
在使用vrep的thread scirpt的时候我竟然会对这么简单的一个问题产生疑惑,但是为了要多学习,多进步,还是把这个问题记录一下:

一个文件里有许多的函数。一个函数执行完了,会执行到另外一个函数。在执行某个函数的时候,中间也会跑出去执行别的函数,这怎么用线程的概念来解释它?  这个问题可以用时间片轮转来解释:


   在vrep thread scirpt中,每隔2ms就会自动切换到另外一个线程,2ms之后在切换回来。sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch()、sim.switchthread()等函数就是用来控制这个过程的。sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch()能够禁止自动切换。sim.switchthread()指明在哪个时刻从一个线程切换到另外一个线程。我想这可能和vrep的thread scirpt管理机制有关,毕竟一个scene里可以有好几个的thread scirpt,每一个thread scirpt都是需要执行的。












2.1Non-threaded child scripts 单线程脚本/非线程脚本 

单线程的程序执行时,是按照顺序执行的。The script is non-threaded. In that case, it behaves as a function that is called in each simulation step. This also means, it is inherently synchronized with the main simulation loop. 

2.2 Threaded child scripts 多线程子脚本 


The script is threaded. In that case, you can precisely time your code to be synchronized with the main simulation loop with following few instructions:
  • sim.SetThreadAutomaticSwitch()
  • sim.SwitchThread()
You can also specify at which time the threaded script resumes, using sim.SetThreadResumeLocation() .All that functionality is allowed because threaded scripts in V-REP behave more like coroutines 

simSetThreadResumeLocation / sim.setThreadResumeLocation 可以决定位置和脚本的执行顺序

simSetThreadSwitchTiming / sim.setThreadSwitchTiming 指定当前线程在切换到另外一个线程的之前,此线程执行多长时间

a threaded child script is running more like a coroutine than a thraditional thread:

By default, when a threaded child script is launched, it will execute about 2ms. Then V-REP will interrupt or pause it, and only resume it in next simulation step (i.e. when the simulation time has become t=t+dt). It will resume for about 2ms, and be interrupted again. And resume again in next simulation step, and so on, and so forth.

代码片段1:没有线程切换函数,while loop会浪费宝贵的计算资源。需要再while loop里执行完一个2ms

function sysCall_threadmain()
-- Put some initialization code here:
-- Here we execute the regular thread code:
while sim.getSimulationState()~=sim.simulation_advancing_abouttostop do
if ((resF>0)or(resB>0)) then
-- this loop wastes precious computation time since we should only read new
-- values when the simulation time has changed (i.e. in next simulation step).
function sysCall_cleanup()
-- Put some clean-up code here:

默认情况下,vrep每隔两毫秒就会自动从一个线程切换到另外一个线程。然后就会在下一个simulation pass恢复执行。

sim.switchthread() 能够缩短时间,提高效率(把2ms缩短,可以和代码1进行对比 )

      V-REP uses threads to mimic(模拟) the behavior of coroutines, instead of using them traditionally, which allows for a great deal of flexibility and control: by default a threaded child script will execute for about 1-2 milliseconds before automatically switching to another thread. This default behavior can be changed with the sim.setThreadSwitchTiming or sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitchOnce the current thread was switched, it will resume execution at next simulation pass (i.e. at a time currentTime+simulationTimeStep). The thread switching is automatic (occurs after the specified time), but the sim.switchThread command allows to shorten that time when needed. Using above three commands, an excellent synchronization with the main simulation loop can be achieved. Following code (handling the automatic sliding doors from above's example) shows child script synchronization with the main simulation loop 


function sysCall_threadmain()
    -- Put some initialization code here:
    sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch(false) -- disable automatic thread switches
    -- Here we execute the regular thread code:
    while sim.getSimulationState()~=sim.simulation_advancing_abouttostop do
        if ((resF>0)or(resB>0)) then
        sim.switchThread() -- Explicitely switch to another thread now!
        -- from now on, above loop is executed once every time the main script is about to execute.
        -- this way you do not waste precious computation time and run synchronously.
	-- 以上的循环在main scirpt里只会执行一次。这样做不会浪费宝贵的计算资源而且能够和仿真同步运行

