



谈到在iOS上获取当前线程的调用栈时,大部分开发者第一个想到的是 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 。该个方法在日常开发调试带有符号的测试包过程中,可以快速获取符号化之后的堆栈,十分符合当前得物灰度前针对测试包进行动态检测隐私函数调用的场景。

但在实际的使用过程中,当大量且频繁的利用 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 获取隐私函数调用的符号化堆栈时,CPU的占用率居高不下,造成测试机卡死发热,严重影响正常的回归测试




BSBacktraceLogger 具体的实现原理分析本文不再赘述,感兴趣的读者可以自行搜索,网上有很多分析透彻的文章;在这里只说明一下BSBacktraceLogger在得物动态合规检测场景中不适用的原因:

  1. 使用BSBacktraceLogger 拿到的堆栈是一堆内存地址,这样的堆栈传到合规监测平台没有任何意义。虽然BSBacktraceLogger 提供了一种符号还原的方法,但BSBacktraceLogger的符号还原算法原理是通过解析machO文件,读取符号表,根据偏移量来判断应该是哪个函数。但这套算法的准确度一般,当符号表很大时,恢复速度慢,且占用大量的内存和CPU资源。

  2. 服务端恢复测试包的符号较为困难且耗时长。测试包出包频率高,得物每天测试包构建数量接近三位数,假设当前有100台测试机均安装了不同的测试包,每台设备上传1000条堆栈信息,即使通过一些方式进行去重,这个数量级的堆栈还原还是比恢复崩溃的堆栈大得多,毕竟崩溃是个小概率事件,而隐私API的调用是个必然事件。

  3. 测试包本身没有去除符号,无需再做一次离线的符号恢复,给服务端增加难度和工作量。

经过一系列测试,最终发现在得物中使用BSBacktraceLogger 的方式,效率甚至不如直接使用 +[NSThread callStackSymbols]

既然BSBacktraceLogger 不符合要求,那么深入研究一下系统 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 方法的实现方式,或许会有收获。


首先通过lldb 看一下 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 出自哪一个系统库,通过image lookup 命令可以看到, +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 在系统的Foundation.framework中:

image.png callstackSymbols

进入 /Users/admin/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/iPhone14,4 15.2 (19C57)/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/ 找到Foundation的二进制,通过逆向分析工具IDA,可以直接定位到函数实现的伪代码:

image.png callstackSymbols伪代码

伪代码的实现比较简单,能够看到 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 内部主要调用thread_stack_async_pcs 以及 _NSCallStackArray 的某个函数。静态分析由于缺乏符号,因此具体调用 _NSCallStackArray的哪个函数无法知晓;但是可以通过动态调试,更加清晰的了解函数的运作方式。

启动Xcode,运行Demo工程并给 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 下断点,调试方式选择始终进入汇编模式:

image.png lldb中的动态汇编代码


image.png IDA中的静态分析结果

image.png 0x180f19dd8

在iOS中objc_msgSend 方法存在两个固定的参数,分别是idSEL ,一个代表函数的调用者,可能是个类,也可能是实例对象,另一个代表Selector ,是需要调用的函数指针,这两个参数按照ARM汇编的传参顺序,一个放在X0寄存器,一个放在X1寄存器;这里通过静态分析可以得知,此处的objc_msgSend ,第一个参数是类 _NSCallStackArray ,可以通过po 命令打印验证,SEL也可以一并输出结果:

image.png id和SEL的动态调试结果

通过动态调试,可以看到此处调用的是 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] ,使用image lookup 命令查看函数的具体位置,发现该函数的实现也在Foundation.framework里:

image.png +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:]

+[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:]

Foundation.framework 的静态分析结果中搜索,找到 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 函数的汇编,发现是一些内部的相关属性赋值操作:

image.png +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:]汇编

通过动态调试,查看在内存中运行时的具体赋值情况,可以看到 _NSCallStackArray 类中有很多属性,也可以知晓 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 方法三个参数类型分别是 void /unsigned long /BOOL



image.png 正常输出

根据ARM汇编的传参规则,通过修改X4寄存器,可以将 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 中第三个参数的BOOL从1改为0:

image.png 修改为0



分析到这里,针对 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 做一个总结:

