Joda-Time 2.10 发布,DateTimeZone 更新到 2018e


Joda-Time 2.10 发布了,Joda-Time 提供了一组 Java 类包用于处理包括 ISO8601 标准在内的 date 和 time。可以利用它把 JDK Date 和 Calendar 类完全替换掉,而且仍然能够提供很好的集成。


  • DateTimeZone data updated to version 2018e.

  • Handle negative SAVE values in tzdb. Once again, tzdb is the source of problems, with their inability to provide stability. A hack has been added that reverses their latest decision to have negative SAVE values. The hack works so long as a rule set does not mix positive and negative save values.

  • Add Instant.EPOCH. See #472.

  • Clarify negative durations. See #465.

  • Add Instant.ofEpochMilli(). Add Instant.ofEpochSecond(). Fixes #458.

  • Add automatic module name for Java SE 9.

  • Add Kazakh language translations. Fixes #446

  • Avoid double addition when using lenient chronology. Fixes #432.

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  • Clarify Period.fieldDifference() Javadoc.

  • Clarify Instant.withMillis() Javadoc. Fixes

  • Add ZoneInfoProvider() constructor.



