英美文化慕课 期末参考


1、Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following EXCEPT_____.

  • A.The North Sea
  • B.The English Channel
  • C.The sea area between Britain and Ireland
  • D.The sea area around the Irish coast

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

2、The Norman Conquest marked _____ in England.

  • A.the establishment of feudalism
  • B.the establishment of Monarch
  • C.the foundation of the British constitutionalism
  • D.the concept of English nationalism

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

3、Britain’s mild climate provides the country with a favorable environment for agriculture and _____.

  • A.Energy
  • B.manufacturing
  • C.sheep farming
  • D.stock raising

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

4、Which of the following statement about Independence Day is not true?

  • A.Some people visit the birthplace of the nation, Philadelphia.
  • B.The army marks the occasion by firing a 50-gun salute.
  • C.Ceremonies include parades, official speeches, outdoor stage shows, fireworks and so on.
  • D.People eat turkey and pumpkin pies.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

5、The US lies in the central of ____, with ____ to the north, ____ to the south, ____ to its east and ____ to its west.

  • A.South America, Mexico, Canada, the Pacific, the Atlantic
  • B.North America, Mexico, Canada, the Pacific, the Atlantic
  • C.North America, Canada, Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific
  • D.South America, Canada, Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

6、The characteristic of dominant American culture are ____.

  • A.English-speaking, Western European, Protestant and middle-class
  • B.English-speaking, Northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-class
  • C.English-speaking, Northern European, Protestant and upper-class
  • D.English-speaking, Western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

7、Which of the following statements is not true?

  • A.During the 1830s and the 1840s, many Northern Europeans and Irish immigrants came to America.
  • B.Almost half of the immigrants coming to the United States in 1980s were Asians.
  • C.The immigration Act of 1924 restricted further immigration into the United States, particularly from Europe.
  • D.The United States is regarded as a “melting pot” but not as a “salad bowl”.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

8、Which of the following remarks is not true as regards to universities in Britain.

  • A.They are legally independent.
  • B.They are partially funded by the central government.
  • C.Admittance to universities depend on the GCSE results of students.
  • D.They have complete academic freedom.

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

9、In the parliament, the House of Commons has important functions except ______.

  • A.To run the government.
  • B.To examine the actions of the government.
  • C.To influence future government policy.
  • D.To draft new laws.

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

10、Which is not the feature of the role of the monarchy in Britain?

  • A.It is ceremonial.
  • B.It is unpolitical.
  • C.It is symbolic.
  • D.It is political.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

11、The four largest manufacturing industries are: computers and electronic products; ____; food, beverage and tobacco; and petroleum products.

  • A.car
  • B.chemicals
  • C.agribusiness
  • D.petroleum

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

12、Which of the following statements is not true about Britain in World War II?

  • A.Britain lost the war.
  • B.Around 357,000 people were killed or missing and 475,000 people were wounded.
  • C.The British Navy was 30% smaller than before the war and Britain list its naval supremacy forever to the United States.
  • D.Britain had exhausted its reserve of gold.

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

13、President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society” by introducing various programs like the following except _____.

  • A.Medicare
  • B.Food stamps
  • C.Education Initiatives
  • D.Welfare

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

14、The climate of Britain is classified as temperate, with ______ summers and ______ winters.

  • A.Warm, warm
  • B.warm, cool
  • C.cool, warm
  • D.cool, cool

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

15、The Declaration of Independence was drafted by ______ and was adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776.

  • A.Alexander Hamilton
  • B.Thomas Jefferson
  • C.George Washington
  • D.Abraham Lincoln

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

16、Which of the following is not a name used to refer to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

  • A.the United Kingdom
  • B.Great Britain
  • C.Northern Ireland
  • D.U.K.

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

17、Your English teacher explains some points from the text in class, but you don’t understand them, what would you do or say?

  • A.Frown at the teacher.
  • B.Nod your head and smile.
  • C.Look at the teacher blankly.
  • D.I’m sorry. I still don’t understand. Could you please give an example?

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

18、The total number of electors in the United States Electoral College is currently _______.

  • A.100
  • B.435
  • C.535
  • D.538

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

19、The car industry in Britain is mostly _____.

