The chairman of CFTC: bitcoin is not an ideal mean of payment

The chairman of CFTC, J. Christopher Giancarlo thought bitcoin is similar with gold, but bitcoin has numerous features which are different from other capitals. Giancarlo contacts with the emerging industry with open heart, so many cryptocurrncy enthusiasts call him Cryptodad amiably. In recent interview, he mentioned that bicoin is not an ideal medium of interpersonal exchange. The features of bitcoins prove that it is like fictitious gold more.

“You can say virtual assets are similar with gold. But it is virtual and exists digitally. A lot of people found it is the capital that worth to keep for a long time. Its features prevent it from being an deal medium of interpersonal exchange, but make investment a better choice instead.”

The market regulator claimed that it is hard to involve bitcoin in any classify of regulation. The supervision department and lawmakers have discussed that if CFTC and SEC should obtain more right to supervise cryptocurrency market.

Here is the latest transaction price of bicoin.

The bitcoin price of today’s open is $9,219.86, and the highest price today is $9,281.08. The price of usd to btc at present is $9,196.67.

