
1. 整体把握

  一般都可以想到 O ( n 2 ) 的暴力算法,KMP改进暴力算法使其算法复杂度为O(m+n)。本文参考:维基百科


2.1 使用局部匹配表

  • To illustrate the algorithm’s details, consider a (relatively artificial) run of the algorithm, where W = “ABCDABD” and S = “ABC ABCDAB ABCDABCDABDE”. At any given time, the algorithm is in a state determined by two integers:
  • m, denoting the position within S where the prospective match for W begins,
    i, denoting the index of the currently considered character in W.


  • For the moment, we assume the existence of a “partial match” table T, described below, which indicates where we need to look for the start of a new match in the event that the current one ends in a mismatch.局部匹配表的意义
  • The entries of T are constructed so that if we have a match starting at S[m] that fails when comparing S[m + i] to W[i], then the next possible match will start at index m + i - T[i] in S (that is, T[i] is the amount of “backtracking” we need to do after a mismatch). 局部匹配表如何使用
    • This has two implications: first, T[0] = -1, which indicates that if W[0] is a mismatch, we cannot backtrack and must simply check the next character;
    • and second, although the next possible match will begin at index m + i - T[i], as in the example above, we need not actually check any of the T[i] characters after that, so that we continue searching from W[T[i]].

  假设我们有一个partial match table(如下图所示),重复上面查表的规则和方法,我们可以手动复现下面的KMP算法过程:

  特别强调:每次当前母串中 m + i 位置失配时,查表中对应的i的值,然后将下一次匹配的位置设置为 m + i T [ i ] ,但是只需要从T[i]处开始匹配就可以了。

2.2 构造局部匹配表



  • We consider the example of W = “ABCDABD” first. We will see that it follows much the same pattern as the main search, and is efficient for similar reasons. We set T[0] = -1.T[0]默认为-1,注意当前是i位置发生了失配
  • To find T[1], we must discover a proper suffix of “A” which is also a prefix of pattern W. But there are no proper suffixes of “A”, so we set T[1] = 0.这里需要了解前缀和后缀的定义
  • To find T[2], we see that the substring W[0] - W[1] (“AB”) has a proper suffix “B”. However “B” is not a prefix of the pattern W. Therefore, we set T[2] = 0.不同于说是AB子串的前缀,而强调了是W的前缀,这里为下面的简易判断方式做了铺垫。
  • 3Continuing to T[3], we first check the proper suffix of length 1, and as in the previous case it fails. Should we also check longer suffixes?
    • No, we now note that there is a shortcut to checking all suffixes: let us say that we discovered a proper suffix which is a proper prefix (A proper prefix of a string is not equal to the string itself) and ending at W[2] with length 2 (the maximum possible); then its first character is also a proper prefix of W, hence a proper prefix itself, and it ends at W[1], which we already determined did not occur as T[2] = 0 and not T[2] = 1. Hence at each stage, the shortcut rule is that one needs to consider checking suffixes of a given size m+1 only if a valid suffix of size m was found at the previous stage (i.e. T[x] = m) and should not bother to check m+2, m+3, etc.通过反证法,证明了T[i]与T[i-1]的一些关系



   i f   p [ T [ i ] ] == p [ i ] T [ i ] = T [ T [ i ] ]


3. 伪代码

  学习伪代码,然后尝试自己去实现,在某些字符串的题目中,KMP给我们提供了 O ( m + n ) 的备用函数,结合深度搜索可以解决很多复杂的问题。

algorithm kmp_search:
        an array of characters, S (the text to be searched)
        an array of characters, W (the word sought)
        an array of integers, P (positions in S at which W is found)
        an integer, nP (number of positions)

    define variables:
        an integer, j ← 0 (the position of the current character in S)
        an integer, k ← 0 (the position of the current character in W)
        an array of integers, T (the table, computed elsewhere)

    let nP ← 0

    while j < length(S) do
        if W[k] = S[j] then
            let j ← j + 1
            let k ← k + 1
            //如果k=length w 那么代表一个完整的匹配完成
            if k = length(W) then
                (occurrence found, if only first occurrence is needed, m may be returned here)
                //记录这个匹配信息 模式串开始位置位j-k(模式串长度) np+1,括号里面的话的意思,如果只要找到第一个匹配完成的位置,则这里直接return就可以了。
                let P[nP] ← j - k, nP ← nP + 1
                let k ← T[k] //(T[length(W)] can't be -1)
            let k ← T[k]
            if k < 0 then
                let j ← j + 1
                let k ← k + 1

  仔细观察发现没有 m 了,在上面的算法学习部分是有个 m 标志模式串起始位置的,这里基于两个思考:

m = m + k T [ k ] + T [ k ] = m + k ,   m = j k

  注意上面的j是先增加了1,所以这里为 j-k。上面的伪代码实现起来应该很容易,然后看局部匹配表的伪代码如下:

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algorithm kmp_table:
        an array of characters, W (the word to be analyzed)
        an array of integers, T (the table to be filled)
        nothing (but during operation, it populates the table)

    define variables:
        an integer, pos ← 2 (the current position we are computing in T)
        an integer, cnd ← 0 (the zero-based index in W of the next 
character of the current candidate substring)

    (the first few values are fixed but different from what the algorithm 
might suggest)
    let T[0] ← -1, T[1] ← 0
    //pos从3开始,所以刚开始的判断为w[1],w[0],cnd=0 注意cnd代表了当前substring的最长前缀的下一个值。
    while pos < length(W) do
        (first case: the substring continues)
        if W[pos - 1] = W[cnd] then
            let cnd ← cnd + 1, T[pos] ← cnd, pos ← pos + 1
        (second case: it does not, but we can fall back)
        else if cnd > 0 then
            let cnd ← T[cnd]
        (third case: we have run out of candidates.  Note cnd = 0)
            let T[pos] ← 0, pos ← pos + 1

观察i=10,此时因为p[pos-1] != p[cnd](此时pos=10 cnd=2),执行cnd=T[cnd]。我们知道了p[pos-1] != p[cnd]的事实,从KMP原理上此时cnd应该为2,去检查PA == AT?,不过可以多思考一步,如果AT能成为pos=10的W的最长前缀,那么A一定PA的最长前缀。按照这种逻推广到一般情形,遇到上面p[pos-1] != p[cnd]的情况时,下一步应该检查的最长前缀的长度为T[cnd],而不是cnd-1这里需要多想想,再次强调这是编程方式的一种优化。再看看优化后的KMP算法的局部匹配表的构造算法:

algorithm kmp_table:
        an array of characters, W (the word to be analyzed)
        an array of integers, T (the table to be filled)
        nothing (but during operation, it populates the table)

    define variables:
        an integer, pos ← 2 (the current position we are computing in T)
        an integer, cnd ← 0 (the zero-based index in W of the next 
character of the current candidate substring)

    (the first few values are fixed but different from what the algorithm 
might suggest)
    let T[0] ← -1, T[1] ← 0
    while pos < length(W) do
        (first case: the substring continues)
        if W[pos - 1] = W[cnd] then
            let cnd ← cnd + 1, T[pos] ← cnd, pos ← pos + 1
        (second case: it does not, but we can fall back)
        else if cnd > 0 then
            let cnd ← T[cnd]
        (third case: we have run out of candidates.  Note cnd = 0)
            let T[pos] ← 0, pos ← pos + 1
        if p[T[pos-1]] == p[pos-1] 

4. 总结


