
1.Which one should not be including in writing scientific papers?(C)

A Scientific attitude.

B Logics in presention.

C Our own feelings and emotions.

D Authentic language.

2.If the readers want to know the result of the paper quickly, which part can they read?(B)

A Introduction.

B Abstract.

C Discussion

D The whole paper.

3.Which of the following translation is authentic?(A)

A注意安全-- take care.

B第一教学楼--- No.1 teaching building.

C小心落水---fallinto water carefully

D投诉电话---law suit phone number.

4.Which statement is CORRECT when we read work of others?(B)

A Comment on other people's work with an offensive attitude.
B Comment on other people's work when you think the other people's work is valuable to the academic community.

C Use the word like this is nothing but...

D We don't need to be generous because every work has its shortcomings.

5.Which one is NOT the main factor when the reviewer determine whether to accept your paper?(C)

A The contribution of your paper.

B The novelty of methodology.

C The number of references you cite.

D The guality of your model.

6.Which statement is NOT CORRECT in problem descriptions or formulation section?(B)

A If you have descriptions of the approach or algorithm, you put it here.

B If you have simulation results or numerical results, you put it here.

C If you want to emphasize the novelty of your method, you describe the unique features of the method.

D In this section, you want to let the contributions of the paper stand out.

7.Which one is CORRECT when you list the references?(C)

A It's ok if you put as many references as you can.

B To enrich your paper, you should can list something that is not referred to in your paper.

C Every reference you list here must be referred in the main text.

D It's proper for you to list many home made references.

8.What should you do if you want to show acknowledgment?(B)

A It's not appropriate to put acknowledgment in the front page.

B You can put a separate section of acknowledgment in your paper.

C If you acknowledge Albert Einstein, you should thank him based on the fact.

D The length of acknowledgment should be strictly constrained.

9.Generally speaking, what does the proof reading mean?(B)

A It means your paper has been scheduled to published in the next issues and you need to return it promptly.

B It means your paper has many problems and you need to return it promptly.

C It means your paper has been published and you need to return it promptly.

D It means your paper has been returned.

10.Which of the following is CORRECT about equations and variables.(C)

