
 1 ** Test Cases ***
 2 Test With Settings
 3     [Documentation]     Another dummy test
 4     # 用于指定测试用例文档
 5     [Tags]      dummy   owner-johnoe
 6     # 用于指定测试用例标签
 7     [Template]
 8     # 用于指定测试模板,测试用例本身将只包含数据,每行数据都是传递给该关键字的参数,最终实现数据驱动测试
 9     log     Hello,world
11 Valid Longin
12     Open Login Page
13     Input Username
14     Input Password
15     Submit Credentials
16     Welcome Page Should Be Open
17 Setting Variables
18     Do Something
19 *** Keywords ***
20 Open Login Page     Log  '打开网页关键字'
21 Input Username  log     demo
22 Input Password  log     demo
23 Submit Credentials  log     '啥关键字'
24 Welcome Page Should Be Open  log     log     '最后一个关键字'
25 Do Something    log     '带参数的关键字