+[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 方法三个参数类型分别是 void **/unsigned long /BOOL ,函数的作用是将函数地址符号化,通过修改第三个参数symbols,可以控制是否进行符号化操作。


+[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 分析完成,继续查看thread_stack_async_pcs 的实现。thread_stack_async_pcs 通过image lookup 命令可以看到出自libsystem_c.dylib:

image.png thread_stack_async_pcs


image.png hread_stack_async_pcs伪代码

查看 __thread_stack_pcs 函数的汇编代码,发现开头有三个函数没有符号,需要通过动态调试来查看:

image.png __thread_stack_pcs汇编

__thread_stack_pcs 下断点,可以看到三个没有符号的函数是pthread_selfpthread_get_stackaddr_nppthread_get_stacksize_np




通过动态调试和静态分析相结合,现在可以拿到 __thread_stack_pcs 中函数符号化之后的伪代码:

__int64 __fastcall __thread_stack_pcs(__int64 a1, int a2, _DWORD *a3, int a4, unsigned __int64 a5, unsigned __int8 a6)
  v12 = pthread_self();
  v13 = pthread_get_stackaddr_np();
  v14 = pthread_get_stacksize_np(v12);
  *a3 = 0;
  v15 = pthread_stack_frame_decode_np(vars0, 0LL);
  v16 = 0LL;
  if ( ((unsigned int)vars0 & 1) == 0 )
    v17 = v13 - v14;
    if ( (unsigned __int64)vars0 >= v17 )
      v18 = v15;
      v28 = a6;
      v19 = (__int64 *)((char *)vars0 + v13 - v15);
      if ( vars0 <= v19 )
        v20 = vars0;
        if ( !a5 )
          goto LABEL_7;
        if ( v18 > a5 && a5 != 0 )
          if ( a2 )
            v16 = 0LL;
            v21 = 1 - a2;
            StatusReg = _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_SYSREG(3, 3, 13, 0, 3));
            while ( 1 )
              if ( (unsigned __int64)*v20 >> 60 == 1 )
                v23 = *(_QWORD *)(StatusReg + 824);
                if ( v23 )
                  v24 = *(unsigned int *)(v23 + 36);
                  v16 = (_DWORD)v24 ? 1LL : (unsigned int)v16;
                  if ( !(((_DWORD)v24 == 0) | (v28 ^ 1) & 1) )
              v25 = pthread_stack_frame_decode_np(v20, &v29);
              v26 = (unsigned int)*a3;
              *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8 * v26) = v29;
              *a3 = v26 + 1;
              if ( (unsigned __int64)v20 < v25 && (v25 & 1) == 0 && v17 <= v25 && (unsigned __int64)v19 >= v25 )
                v20 = (__int64 *)v25;
                if ( v21 != 1 )
              return v16;
            __thread_stack_async_pcs(a1, (unsigned int)-v21, a3, v20);
            return v24;
            return 0LL;
          while ( 1 )
            v16 = 0LL;
            if ( (unsigned __int64)v20 >= v18 || (v18 & 1) != 0 || v17 > v18 || (unsigned __int64)v19 < v18 )
            v20 = (__int64 *)v18;
            v18 = pthread_stack_frame_decode_np(v18, 0LL);
            if ( a5 )
              goto LABEL_5;
            if ( !a4 )
              goto LABEL_15;
  return v16;