3.与thread scirpt相关的常用函数

simSetThreadAutomaticSwitch / sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch 

Description Allows to temporarily forbid thread switches. If the current script doesn't run in a thread (i.e. if it runs in the application main thread), this function has no effect. By default, V-REP doesn't use "regular" threads, but something similar to hybrid threads (which behave like coroutines, but can also behave like regular threads). This allows much more flexibility and execution control of the threads. For complete control over the switching moment, see also sim.getThreadAutomaticSwitchsim.setThreadSwitchTimingsim.switchThreadsim.setThreadIsFree and sim.setThreadResumeLocation.
C synopsis      -
C parameters -
C return value -
Lua synopsis number result=sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch(Boolean switchIsAutomatic)
Lua parameters
switchIsAutomatic: if true, the thread will be able to automatically switch to another thread, otherwise the switching is temporarily disabled.
Lua return values
result: 1 if the command was successful, 0 if it didn't have an effect (e.g. because the function was called from the main or application thread), or -1 in case of an error.

simSwitchThread / sim.switchThread 在某个时刻将当前线程切换到另外一个线程

Description Allows specifying the exact moment at which the current thread should switch to another thread. If the current script doesn't run in a thread (i.e. if it runs in the application main thread), this function has no effect. By default, V-REP doesn't use "regular" threads, but something similar to hybrid threads (which behave like coroutines, but can also behave like regular threads). This allows much more flexibility and execution control of the threads: each thread (except for the main or application thread) has a switch timing associated, which specifies how long the thread will run before switching to other threads. By default this value is 2 millisecond, but can be modified with sim.setThreadSwitchTiming. That timing can be shortened with sim.switchThread. Use with care when calling this function from a plugin. See also the sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitchsim.setThreadResumeLocation and sim.setThreadIsFree functions.
C synopsis simInt simSwitchThread()
C parameters None
C return value 1 if the thread was switched (the current thread gave control to other threads until the next calculation pass), 0 if it was not switched (e.g. because the function was called from the main or application thread, or from a thread started by the user), or -1 in case of an error.
Lua synopsis number result=sim.switchThread()
Lua parameters None
Lua return values result: 1 if the thread was switched (the current thread gave control to other threads until the next calculation pass), 0 if it was not switched (e.g. because the function was called from the main or application thread), or -1 in case of an erro

simSetThreadSwitchTiming / sim.setThreadSwitchTiming指定当前线程在切换到另外一个线程的之前,此线程执行多长时间

Description Allows specifying a switching time for the thread in which the current script runs. If the current script doesn't run in a thread (i.e. if it runs in the application main thread), this function has no effect. By default, V-REP doesn't use "regular" threads, but something similar to hybrid threads (which behave like coroutines, but can also behave like regular threads). This allows much more flexibility and execution control of the threads: each thread (except for the main or application thread) has a switch timing associated, which specifies how long the thread will run before switching to other threads (the execution duration per calculation pass). By default this value is 2 millisecond, but this function allows changing that value (on a thread-basis). Acceptable values are between 0 and 200. For complete control over the switching moment, see also sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitchsim.switchThreadsim.setThreadIsFree and sim.setThreadResumeLocation.
C synopsis -
C parameters -
C return value -
Lua synopsis number result=sim.setThreadSwitchTiming(number deltaTimeInMilliseconds)
Lua parameters
deltaTimeInMilliseconds: desired non-stop execution time before a switching occurs. A value of x will let the thread execute for x-1 to x milliseconds before switching to another thread.
Lua return values
result: 1 if the timing was set, 0 if it was not set (e.g. because the function was called from the main or application thread), or -1 in case of an error.

simResumeThreads / sim.resumeThreads 恢复某个线程

Description In conjunction with sim.setThreadResumeLocation, sim.resumeThreads allows specifying when and in which order threads are resumed. By default, V-REP doesn't use "regular" threads, but something similar to hybrid threads (which behave like coroutines, but can also behave like regular threads). This allows much more flexibility and execution control of the threads. Once a thread switched to another thread, it will resume execution at the beginning of next simulation pass by default. In order to also have full synchronization control between threads, you can assign a resume location and order to each thread. When sim.resumeThreads(x) is called, all threads that were assigned a resume location of x will be resumed. See also sim.setThreadResumeLocationsim.setThreadSwitchTimingsim.switchThread and sim.setThreadIsFree. This function can only be called in the main script.

