eos代码阅读笔记05- 事务transaction




transaction_header (头)-> transaction -> signed_transaction(签名) -> deferred_transaction(推迟)

事务头对象 /eos/libraries/chain/include/eosio/chain/transaction.hpp

    *  The transaction header contains the fixed-sized data
    *  associated with each transaction. It is separated from
    *  the transaction body to facilitate partial parsing of
    *  transactions without requiring dynamic memory allocation.
    *  All transactions have an expiration time after which they
    *  may no longer be included in the blockchain. Once a block
    *  with a block_header::timestamp greater than expiration is
    *  deemed irreversible, then a user can safely trust the transaction
    *  will never be included.

    *  Each region is an independent blockchain, it is included as routing
    *  information for inter-blockchain communication. A contract in this
    *  region might generate or authorize a transaction intended for a foreign
    *  region.每个区域是一个独立的块链,它被作为路由信息用于链间链通信。该地区的合同可能产生或授权旨在为外国地区进行的交易。
   struct transaction_header {
      time_point_sec         expiration;   ///< the time at which a transaction expires 交易到期的时间
      uint16_t               ref_block_num       = 0U; ///< specifies a block num in the last 2^16 blocks.指定到上一个块
      uint32_t               ref_block_prefix    = 0UL; ///< specifies the lower 32 bits of the blockid at get_ref_blocknum 指定块的较低的32位。
      fc::unsigned_int       max_net_usage_words = 0UL; /// upper limit on total network bandwidth (in 8 byte words) billed for this transaction 8字节的总网络带宽上线
      uint8_t                max_cpu_usage_ms    = 0; /// upper limit on the total CPU time billed for this transaction 此交易的总CPU时间上限
      fc::unsigned_int       delay_sec           = 0UL; /// number of seconds to delay this transaction for during which it may be canceled.延迟该事务的秒数,在此期间可以取消该事务。


    *  A transaction consits of a set of messages which must all be applied or
    *  all are rejected. These messages have access to data within the given
    *  read and write scopes.事务必须包含一组消息,这些消息必须全部应用或全部被拒绝。这些消息可以访问给定的读写范围内的数据。
   struct transaction : public transaction_header {
      vector<action>         context_free_actions;上下文-自由动作
      vector<action>         actions;操作,一个事务可以有多个操作
      extensions_type        transaction_extensions;扩展型事务

      transaction_id_type        id()const;
      digest_type                sig_digest( const chain_id_type& chain_id, const vector<bytes>& cfd = vector<bytes>() )const;
      flat_set<public_key_type>  get_signature_keys( const vector<signature_type>& signatures,
                                                     const chain_id_type& chain_id,
                                                     const vector<bytes>& cfd = vector<bytes>(),
                                                     bool allow_duplicate_keys = false )const;

      uint32_t total_actions()const { return context_free_actions.size() + actions.size(); }
      account_name first_authorizor()const {
         for( const auto& a : actions ) {
            for( const auto& u : a.authorization )
               return u.actor;
         return account_name();



 struct signed_transaction : public transaction
      signed_transaction() = default;
//      signed_transaction( const signed_transaction& ) = default;
//      signed_transaction( signed_transaction&& ) = default;
      signed_transaction( transaction&& trx, const vector<signature_type>& signatures, const vector<bytes>& context_free_data)
      : transaction(std::move(trx))
      , signatures(signatures)
      , context_free_data(context_free_data)

      vector<signature_type>    signatures;
      vector<bytes>             context_free_data; ///< for each context-free action, there is an entry here

      const signature_type&     sign(const private_key_type& key, const chain_id_type& chain_id);
      signature_type            sign(const private_key_type& key, const chain_id_type& chain_id)const;
      flat_set<public_key_type> get_signature_keys( const chain_id_type& chain_id, bool allow_duplicate_keys = false )const;


    *  When a transaction is generated it can be scheduled to occur
    *  in the future. It may also fail to execute for some reason in
    *  which case the sender needs to be notified. When the sender
    *  sends a transaction they will assign it an ID which will be
    *  passed back to the sender if the transaction fails for some
    *  reason.
   struct deferred_transaction : public signed_transaction
      uint128_t      sender_id; /// ID assigned by sender of generated, accessible via WASM api when executing normal or error
                                   当执行正常或错误时,由发送者通过WASM API生成、可访问的ID
      account_name   sender; /// receives error handler callback 接收错误处理回调
      account_name   payer;
      time_point_sec execute_after; /// delayed execution 延迟执行


    *  An action is performed by an actor, aka an account. It may
    *  be created explicitly and authorized by signatures or might be
    *  generated implicitly by executing application code.
    *  This follows the design pattern of React Flux where actions are
    *  named and then dispatched to one or more action handlers (aka stores).
    *  In the context of eosio, every action is dispatched to the handler defined
    *  by account 'scope' and function 'name', but the default handler may also
    *  forward the action to any number of additional handlers. Any application
    *  can write a handler for "scope::name" that will get executed if and only if
    *  this action is forwarded to that application.
    *  Each action may require the permission of specific actors. Actors can define
    *  any number of permission levels. The actors and their respective permission
    *  levels are declared on the action and validated independently of the executing
    *  application code. An application code will check to see if the required authorization
    *  were properly declared when it executes.
   struct action {
      account_name               account;
      action_name                name;
      vector<permission_level>   authorization;
      bytes                      data;


