

  1. Download and Install Blender itself

  2. Download RenderMan Installer (Need to register an account and choose the non-commercial (NCR) version)

  3. Log-in, Show All and Select RenderMan ProServerr (Default Path: C:\Program Files\Pixar)


  1. Installing the PRman-for-Blender addon from GitHub

  2. Install from Release Page
  3. OR, clone the Master source code as zip.
  4. See NOTE for the unexpected errors

  5. Install addon in Blender

To actually use the addon though we need to install it in Blender, so open up Blender and go to the addons tab (CTL-ALT-U). From here you can click on the install addon button and select the downloaded zip file.

NOTE: May have some unexpected error! Look at GitHub


  • Look at Issues Page! They may just have some unofficial fix!

  • Like when I was installing RenderMan for Blender, the only available version of RenderMan is v21.7 but the PRman-for-Blender only have official release of v21.5

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  • The problem was fixed by the unofficial lease https://github.com/adminradio/RenderManForBlender/releases/tag/v21.7-unofficial
  • Episode: How did I get this link?
    • Firstly I looked at issue page
    • From #571, I clicked on the quickfix
    • One of the maintainer @adminradio commented at 3/22/2018 (5 days ago!), worked on solving the problem and submit an unofficial release for v21.7.


  1. Youtube: Installing and Starting RenderMan for Blender
  2. Intro to RenderMan for Blender


RenderMan for Blender是需要在Blender上安装RenderMan的插件,除了分别安装Blender, RenderMan以外,还需要到维护项目的GitHub上下载最新的对应的release.