  • A.foreign-owned
  • B.state-owned
  • C.joint-owned
  • D.privately-owned

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

20、Of all the high school graduates in America, _______ continue college after graduation.

  • A.more than 50%
  • B.more than 60%
  • C.more than 70%
  • D.more than 80%

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

21、William Dean Howells, Henry James, and Mark Twain are all masters of ____________.

  • A.American Romanticism
  • B.American Modernism
  • C.American Realism
  • D.American Naturalism

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

22、The President is directly voted into office by _______.

  • A.all citizens of America
  • B.the citizens over 18 years old
  • C.electors elected by the voters
  • D.the Senators and the Representatives

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

23、The fundamental cause for the Reformation was King Henry VIII’s efforts to ___.

  • A.divorce his wife
  • B.break with Rome
  • C.support the Protestants
  • D.declare his supreme power over the church

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

24、Which of the following is the most important Christian festival for church-goers in Britain?

  • A.Christmas
  • B.Easter
  • C.Remembrance Day
  • D.Boxing Day

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

25、The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is___________.

  • A.poetry
  • B.drama
  • C.novel
  • D.pamphlet

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

26、The higher education comprises the following categories of institutions but ______.

  • A.a university and the four-year undergraduate institution — the college
  • B.the technical training institution
  • C.the two-year community college
  • D.graduate school

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

27、Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems by the great American poet __________.

  • A. Walt Whitman
  • B. Emily Dickinson
  • C. Robert Frost
  • D. Wallace Stevens

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

28、If someone compliments your scarf, how would you respond to it appropriately?

  • A.I’m glad you like it and you can take it if you want to.
  • B.Oh, it’s cheap.
  • C.Thank you. I like it too.
  • D.It’s my pleasure.

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

29、What does a “public school “in Britain refer to?

  • A.A state school
  • B.An independent school
  • C.A school funded by the public
  • D.A grammar school

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

30、Which of the following press is recognized as a platform for liberal and left-wing opinions in Britain?

  • A.The Times
  • B.The Daily Telegraph
  • C.The Guardian
  • D.The Observer

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

31、The first shots in the American War of Independence were fired in ________.

  • A.Concord
  • B.Philadelphia
  • C.Mississippi
  • D.Lexington

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

32、College applicants in America are chosen not on the basis of _____.

  • A.their high school records and recommendation from their high school teachers
  • B.the impression they make during interviews at the university
  • C.their scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  • D.their social status

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

33、President ________ introduced the New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.

  • A.Roosevelt
  • B.Wilson
  • C.Kennedy
  • D.Truman

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

34、_____ is passed at the end of Glorious Revolution.

  • A.Act of Supremacy
  • B.Bill of Rights
  • C.The Provision of Oxford
  • D.The Provision of Westminster

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

35、_________ is the most famous metaphysical poet.

  • A.John Donne
  • B.Philip Sidney
  • C.Edmund Spenser
  • D.William Butler Yeats

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

36、________ is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through western England.

  • A.The Severn River
  • B.The River Thames
  • C.The Clyde River
  • D.Lough Neagh

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

37、You are at the dinner table and want to eat the salt on the other side of the table. What would you do or say?

  • A.Stand up and stretch out your hand to it yourself.
  • B.Excuse me, could you pass me the salt please?
  • C.Walk around the table and get it by yourself.
  • D.Sorry, could you pass me the salt please?

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

38、Who appoints cabinet ministers in Britain?

  • A.The monarch
  • B.Supreme Court Judge
  • C.The Prime Minister
  • D.The government

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

39、President Roosevelt in his New Deal in 1933 introduced his first act which was to deal with the______.

  • A.unemployment
  • B.pension
  • C.banking crisis
  • D.food

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

40、________ is the most populous and wealthiest part of the country.

  • A.England
  • B.Scotland
  • C.Wales
  • D.Northern Ireland

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

41、The Supreme Court is composed of ______ justices.

  • A.six
  • B.seven
  • C.eight
  • D.nine

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

42、American services for the affluent, include commercial banking, life insurance, ______ and law services.

  • A.real estate
  • B.food
  • C.cars
  • D.clothes

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

43、Jane Austen, the author of ____________, is famous for her novels about love and marriage.

