python numpy小记2 PCA


计算数据的协方差 $X = [x_1,...x_N]^T$.

>>> x = np.array([[0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0]]).T
>>> x
array([[0, 1, 2],
       [2, 1, 0]])
# 计算x0,x1的协方差矩阵
>>> np.cov(x)
array([[ 1., -1.],
       [-1.,  1.]])


(1) 首先需要将数据归一化,得到数据的协方差矩阵

(2) 再计算协方差矩阵的特征值和特征向量,并进行按照特征值的大小进行排序。


1. 归一化数据。

def normalize(X):
    """Normalize the given dataset X
        X: ndarray, dataset
        (Xbar, mean, std): ndarray, Xbar is the normalized dataset
        with mean 0 and standard deviation 1; mean and std are the 
        mean and standard deviation respectively.
        You will encounter dimensions where the standard deviation is
        zero, for those when you do normalization the normalized data
        will be NaN. Handle this by setting using `std = 1` for those 
        dimensions when doing normalization.
    mu = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) # EDIT 
    mu = np.mean(X, axis=0) #按列求平均值
    std = np.std(X, axis=0) #按照列求标准差
    std_filled = std.copy()  #复制
    std_filled[std==0] = 1.  #若标准差为0,将其变成1,防止分母为0
    Xbar =  np.divide(X-mu, std_filled)            # EDIT THIS
    return Xbar, mu, std

2. np.argsort() 

x = np.array([3,1,2])
print (np.argsort(x)  )#升序排列,返回索引
# ouput:  [1,2,0]
#output: [0, 1, 2]


def eig(S):
    """Compute the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors 
        for the covariance matrix S.
        S: ndarray, covariance matrix
        (eigvals, eigvecs): ndarray, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors

        the eigenvals and eigenvecs SHOULD BE sorted in descending
        order of the eigen values
        Hint: take a look at np.argsort for how to sort in numpy.
    w, v = np.linalg.eigh(S)
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(-w) #降序排列,返回索引
    W = w[sorted_indices] #按照索引重排重排
    V = v[:, sorted_indices] #按照索引重
    return (W, V) # EDIT THIS



def projection_matrix(B):
    """Compute the projection matrix onto the space spanned by `B`
        B: ndarray of dimension (D, M), the basis for the subspace
        P: the projection matrix
    P = np.eye(B.shape[0]) # EDIT THIS
    P =,B.T)
    return P

 5. PCA算法

def PCA(X, num_components):
        X: ndarray of size (N, D), where D is the dimension of the data,
           and N is the number of datapoints
        num_components: the number of principal components to use.
        X_reconstruct: ndarray of the reconstruction
        of X from the first `num_components` principal components.
    # Compute the data covariance matrix S
    S = np.cov(X.T)
    # Next find eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors for S by implementing eig().
    eig_vals, eig_vecs = eig(S)
    eig_vals = eig_vals[ : num_components]
    eig_vecs = eig_vecs[:, : num_components]
    # Reconstruct the images from the lowerdimensional representation
    # To do this, we first need to find the projection_matrix (which you implemented earlier)
    # which projects our input data onto the vector space spanned by the eigenvectors
    P = projection_matrix(eig_vecs) # projection matrix
    # Then for each data point x_i in the dataset X 
    #   we can project the original x_i onto the eigenbasis.
    X_reconstruct = np.zeros(X.shape)
    X_reconstruct =, P)
    return X_reconstruct

 6. 关于高维(N < D)数据的PCA优化

假设归一化数据矩阵为 $X \in R^{NxD},D>N$。为了做PCA需要执行以下步骤。

(1) 我们需要执行特征值/特征向量,特征矩阵$\frac{1}{N} X X^T $。需要解决 $\lambda_i,c_i$.

$\frac{1}{N} X X^T c_i = \lambda_i c_i$

(2) 与初始的特征向量$b_i$,  $\frac{1}{N} X^T X b_i = \lambda_i b_i$

(3) 左乘一个矩阵。$\frac{1}{N} X^T X X^T c_i = \lambda_i X ^T c_i$

故我们可以重新得到 $b_i = X^T c_i $ 作为协方差矩阵$S$的特征向量,以及特征值$\lambda_i$。

def PCA_high_dim(X, num_components):
    """Compute PCA for small sample size. 
        X: ndarray of size (N, D), where D is the dimension of the data,
           and N is the number of data points in the training set. You may assume the input 
           has been normalized.
        num_components: the number of principal components to use.
        X_reconstruct: (N, D) ndarray. the reconstruction
        of X from the first `num_components` principal components.
    N, D = X.shape
    M = np.zeros((N, N)) # EDIT THIS, compute the matrix \frac{1}{N}XX^T.
    M =, X.T) / N
    eig_vals, eig_vecs = eig(M) # EDIT THIS, compute the eigenvalues. 
    U = eig_vecs[:, : num_components] # EDIT THIS. Compute the eigenvectors for the original PCA problem.
    # Similar to what you would do in PCA, compute the projection matrix,
    # then perform the projection.
    P = projection_matrix(U) # projection matrix
    X_reconstruct = np.zeros((N, D)) # EDIT THIS.
    X_reconstruct =, X)
    return X_reconstruct