simSetThreadResumeLocation / sim.setThreadResumeLocation  

Description Allows specifying when and in which order child script threads are resumed. If the current script doesn't run in a thread (i.e. if it runs in the application main thread), this function has no effect. By default, V-REP doesn't use "regular" threads, but something similar to hybrid threads (which behave like coroutines, but can also behave like regular threads). This allows much more flexibility and execution control of the threads. Once a thread switched to another thread, it will resume execution when the main script calls sim.resumeThreads with the corresponding argument, which represents a child script thread resume location. In order to also have full synchronization control between threads, you can assign a resume location and order to each thread with this function. See also sim.setThreadSwitchTimingsim.setThreadAutomaticSwitchsim.switchThread and sim.setThreadIsFree.
C synopsis -
C parameters -
C return value -
Lua synopsis number result=sim.setThreadResumeLocation(number location,number order)
Lua parameters
Lua return values
result: 1 if the command was applied, 0 if it was not (e.g. because the function was called from the main or application thread), or -1 in case of an error.




function sysCall_threadmain()
    local lastSimulationTime=sim.getSimulationTime()
    local simulationStep=sim.getSimulationTimeStep()
    while true do
        local cnt=0
        -- Inner loop:
        while sim.getSimulationTime()==lastSimulationTime do
        printf('Inner loop executed %i times for one simulation step.',cnt)
        local dt=sim.getSimulationTime()-lastSimulationTime
        printf('Thread was interrupted %i times since last simulation step.',math.floor((dt/simulationStep)+0.5))


function sysCall_threadmain()
    local lastSimulationTime=sim.getSimulationTime()
    local simulationStep=sim.getSimulationTimeStep()
    while true do
        local cnt=0
        -- Inner loop:
        while sim.getSimulationTime()==lastSimulationTime do
        printf('Inner loop executed %i times for one simulation step.',cnt)
        local dt=sim.getSimulationTime()-lastSimulationTime
        printf('Thread was interrupted %i times since last simulation step.',math.floor((dt/simulationStep)+0.5))
线程自动切换没有关闭,使用了 sim.switchThread(),内循环只进行一次,中断也只进行一次。
function sysCall_threadmain()
    local lastSimulationTime=sim.getSimulationTime()
    local simulationStep=sim.getSimulationTimeStep()
    while true do
        local cnt=0
        -- Inner loop:
        while sim.getSimulationTime()==lastSimulationTime do
            for j=1,100000,1 do end -- delay loop
        printf('Inner loop executed %i times for one simulation step.',cnt)
        local dt=sim.getSimulationTime()-lastSimulationTime
        printf('Thread was interrupted %i times since last simulation step.',math.floor((dt/simulationStep)+0.5))

没有关闭线程的自动切换,又增加了for 循环,内循环只进行了一次,但是由于线程会自动切换,中断发生了许多次。


function sysCall_threadmain()
    local lastSimulationTime=sim.getSimulationTime()
    local simulationStep=sim.getSimulationTimeStep()
    while true do
        local cnt=0
        -- Inner loop:
        while sim.getSimulationTime()==lastSimulationTime do
            for j=1,100000,1 do end -- delay loop
        printf('Inner loop executed %i times for one simulation step.',cnt)
        local dt=sim.getSimulationTime()-lastSimulationTime
        printf('Thread was interrupted %i times since last simulation step.',math.floor((dt/simulationStep)+0.5))
使用sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch(false)关闭线程的自动切换,虽然同样是增加了for 循环,但是打印结果显示,内循环只会发生一次,中断也只发生一次(由于 sim.switchThread()而发生的一次).



Clarification about "Thread related functionality"  

V-REP Forum - Search

how to simulate precise interrupt timing in V-Rep?  

Lua学习笔记-9.4章-非抢占式的多线程 - 

