sdkman 安装以及 graalvm安装

sdkman安装以及graalvm安装全过程, (可能需要梯子)

tiam@Tiam-Lenovo:~$ curl -s "" | bash

                            `/yho:`       -yd.
                         `/yh/`             +m.
                       .oho.                 hy                          .`
                     .sh/`                   :N`                `-/o`  `+dyyo:.
                   .yh:`                     `M-          `-/osysoym  :hs` `-+sys:      hhyssssssssy+
                 .sh:`                       `N:          ms/-``  yy.yh-      -hy.    `.N-````````+N.
               `od/`                         `N-       -/oM-      ddd+`     `sd:     hNNm        -N:
              :do`                           .M.       dMMM-     `ms.      /d+`     `NMMs       `do
            .yy-                             :N`    ```mMMM.      -      -hy.       /MMM:       yh
          `+d+`           `:/oo/`       `-/osyh/ossssssdNMM`           .sh:         yMMN`      /m.
         -dh-           :ymNMMMMy  `-/shmNm-`:N/-.``   `.sN            /N-         `NMMy      .m/
       `oNs`          -hysosmMMMMydmNmds+-.:ohm           :             sd`        :MMM/      yy
      .hN+           /d:    -MMMmhs/-.`   .MMMh   .ss+-                 `yy`       sMMN`     :N.
     :mN/           `N/     `o/-`         :MMMo   +MMMN-         .`      `ds       mMMh      do
    /NN/            `N+....--:/+oooosooo+:sMMM:   hMMMM:        `my       .m+     -MMM+     :N.
   /NMo              -+ooooo+/:-....`...:+hNMN.  `NMMMd`        .MM/       -m:    oMMN.     hs
  -NMd`                                    :mm   -MMMm- .s/     -MMm.       /m-   mMMd     -N.
 `mMM/                                      .-   /MMh. -dMo     -MMMy        od. .MMMs..---yh
 +MMM.                                           sNo`.sNMM+     :MMMM/        sh`+MMMNmNm+++-
 mMMM-                                           /--ohmMMM+     :MMMMm.       `hyymmmdddo
 MMMMh.                  `````-+yy/`yMMM/     :MMMMMy       -sm:.``..-:-.`
 dMMMMmo-.``````..-:/osyhddddho.           `+shdh+.   hMMM:     :MmMMMM/   ./yy/` `:sys+/+sh/
 .dMMMMMMmdddddmmNMMMNNNNNMMMMMs           sNdo-      dMMM-  `-/yd/MMMMm-:sy+.   :hs-      /N`
  `/ymNNNNNNNmmdys+/::----/dMMm:          +m-         mMMM+ohmo/.` sMMMMdo-    .om:       `sh
     `.-----+/.`       `.-+hh/`         `od.          NMMNmds/     `mmy:`     +mMy      `:yy.
           /moyso+//+ossso:.           .yy`          `dy+:`         ..       :MMMN+---/oys:
         /+m:  `.-:::-`               /d+                                    +MMMMMMMNh:`
        +MN/                        -yh.                                     `+hddhy+.
       /MM+                       .sh:
      :NMo                      -sh/
     -NMs                    `/yy:
    .NMy                  `:sh+.
   `mMm`               ./yds-

                                                                 Now attempting installation...

Looking for a previous installation of SDKMAN...
Looking for unzip...
Looking for zip...
Looking for curl...
Looking for sed...
Installing SDKMAN scripts...
Create distribution directories...
Getting available candidates...
Prime platform file...
Prime the config file...
Installing script cli archive...
* Downloading...
######################################################################## 100.0%
* Checking archive integrity...
* Extracting archive...
* Copying archive contents...
* Cleaning up...

Installing script cli archive...
* Downloading...
######################################################################## 100.0%
* Checking archive integrity...
* Extracting archive...
* Copying archive contents...
* Cleaning up...

Set version to 5.18.2 ...
Set native version to 0.4.2 ...
Attempt update of interactive bash profile on regular UNIX...
Added sdkman init snippet to /home/tiam/.bashrc
Attempt update of zsh profile...
Updated existing /home/tiam/.zshrc

All done!

You are subscribed to the STABLE channel.

Please open a new terminal, or run the following in the existing one:

    source "/home/tiam/.sdkman/bin/"

Then issue the following command:

    sdk help

tiam@Tiam-Lenovo:~$ source "/home/tiam/.sdkman/bin/"
tiam@Tiam-Lenovo:~$ sdk help

    sdk - The command line interface (CLI) for SDKMAN!

    sdk <subcommand> [candidate] [version]

    SDKMAN! is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple JVM related
    Software Development Kits on most Unix based systems. It provides a
    convenient Command Line Interface (CLI) and API for installing, switching,
    removing and listing Candidates.

    help         [subcommand]
    install      <candidate> [version] [path]
    uninstall    <candidate> <version>
    list         [candidate]
    use          <candidate> <version>
    config       no qualifier
    default      <candidate> [version]
    home         <candidate> <version>
    env          [init|install|clear]
    current      [candidate]
    upgrade      [candidate]
    version      no qualifier
    offline      [enable|disable]
    selfupdate   [force]
    update       no qualifier
    flush        [tmp|metadata|version]

    sdk install java 17.0.0-tem
    sdk help install

tiam@Tiam-Lenovo:~$ sdk help install

    sdk install - sdk subcommand to install a candidate version

    sdk install <candidate> [version] [path]

    Invoking this subcommand with only the candidate as parameter will install
    the currently known default version for that candidate. Provide a second
    qualifier to install a specific non-default version. Provide a third
    optional qualifier to add an already installed local version. This final
    qualifier is the absolute local path to the base directory of the SDK to
    be added. The local version will appear as an installed version of the
    candidate. The version may not conflict with an existing version, installed
    or not.

    The subcommand will return a non-zero exit code for versions not found or
    for an invalid path.

    i - may be used in place of the install subcommand.

    sdk install java
    sdk install java 17.0.0-tem
    sdk install java 11-local /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk

tiam@Tiam-Lenovo:~$ sdk install java 17.0.7-graal

Downloading: java 17.0.7-graal

In progress...

##################################################################################################### 100.0%

Repackaging Java 17.0.7-graal...

Done repackaging...

Installing: java 17.0.7-graal
Done installing!

Setting java 17.0.7-graal as default.
tiam@Tiam-Lenovo:~$ java --version
java 17.0.7 2023-04-18 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 17.0.7+8.1 (build 17.0.7+8-LTS-jvmci-23.0-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle GraalVM 17.0.7+8.1 (build 17.0.7+8-LTS-jvmci-23.0-b12, mixed mode, sharing)

