


World Tourism Organization世界旅游组织

membership:139countries and territories (成员:139个国家)
Affilate Member: more than 350 (地区:350个)
Most important principal organs:General Assembly(最重要机构:全体大会)
Three categories of membership:Full Members, Associate Member, Affiliate Members(可以加入的成员:正式成员、准成员、附属成员)

(二)Forbidden City(紫禁城)

History:was the home to 24Ming and Qing emperors off-limits for 500 years
Time:took14 years and was finished in 1420(花费了14年在1420年建成)

(三) A Full Man-Han Banquet(满汉全席)

five-nation baquet(五个民族的菜肴)


Televison Tower:the highest Tv tower in Asia and the thirrd highest in the world
Jin Mao Tower:tallest building in China and the third tallest buliding in the world
(五)Chinese Festival(中国的节日)

The Spring Festival春节
The Lantern Festival元宵节
The Qingming Festival清明节
The Dragon Boat Festival端午节
The Moon Festival中秋节
The Ghost Festival上元节

(六)Potala Palace布达拉萨宫

white Palace:housint the poliltical offices and Dalai Lama’s winter residence
inner Red Palace:housing the temples and sacred tombs of previous Dalai Lamas

(七)Mount Hangshan(黄山)

strange pines(奇山)
jagged peaks(怪石)
sea of clouds(云海)
hot sprigns(温泉)

(八)Travel and Sightseeing(旅游观光)

Melting Snow on the Broken Bridge(断桥残雪)
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三湖映月)
Twin Peaks Piercing to the clouds(双峰插云)
Lotus in the Breeze at the Crooked Countyard(曲院丰荷)
Sudi Causeway in Spring Dawn(苏笛春响)
Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor(饿鱼)
Moing Bell of the Southern Screen(晨钟)
Afternoon View of Lei Feng Tower(雷锋夕照)
Listening to Orioles in the Willows(柳岸闻莺)
Automn Moon and Calm Lake Pavilion (平湖丘月)
(九)Meal Plan codes(饮食&住宿)


EP=European Plan:No Meals(欧式:房费不含餐饮)
CP=Continental Plan:Continental Breakfast only or as indicated(大陆式:房费包含早餐或按指示)
MAP=Modified American Plan:American Breakfast Dinner(修正式美式:房费早餐和晚餐)
DP=Demi-Pension:Continental Breakfast and either table Lunch or Dinner(房费半寄膳:房费包含早餐和午餐或晚餐)
AP=American Breakfast,Lunch,and Dinner(美式:房费包含全餐)

PRPN:Per room ,per night(房费每个房间每晚)
PPPN:Per person,per night(房费每人每晚)

(十)The symbol of China Tourism Organization(中国旅游组织的标志)

Horse Stepping on a Swallown’g(马踏飞燕)

