【CodeForces 339B】Micro-World


luogu & CodeForces


You have a Petri dish with bacteria and you are preparing to dive into the harsh micro-world. But, unfortunately, you don't have any microscope nearby, so you can't watch them.

You know that you have nn bacteria in the Petri dish and size of the ii-th bacteria is aiai. Also you know intergalactic positive integer constant KK.

The ii-th bacteria can swallow the jj-th bacteria if and only if ai>ajai>aj and aiaj+Kai≤aj+K. The jj-th bacteria disappear, but the ii-th bacteria doesn't change its size. The bacteria can perform multiple swallows. On each swallow operation any bacteria ii can swallow any bacteria jj if ai>ajai>aj and aiaj+Kai≤aj+K. The swallow operations go one after another.

For example, the sequence of bacteria sizes a=[101,53,42,102,101,55,54]a=[101,53,42,102,101,55,54] and K=1K=1. The one of possible sequences of swallows is: [101,53,42,102,101––,55,54][101,53,42,102,101_,55,54]  [101,53,42,102,55,54][101,53_,42,102,55,54]  [101––,42,102,55,54][101_,42,102,55,54]  [42,102,55,54][42,102,55,54_]  [42,102,55][42,102,55]. In total there are 33 bacteria remained in the Petri dish.

Since you don't have a microscope, you can only guess, what the minimal possible number of bacteria can remain in your Petri dish when you finally will find any microscope.








感谢@zhaotiensn 提供翻译







 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 #include<cstring>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 int n,k;
 7 int a[500000];
 8 inline void read(register int &x){
 9     x=0; register char ch=getchar();
10     while(ch<'0'||ch>'9')ch=getchar();
11     while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9')x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar();
12 }
13 int main(){
14     read(n),read(k);
15     for(register int i=1;i<=n;i++){
16         read(a[i]);
17     }
18     sort(a+1,a+n+1);
19     int ans=n;
20     for(register int i=1;i<n;i++){
21         int num=a[i],pos=i;
22         while(a[i+1]==a[i])i++;
23         int ne=a[i+1];
24         //cout<<num<<' '<<ne<<endl;
25         if(ne>num&&ne<=num+k)ans-=(i-pos+1);
26     }
27     cout<<ans<<endl;
28 }

You have a Petri dish with bacteria and you are preparing to dive into the harsh micro-world. But, unfortunately, you don't have any microscope nearby, so you can't watch them.

You know that you have nn bacteria in the Petri dish and size of the ii-th bacteria is aiai. Also you know intergalactic positive integer constant KK.

The ii-th bacteria can swallow the jj-th bacteria if and only if ai>ajai>aj and aiaj+Kai≤aj+K. The jj-th bacteria disappear, but the ii-th bacteria doesn't change its size. The bacteria can perform multiple swallows. On each swallow operation any bacteria ii can swallow any bacteria jj if ai>ajai>aj and aiaj+Kai≤aj+K. The swallow operations go one after another.

For example, the sequence of bacteria sizes a=[101,53,42,102,101,55,54]a=[101,53,42,102,101,55,54] and K=1K=1. The one of possible sequences of swallows is: [101,53,42,102,101,55,54][101,53,42,102,101_,55,54]  [101,53,42,102,55,54][101,53_,42,102,55,54]  [101,42,102,55,54][101_,42,102,55,54] [42,102,55,54][42,102,55,54_]  [42,102,55][42,102,55]. In total there are 33 bacteria remained in the Petri dish.

Since you don't have a microscope, you can only guess, what the minimal possible number of bacteria can remain in your Petri dish when you finally will find any microscope.

