oracle 数据结构部署,

Oracle 数据结构部署


  • - 1、查询DBF文件位置
  select tablespace_name, file_id,file_name, round(bytes/(1024*1024),0) total_space from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name;
  select * from dba_data_files;

  • - 2、删除用户表空间
  drop user ecom cascade;
  drop tablespace ERPDATA including contents and datafiles;
  • - 3、创建表空间
  create tablespace ERPDATA datafile 'D:/test/ecom_00.dbf' size 200M;
  • - 4、授权表空间大小自增长
  alter database datafile 'D:/test/ecom_00.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 3000M;
  alter tablespace ERPDATA add datafile '/data/oracle/data/orcl/ecom_01.dbf' size 200M;
  alter database datafile '/data/oracle/data/orcl/ecom_01.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 3000M;
  • - 5、扩展空间,将数据文件扩大至5000MB
  alter database datafile '/data/oracle/data/orcl/ecom_01.dbf' resize 5000m;
  • - 6、创建用户
  create user ecom identified by "passwd111" account unlock default tablespace ERPDATA;
  • - 7、给用户授权
  grant "CONNECT" TO ecom;
  grant resource to ecom;
  grant "JAVASYSPRIV" TO ecom;
  grant "JAVAUSERPRIV" TO ecom;
  grant create view to ecom;
  grant create synonym to ecom;


  • --当前用户有多少张表

select count(table_name) from user_tables ;

  • --用户在表空间所分配的空间没有限制

alter user sourcedata quota unlimited on SRC_DATA;

  • /* 无法删除当前连接用户

select username ,sid,serial# from v$session
alter system kill session '687,4263';
alter system kill session '491,34491';

  • --查询用户权限

select * from dba_sys_privs d where d.GRANTEE = 'ECOM';

  • --查询用户对表的权限

select 'grant '||u.privilege||' on '||u.TABLE_NAME||' to '||u.GRANTEE||' with grant option;'
from user_tab_privs u where u.table_name not like '%==%';
with admin option;
with grant option;