分析到这里,已经明确得知thread_stack_async_pcs 中调用的三个关键函数thread_stack_async_pcsthread_stack_pcsthread_stack_async_pcs ,掌握这些关键信息,通过搜索引擎查找这三个函数的相关信息,意外的在GitHub上搜到苹果macOS的开源代码,可以看到thread_stack_async_pcs函数的定义和实现都有:https://github.com/apple-open-source/macos/blob/master/Libc/gen/thread_stack_pcs.c

image.png GitHub开源代码

苹果开源的代码虽然是macOS,但看代码提交时间,是2021年macOS 12.0.1的代码,2021年已经有ARM芯片的mac,说明这段代码兼容ARM64,可以直接移植到iOS上使用

通过对比 __thread_stack_pcs 的开源代码与伪代码发现,大部分代码是一致的,将开源代码放到Xcode中进行编译,在删除无用的头文件之后,编译报错提示缺少 __PTK_FRAMEWORK_SWIFT_KEY3_pthread_getspecific_direct 两个定义:

image.png 编译报错




image.png 开源代码

image.png 代码实现

可以看到 _pthread_getspecific_direct 中使用TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR 宏定义判断应该执行哪个方法,通过搜索引擎可以得知,TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR 其实是iOS的宏定义,在iOS上运行时需要执行的逻辑,_pthread_getspecific_direct 函数在iOS上直接调用pthread_getspecific



#include <pthread.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread/stack_np.h>

#define    INSTACK(a)    ((a) >= stackbot && (a) <= stacktop)
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#define    ISALIGNED(a)    ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0xf) == 0)
#elif defined(__i386__)
#define    ISALIGNED(a)    ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0xf) == 8)
#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
#define    ISALIGNED(a)    ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0x1) == 0)

// The Swift async ABI is not implemented on 32bit architectures.
#if __LP64__ || __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__
// Tests if a frame is part of an async extended stack.
// If an extended frame record is needed, the prologue of the function will
// store 3 pointers consecutively in memory:
//    [ AsyncContext, FP | (1 << 60), LR]
// and set the new FP to point to that second element. Bits 63:60 of that
// in-memory FP should be considered an ABI tag of some kind, and stack
// walkers can expect to see 3 different values in the wild:
//    * 0b0000 if there is an old-style frame (and still most non-Swift)
//             record with just [FP, LR].
//    * 0b0001 if there is one of these [Ctx, FP, LR] records.
//    * 0b1111 in current kernel code.
static uint32_t
__is_async_frame(uintptr_t frame)
    uint64_t stored_fp = *(uint64_t*)frame;
    if ((stored_fp >> 60) != 1)
        return 0;

    // The Swift runtime stores the async Task pointer in the 3rd Swift
    // private TSD.
    uintptr_t task_address = (uintptr_t)pthread_getspecific(103);
    if (task_address == 0)
        return 0;
    // This offset is an ABI guarantee from the Swift runtime.
    int task_id_offset = 4 * sizeof(void *) + 4;
    uint32_t *task_id_address = (uint32_t *)(task_address + task_id_offset);
    // The TaskID is guaranteed to be non-zero.
    return *task_id_address;

// Given a frame pointer that points to an async frame on the stack,
// walk the list of async activations (as opposed to the OS stack) to
// gather the PCs of the successive async activations which led us to
// this point.
static void
__thread_stack_async_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb, uintptr_t frame)
    // The async context pointer is stored right before the saved FP
    uint64_t async_context = *(uint64_t *)(frame - 8);
    uintptr_t resume_addr, next;

    do {
        // The async context starts with 2 pointers:
        // - the parent async context (morally equivalent to the parent
        //   async frame frame pointer)
        // - the resumption PC (morally equivalent to the return address)
        // We can just use pthread_stack_frame_decode_np() because it just
        // strips a data and a code pointer.
#if  __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__
        // On arm64_32, the stack layout is the same (64bit pointers), but
        // the regular pointers in the async context are still 32 bits.
        // Given arm64_32 never has PAC, we can just read them.
        next = *(uintptr_t*)(uintptr_t)async_context;
        resume_addr = *(uintptr_t*)(uintptr_t)(async_context+4);
        next = pthread_stack_frame_decode_np(async_context, &resume_addr);
        if (!resume_addr)

