【计算机工程与应用】面向突发事件识别与测度的金融信号分析——CCF T2

Application of Financial Signal Analysis in Emergency Recognition and Measurement Based on HHT

Abstract and figures

Observing the security and stability of the real economy and social order through the signals transmitted by the financial market has attracted more and more attention. However, the current research in industry and academia mainly depends on economic theories and econometric models. Obtaining the required data is faced with the problems of low sample frequency and difficult statistics, as well as its interpretability is also limited. Therefore, this paper chooses to obtain financial data with low cost, strong timeliness, authority and reliability, and regards the financial time series as a financial signal hiding the function information of social and economic system. The Hilbert Huang transform(HHT)method composed of empirical mode decomposition(EMD)and Hilbert spectrum analysis(HAS)is selected to analyze the financial signal, capture the emergencies that impact the economy from the financial signal through EMD method, and measure the impact of emergencies on the society through HAS method. The experimental results show that HHT can overcome the problem that it is difficult to mine practical information due to the aliasing effect of financial signals, and can quickly identify and warn the actual emergencies.