  • A.Jane Eyre
  • B.Wuthering Heights
  • C.Pride and Prejudice
  • D.The Portrait of a Lady

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

44、In a business introduction, Americans may ask you to call them by their first name because_____.

  • A.They are not interested in business.
  • B.They want to be comfortable during the discussion.
  • C.They like harmony in discussion.
  • D.Their last name may be hard to pronounce.

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

45、Which of the following statements is not the reason for Industrial Revolution?

  • A.Britain had a huge market domestically and internationally.
  • B.England acquired from its colonies enormous wealth with which to develop its industry.
  • C.The enclosure movement deprived many small landowners of their property.
  • D.The capitalist class became the most important force in the country.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

46、Which of the following is not President Reagan’s achievements?

  • A.Inflation was finally brought under control.
  • B.Many Americans were better off financially than they had been in 1980.
  • C.The nation was enjoying a period of peacetime prosperity without a recession.
  • D.The gap between rich and poor was narrowed.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

47、Which of the following statements is wrong?

  • A.The symbol of the Democratic Party is a donkey and an elephant represents the Republican Party.
  • B.Abraham Lincoln is a Republican.
  • C.Generally speaking, the Democratic Party has a liberal ideology, while the Republican Party is more conservative.
  • D.The Republicans want the government to play an important role in the economy.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

48、Employment in the ______ sector has been increasing in the US since the 1970s.

  • A.service
  • B.agriculture
  • C.manufacturing
  • D.high-tech

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

49、Tony Morrison is a Novel Prize winning African-American writer and she is the author of____.

  • A.Sound and the Fury
  • B.Tender is the Night
  • C.Sister Carrie
  • D.Beloved

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

50、Which sentence incorrectly describes the Commonwealth?

  • A.It is the successor of the British Empire.
  • B.It is a voluntary association of independent states.
  • C.It is not a political union.
  • D.Not all the member countries acknowledge the British monarch as the symbolic head.

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

51、Of the following practices, ______ did not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.

  • A.Reducing unemployment
  • B.Reducing child benefits
  • C.Lowering old age pensions
  • D.Shortening the period of unemployment benefits

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

52、At present, nearly ________ of the world’s population communicate in English.

  • A.half
  • B.one-third
  • C.a quarter
  • D.one-fifth

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

53、________ marked the beginning of the Cold War.

  • A.Truman Doctrine
  • B.Air raid on Pearl Harbor
  • C.The Treaty of Paris
  • D.New Order

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

54、Which of the following statements is not true?

  • A.You will find Broadway, Times Square, Wall Street, Fifth Avenue and Central Park in New York City.
  • B.You will find the White House, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Memorial and the Kennedy Center in Washington DC.
  • C.Los Angeles is the third largest city in US. You will find Hollywood, Walk of Fame, Universal Studio, Disney Land there.
  • D.Chicago has one of the world’s best collections of modern architecture.

正确答案是 C, 回答正确

55、The following are all powers of the President except________.

  • A.making laws
  • B.vetoing any bills passed by Congress
  • C.appointing federal judges when vacancies occur
  • D.issuing executive orders

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

56、What is the British government made up of?

  • A.The Prime Minister and the Cabinet members.
  • B.The Queen, the Prime Minister and the Members of Parliament.
  • C.The Queen, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet members.
  • D.The Prime Minister and the Members of Parliament.

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

57、Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are representatives of _____________.

  • A.New England Transcendentalism
  • B.American Realism
  • C.American Modernism
  • D.American Naturalism

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

58、At the heart of the British financial system is the _____, which was founded in 1694 and nationalized in 1946.

  • A.the London Stock Exchange
  • B.Bank of England
  • C.big financial centers
  • D.privately owned companies

正确答案是 B, 回答正确

59、Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, MIT, and Yale are located in ____.

  • A.the South
  • B.the West
  • C.the Midwest
  • D.New England

正确答案是 D, 回答正确

60、____________ is famous for his stream of consciousness novel Ulysses.

  • A.James Joyce
  • B.Virginia Woolf
  • C.D. H. Lawrence
  • D.George Eliot

正确答案是 A, 回答正确