        // The resume address for Swift async coroutines is at the beginnining
        // of a function. Most of the clients of backtraces unconditionally
        // apply -1 to the return addresses in order to symbolicate the call
        // site rather than the the return address, and thus symbolicate
        // something unrelated in this case. Mitigate the issue by applying
        // a one byte offset to the resume address before storing it.
        buffer[*nb] = resume_addr + 1;

        if(!next || !ISALIGNED(next))

        async_context = next;
    } while (max--);

// Gather a maximum of `max` PCs of the current call-stack into `buffer`. If
// `allow_async` is true, then switch to gathering Swift async frames instead
// of the OS call-stack when an extended frame is encountered.
static unsigned int
__thread_stack_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb,
        unsigned skip, void *startfp, bool allow_async)
    void *frame, *next;
    pthread_t self = pthread_self();
    void *stacktop = pthread_get_stackaddr_np(self);
    void *stackbot = stacktop - pthread_get_stacksize_np(self);
    unsigned int has_extended_frame = 0;
    *nb = 0;

    // Rely on the fact that our caller has an empty stackframe (no local vars)
    // to determine the minimum size of a stackframe (frame ptr & return addr)
    frame = __builtin_frame_address(0);
    next = (void*)pthread_stack_frame_decode_np((uintptr_t)frame, NULL);

    /* make sure return address is never out of bounds */
    stacktop -= (next - frame);

    if(!INSTACK(frame) || !ISALIGNED(frame))
        return 0;
    while (startfp || skip--) {
        if (startfp && startfp < next) break;
        if(!INSTACK(next) || !ISALIGNED(next) || next <= frame)
            return 0;
        frame = next;
        next = (void*)pthread_stack_frame_decode_np((uintptr_t)frame, NULL);
    while (max--) {
        uintptr_t retaddr;

#if __LP64__ || __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__
        unsigned int async_task_id = __is_async_frame((uintptr_t)frame);
        if (async_task_id) {
            if (allow_async) {
                __thread_stack_async_pcs(buffer, max, nb, (uintptr_t)frame);
                return async_task_id;
            } else {
                has_extended_frame = 1;
        next = (void*)pthread_stack_frame_decode_np((uintptr_t)frame, &retaddr);
        // 这里要判断一下,不然会越界
        if (retaddr != 0) {
            buffer[*nb] = retaddr;
        if(!INSTACK(next) || !ISALIGNED(next) || next <= frame)
            return has_extended_frame;
        frame = next;

    return has_extended_frame;

// Note that callee relies on this function having a minimal stackframe
// to introspect (i.e. no tailcall and no local variables)
__private_extern__ __attribute__((disable_tail_calls))
_thread_stack_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb,
        unsigned skip, void *startfp)
    // skip this frame
    __thread_stack_pcs(buffer, max, nb, skip + 1, startfp, false);

__private_extern__ __attribute__((disable_tail_calls))
unsigned int
_thread_stack_async_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb,
        unsigned skip, void *startfp)
    // skip this frame
    return __thread_stack_pcs(buffer, max, nb, skip + 1, startfp, true);

// Prevent thread_stack_pcs() from getting tail-call-optimized into
// __thread_stack_pcs() on 64-bit environments, thus making the "number of hot
// frames to skip" be more predictable, giving more consistent backtraces.
// See <rdar://problem/5364825> "stack logging: frames keep getting truncated"
// for why this is necessary.
// Note that callee relies on this function having a minimal stackframe
// to introspect (i.e. no tailcall and no local variables)
unsigned int
thread_stack_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb)
    return __thread_stack_pcs(buffer, max, nb, 0, NULL, /* allow_async */false);

unsigned int
thread_stack_async_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb)
    return __thread_stack_pcs(buffer, max, nb, 0, NULL, /* allow_async */true);


回到文章开头,通过最开始的逆向分析已经知道,+[NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:]内部只调用thread_stack_async_pcs+[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 两个函数,其中一个负责获取调用堆栈,一个负责恢复符号。

