6.27 加油人才!


EU Trade 欧盟贸易

The perils of protectionism


Dec 7th 2006 | BRUSSELS

From The Economist print edition


Europe finds that trade retaliation can backfire


PETER MANDELSON is an avowed[1] trade liberal. So it is somewhat embarrassing that as the European Union's Commissioner for Trade, he has presided over the imposition of punitive duties on a wave of Asian imports. Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the “bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled[2]. (1)But on December 6th he had the chance to repair his liberal credentials when he launched a green paper on the EU's trade-defence policy.


(2)The EU's trade-defence rules, which determine when it can impose anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures, were drawn up a decade ago. But they are beginning to show their age. Global supply chains have stretched round the world and many European companies have outsourced production to Asia. As a result, more European companies are being hit by the EU's own retaliation against unfair competition. That has pitted[3] Europe's retailers against some of its manufacturers. As one retail boss puts it, views diverge widely: “They [the manufacturers] see China as a threat and we see China as an opportunity”.


Mr Mandelson's exercise is a chance to rethink what policy would do most good for Europe's economies.(3)He wants the EU to look again at the “community-interest” test—that anti-dumping duties can be introduced only if they are in the wider interests of European business and consumers. Retailers complain that the test is in practice biased towards producers.


The green paper gives little away about what the European Commission hopes to achieve. (4)Cliff Stevenson, an anti-dumping consultant who has worked for the commission, says that one option could be to extend the definition of community industry to include European businesses with overseas operations. This could give those companies a voice when the commission is investigating an anti-dumping case.


Determining Europe's best economic interest is already a fraught[4] business in a union of 25 members (soon to be 27). Traditionally, there has been a divide between northern liberal countries, such as Britain and Sweden, and protectionist founder members, such as France and Italy. (5)In October all member states signed up to Mr Mandelson's review of trade defences. But it is unlikely they will agree on much else, least of all any radical changes.


(6)This means the review could be a damp squib[5]. However, there were signs that the Commission is working to meet other trade concerns. This week it said it would push for labour standards to be part of bilateral trade deals with Asian countries, such as India and South Korea. This was welcomed by some European countries. It might help Mr Mandelson to win the argument for a careful expansion of the community interest. But don't count on it.




1. avow v.  (fml 文) declare (sth) openly; admit 公开宣称(某事物); 承认: avow one's belief, faith, conviction, etc 公开表示相信, 信仰, 服理等 * avow oneself (to be) a socialist 公开宣布自己是社会主义者 * The avowed aim of this Government is to reduce taxation. 这届政府所宣称的目标是减少税收.

2. unravel v. 1 (cause sth woven, knotted or tangled to) separate into strands (使编织、编结或纠结之物)解开, 拆开: My knitting has unravelled. 我编织的东西散开了. * unravel a cardigan, a ball of string 把对襟毛衣、一团细绳拆开. Cf 参看 ravel.  2 (fig 比喻) (cause sth to) becomeclear or solved (使某事物)变清楚或获解决: The mysteryunravels slowly. 那件神秘的事渐渐明朗了. * unravel a plot, puzzle, etc 揭露阴谋、解决难题.

3. pit against 使竞争

4. fraught adj. 1 [pred 作表语] ~ with sth filled with sth; charged with sth 充满某事物; 注入某事物: a situation fraught with danger 充满危险的情况 * a silence fraught with meaning 意义无穷的沉默.  2 worried or anxious; worrying 担心的; 烦恼的; 焦虑的; 令人忧虑的: There's no need to look so fraught! 用不着那么愁眉苦脸的. * Next week will be particularly fraught as we've just lost our secretary. 我们的秘书刚刚辞职, 下星期特别令人担心.

5. damp squib (infml 口) event, etc that is much less impressive than expected 未达预期效果的事等: The party was a bit of a damp squib. 这次聚会有些扫兴.

