The countdown of bitcoin mining: 4 million is left

Since January, 2009, the first bitcoin has been mined. It cost about 200 days to mine 1 million bitcoins, while it cost over 500 days to supply 17 million bitcoins. It is reported by CNBC that the surplus bitcoins will be mined in the next 122 years.

The report from coindesk showed that 17 million bitcoins has been mined, which means the global miner will compete the surplus bitcoins.

The CEO of Cosima Capital, Brandon Williams thought the data above reminded us of unstable price, but bitcoin is powerful as never before. Not only because of the improvement of its expansibility and the decline of transaction fee, but also the limitation of bitcoin.

 The bitcoin investor, Ansel Lindner declared that the information above will show the scarcity of bitcoin, which will push the bitcoin price eventually. He predicted that bitcoin may break the record set in December of last year.