现在函数thread_stack_async_pcs 已经有源码,而 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:]可以使用objc_msgSend 调到,当前已经具备还原 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 的全部条件。

通过苹果的开源代码得知,thread_stack_async_pcs 三个参数的类型分别是 vm_address_t *, unsigned , unsigned *,那么 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 方法还原后如下:

#import <objc/message.h>
NSArray * callStackSymbols(void) {
    vm_address_t *v2 = (vm_address_t *)malloc(0x800uLL);
    vm_address_t *v5, *v6;
    int i;
    if ( v2 ) {
        unsigned v3 = 256LL;
        while ( 1 ) {
            unsigned v8 = 0;
            thread_stack_async_pcs(v2, v3, &v8);
            for ( i = v8; i; v8 = --i ) {
                if ( v2[i - 1] )
            if ( (unsigned int)v3 >> 20 )
            if ( i < (unsigned int)v3 )
            v3 = (unsigned int)(4 * v3);
            v5 = (vm_address_t *)malloc(8 * v3);
            if ( !v5 )
            v6 = v5;
            v2 = v6;
    } else {
        i = 0;
    return ((NSArray*(*) (id, SEL, vm_address_t *, long, long))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("_NSCallStackArray"), sel_registerName("arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:"), v2, i, 1);


在Demo验证一下结果,自行实现callStackSymbols 方法和系统打印的堆栈内容完全一致,到这里已经成功的实现可以自定义的 +[NSThread callStackSymbols]

image.png 与系统结果对比



NSArray * callStackSymbols(int max) {
    int m = max;
    if (m < 3) { m = 3; }
    unsigned int count = 0;
    vm_address_t *frames = (vm_address_t *)malloc(m*sizeof(vm_address_t));
    thread_stack_async_pcs(frames, m, &count);
    return ((NSArray*(*) (id, SEL, vm_address_t *, long, long))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("_NSCallStackArray"), sel_registerName("arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:"), frames, count, 1);


image.png 速度对比提升明显





    unsigned long sum = 0;
    sum ^= retaddr;


NSNumber * s = @(sum);
    NSArray<NSString *> * cs = _StackCache[s];
    if (cs) {
        return cs;
    } else {
        NSArray<NSString *> * a = ((NSArray<NSString *>*(*) (id, SEL, vm_address_t *, long, long))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("_NSCallStackArray"), sel_registerName("arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:"), frames, count, 1);
        _StackCache[s] = a;
        return a;


static dispatch_semaphore_t _lock;

#define LOCK(...) dispatch_semaphore_wait(_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); \
__VA_ARGS__; \

初始化缓存对象和信号量的代码则放在一个用constructor 修饰的C函数中,constructor 的作用是在执行main 函数之前做一些操作,作用和Objective-C中的 +load 方法一样:

__attribute__((constructor)) void load(void) {
    _lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
    _StackCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];





#import <objc/message.h>
#import <pthread.h>
#import <mach/mach.h>
#import <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <pthread/stack_np.h>

static NSMutableDictionary<NSNumber *, NSArray<NSString *> *> * _StackCache;
static dispatch_semaphore_t _lock;
#define LOCK(...) dispatch_semaphore_wait(_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); \
__VA_ARGS__; \

#define    INSTACK(a)    ((a) >= stackbot && (a) <= stacktop)
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#define    ISALIGNED(a)    ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0xf) == 0)
#elif defined(__i386__)
#define    ISALIGNED(a)    ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0xf) == 8)
#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
#define    ISALIGNED(a)    ((((uintptr_t)(a)) & 0x1) == 0)

#if __LP64__ || __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__
static uint32_t __is_async_frame(uintptr_t frame) {
    uint64_t stored_fp = *(uint64_t*)frame;
    if ((stored_fp >> 60) != 1)
        return 0;
    uintptr_t task_address = (uintptr_t)pthread_getspecific(103);
    if (task_address == 0)
        return 0;
    int task_id_offset = 4 * sizeof(void *) + 4;
    uint32_t *task_id_address = (uint32_t *)(task_address + task_id_offset);
    return *task_id_address;

