles (receiver-mix) 0x03 0 0x03
Unspecific audio for the general audience any 0 or 1 0x17
user defined any 0 or 1 0x18~0x1F
NOTE 1: audio_type is broadcast in the ISO_639_language descriptor.
NOTE 2: mix_type and editorial_classification are broadcast in the supplementary_audio descriptor.
NOTE 3: The supplementary_audio descriptor is optional in this case.

  如上表,当audio_type 为 0x00, 0x01 or 0x03,mix_type 为 1,editorial_classification 为1 时,为Broadcast-mixed AD;当audio_type 为 0x03,mix_type 为 0,editorial_classification 为1 时,为Receiver mixed AD。如未解析到上述有效信息,则检查ISO_639_Language_code中的语言码是否为“NAR”或“QAD”,如果有则判为Broadcast-mixed AD。

  针对Spoken subtitles的支持,【强制】要求等同于Audio description的Broadcast-mixed AD和Receiver mixed AD进行V.I.图标的显示和音轨处理。

1.4 码流分析


1.5 audio优先级

  在AD Switch ON的情况下,AD音轨优先级最高,即,改变了audio language音轨后,从其他节目转到该节目或者在该节目下关机再开机,仍然是AD优先。若AD Switch为关,则AD音轨优先级最低。

2. subtitle language之Hearing Impaired

2.1. 简介


2.2. 识别方式

subtitling_type 描述
0x00 reserved for future use
0x01 EBU Teletext subtitles
0x02 associated EBU Teletext
0x03 VBI data
0x04~0x0F revered for future use
0x10 DVB subtitles (normal ) with no monitor aspect ratio criticality
0x11 DVB subtitles (normal ) for display on 4:3 aspect ratio monitor
0x12 DVB subtitles (normal ) for display on 16:9 aspect ratio monitor
0x13 DVB subtitles (normal ) for display on 2.21:1 aspect ratio monitor
0x14 DVB subtitles (normal ) for display on a high definition monitor
0x15 DVB subtitles(normal ) with plano-stereoscopic disparity for display on a high definition monitor
0x16~0x1F reverved for future use
0x20 DVB subtitles (for the hard of hearing ) with no monitor aspect ratio
0x21 DVB subtitles (for the hard of hearing) for display on 4:3 aspect ratio monitor
0x22 DVB subtitles (for the hard of hearing) for display on 16:9 aspect ratio monitor
0x23 DVB subtitles (for the hard of hearing) for display on 2.21:1 aspect ratio monitor
0x24 DVB subtitles (for the hard of hearing) for display on a high definition monitor


2.3. 码流分析

2.4. subtitle优先级

  在Hearing Impaired ON的情况下,H.O.H字幕优先级最高,即,改变了subtitle language字幕后,从其他节目转到该节目或者在该节目下关机再开机,仍然是H.O.H字幕优先。若Hearing Impaired为OFF,则H.O.H字幕优先级最低。