__attribute__((noinline)) static void __thread_stack_async_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb, uintptr_t frame) {
    uint64_t async_context = *(uint64_t *)(frame - 8);
    uintptr_t resume_addr, next;
    do {
#if  __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__
        next = *(uintptr_t*)(uintptr_t)async_context;
        resume_addr = *(uintptr_t*)(uintptr_t)(async_context+4);
        next = pthread_stack_frame_decode_np(async_context, &resume_addr);
        if (!resume_addr)
        buffer[*nb] = resume_addr + 1;
        if(!next || !ISALIGNED(next))
        async_context = next;
    } while (max--);

__attribute__((noinline)) static unsigned long __thread_stack_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb, unsigned skip, void *startfp, bool allow_async) {
    void *frame, *next;
    pthread_t self = pthread_self();
    void *stacktop = pthread_get_stackaddr_np(self);
    void *stackbot = stacktop - pthread_get_stacksize_np(self);
    unsigned long sum = 0;
    *nb = 0;
    frame = __builtin_frame_address(0);
    next = (void*)pthread_stack_frame_decode_np((uintptr_t)frame, NULL);
    /* make sure return address is never out of bounds */
    stacktop -= (next - frame);
    if(!INSTACK(frame) || !ISALIGNED(frame))
        return 0;
    while (startfp || skip--) {
        if (startfp && startfp < next) break;
        if(!INSTACK(next) || !ISALIGNED(next) || next <= frame)
            return 0;
        frame = next;
        next = (void*)pthread_stack_frame_decode_np((uintptr_t)frame, NULL);
    while (max--) {
        uintptr_t retaddr;
#if __LP64__ || __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__
        unsigned int async_task_id = __is_async_frame((uintptr_t)frame);
        if (async_task_id) {
            if (allow_async) {
                __thread_stack_async_pcs(buffer, max, nb, (uintptr_t)frame);
                return async_task_id;
        next = (void*)pthread_stack_frame_decode_np((uintptr_t)frame, &retaddr);
        if (retaddr != 0) {
            buffer[*nb] = retaddr;
            sum ^= retaddr;
        if(!INSTACK(next) || !ISALIGNED(next) || next <= frame)
            return sum;
        frame = next;
    return sum;

__attribute__((disable_tail_calls)) unsigned long thread_stack_async_pcs(vm_address_t *buffer, unsigned max, unsigned *nb) {
    return __thread_stack_pcs(buffer, max, nb, 0, NULL, /* allow_async */true);

NSArray<NSString *> * callStackSymbols(int max) {
    int m = max;
    if (m < 3) { m = 3; }
    unsigned int count = 0;
    vm_address_t *frames = (vm_address_t *)malloc(m*sizeof(vm_address_t));
    unsigned long sum = thread_stack_async_pcs(frames, m, &count);
    NSNumber * s = @(sum);
    LOCK(NSArray<NSString *> * cs = _StackCache[s]);
    if (cs) {
        return cs;
    } else {
        NSArray<NSString *> * a = ((NSArray<NSString *>*(*) (id, SEL, vm_address_t *, long, long))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("_NSCallStackArray"), sel_registerName("arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:"), frames, count, 1);
        LOCK(_StackCache[s] = a;);
        return a;

__attribute__((constructor)) void load(void) {
    _lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
    _StackCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];




image.png 过滤系统堆栈

本文的方法是通过计算函数地址的取值范围是否落在App的 __TEXT 段中,这里仅做抛砖引玉,实际应用过程中可以只获取一遍 __TEXT 段在内存中的范围,利用缓存来判断:

#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
__attribute__((always_inline)) bool checkIt(uintptr_t symbolAddress) {
    uint32_t count = _dyld_image_count();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        struct mach_header_64 * header = (struct mach_header_64 *)_dyld_get_image_header(i);
        if (header != NULL) {
            NSString * path = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:_dyld_get_image_name(i)];
            if (![path hasPrefix:@"/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/"]) { // 这里把系统库的machO都过滤,只留下APP即APP内的Framework
            uintptr_t machOBaseAddress = (mach_vm_address_t)header;
            uintptr_t cur = machOBaseAddress + sizeof(struct mach_header_64);
            struct segment_command_64 * cur_seg_cmd;
            for (uint j = 0; j < header->ncmds; j++) {
                cur_seg_cmd = (struct segment_command_64 *)cur;
                if(cur_seg_cmd->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64) {
                    uintptr_t offset = cur + sizeof(struct segment_command_64);
                    for (uint n = 0; n < cur_seg_cmd->nsects; n++) {
                        struct section_64 * section = (struct section_64 *)offset;
                        if (strcmp(section->sectname, "__text") == 0 && strcmp(section->segname, "__TEXT") == 0) {
                            uintptr_t start = machOBaseAddress + section->offset - cur_seg_cmd->fileoff;
                            uintptr_t stop = machOBaseAddress + section->offset + section->size - cur_seg_cmd->fileoff;
                            if (symbolAddress >= start && symbolAddress <= stop) { // 判断函数地址是否在主machO
                                return true;
                        offset += sizeof(struct section_64);
                cur += cur_seg_cmd->cmdsize;
    return false;


文章开头提到BSBacktraceLogger 的堆栈符号化问题,通过 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:] 方法可以轻松解决,这里给出一个简单的实现方式,调用堆栈的获取思路与BSBacktraceLogger 一致,只是在符号化时调用 +[_NSCallStackArray arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:]

#import <mach/mach.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <pthread/stack_np.h>

#define ARM64_PTR_MASK 0x0000000FFFFFFFFF

typedef struct StackFrameEntry{
    const struct StackFrameEntry *const previous;
    const uintptr_t return_address;
} StackFrameEntry;

__attribute__((always_inline)) kern_return_t mach_copyMem(const void *const src, void *const dst, const size_t numBytes){
    vm_size_t bytesCopied = 0;
    return vm_read_overwrite(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)src, (vm_size_t)numBytes, (vm_address_t)dst, &bytesCopied);

NSArray<NSString *> * BSBacktraceLogger(int max) {
    uintptr_t *backtraceBuffer = (uintptr_t *)malloc(sizeof(uintptr_t)*max);
    thread_t thread = mach_thread_self();
    int i = 0;
    _STRUCT_MCONTEXT *machineContext = (_STRUCT_MCONTEXT *)malloc(sizeof(_STRUCT_MCONTEXT));
    mach_msg_type_number_t state_count = ARM_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT;
    if(thread_get_state(thread, ARM_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&machineContext->__ss, &state_count) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
        return 0;
    StackFrameEntry frame = {0};
    const uintptr_t framePtr = machineContext->__ss.__fp;
    if(framePtr == 0 || mach_copyMem((void *)framePtr, &frame, sizeof(frame)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
        return 0;
    for(; i < max; i++) {
        backtraceBuffer[i] = NORMALISE_INSTRUCTION_POINTER(frame.return_address);
        if(backtraceBuffer[i] == 0 || frame.previous == 0 || mach_copyMem(frame.previous, &frame, sizeof(frame)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    return ((NSArray*(*) (id, SEL, vm_address_t *, long, long))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("_NSCallStackArray"), sel_registerName("arrayWithFrames:count:symbols:"), backtraceBuffer, i, 1);


image.png BSBacktraceLogger


通过分析系统 +[NSThread callStackSymbols] 的实现方式,iOS端成功解决一直以来在测试与开发过程中合规检测模块造成的性能问题。目前得物App已经将合规检测流程并入日常的开发与测试工作流程,整个SDL形成闭环。


*文 / Youssef



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