DS1821 驱动程序




DS1821 工作流程


DS1821 驱动


#ifndef __DS1821DRIVER_H
#define __DS1821DRIVER_H

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   MACROS                                                                  
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern char DS1821DriverStateMachine(void);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   END                                                                     
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |                   Televic N.V. 
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* --------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ----------------------- +
 | This program contains proprietary information that is a trade secret of   
 | Televic N.V. and also is protected as an        
 | unpublished  work under applicable Copyright laws. Recipient is to retain 
 | this program in confidence and is not permitted to use or make copies     
 | thereof other than as permitted in a prior written agreement with         
 | Televic N.V.                                    
 | (c) Copyright, 2005, Televic N.V.               
 | All rights reserved. Company confidential.                                
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 | Module        : MCC
 | File name     : ds1821_driver.c
 | Description   : 
 | Reference(s)  : none
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   HEADER (INCLUDE) SECTION                                                
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "ds1821_driver.h"
#include "Timer_user.h"
#include "hhd_sys.h"
#include "hhd_gpio.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   EXTERNAL DATA                                                           
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   TYPE DEFINITIONS (file scope only)                                 
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   GLOBAL CONSTANTS                                                        
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   GLOBAL VARIABLES                                   
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* - Prototypes in header file --------------------------------------------- */

/* - File scope only ------------------------------------------------------- */
#define   XTAL   16   //可定义为你所用的晶振频率(单位Mhz) 
// #define   Delay_10us(x)   __delay_cycles ( (unsigned long)(x * XTAL)  ) 
// #define   delay_ms(x)   __delay_cycles ( (unsigned long)(x * XTAL*1000) )
// #define   delay_s(x)    __delay_cycles ( (unsigned long)(x * XTAL*1000000) )

char g_ds1821_str[DS1821_LEN] = {',','$', 'T', 'E', 'M', 'P', ',' ,' ',' ', ' ', '*','\r', '\n'};;

// #define W1_PIN (6)
// #define W1_IN  PINF
// #define W1_OUT PORTF
// #define W1_DDR DDRF
// #define Delay_10us(x)    (x)
// #define DELAY(x)       delay(x)
// #define delay(x)       Delay_10us(x)
#define DQ             PIN8
#define DQ_DIR_IN      GPIO_ConfigPinsAsInput(GPIOA, DQ)
#define DQ_DIR_OUT     GPIO_ConfigPinsAsOutput(GPIOA, DQ)
#define DQ_H           GPIO_SetPin(GPIOA,DQ); 
#define DQ_L           GPIO_ResetPin(GPIOA,DQ);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES                                               
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

** @Function:		   ds1821_reset
** @Descriptions:	  Reset ds1821
** @parameters:			
** @Returned: presence:0 reset ok, presence:1 reset error.
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
uint8_t ds1821_reset(void)
	  uint8_t presence, i;
	  DQ_DIR_OUT;       //Set DQ pin as output
	  Delay_10us(48);   //480us~960us
//	  Delay_10us(1);   //15~60us wait for DQ  to Low
	  DQ_DIR_IN;        //Set DQ pin as input 
	  for(i=0; i<6; i++) //15~60us wait for DQ  to Low, ds1821 ack.
			 Delay_10us(1); //10us
			 presence = GPIO_GetPinState(GPIOA, DQ); 
			 if(presence == 0)
				  //printf("The i = %d\r\n", i);
	  //presence = GPIO_GetPinState(GPIOA, DQ);  
	  Delay_10us(48-6); // wait for DQ to High
	  while((GPIO_GetPinState(GPIOA, DQ)) == 0); // wait for DQ to High
//	  if(GPIO_GetPinState(GPIOA, DQ) == 0x01)
	 // rval = GPIO_GetPinState(GPIOA, DQ);
//	W1_OUT &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 			  // One-wire LOW
//	W1_DDR |= 1<<W1_PIN;
//	DELAY( Delay_10us( 480 ));			  // 480 us
//	W1_DDR &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 			  
//	DELAY( Delay_10us( 65 )); 			  // Wait 15 + 50 us
//	uint8_t err = W1_IN & (1 << W1_PIN ); 	  // Sample bus
//	DELAY( Delay_10us( 480 - 65 ));		  // wait until cycle is gone 
//	if( (W1_IN & (1<<W1_PIN)) == 0 )	  // check bus for HIGH, othwise we have a short circuit
//	  err = 1;

	return presence;

** @Function:		   ds1821_bit_read
** @Descriptions:	  read one bit
** @parameters:			
** @Returned: value:The value to be read
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
uint8_t ds1821_bit_read( void )
	uint8_t value = 0;
	Delay_10us(1); //10us(1us< t < ∞) 
  DQ_H;         // relase 1-wire
	//Delay_10us(1); //10us
	value = GPIO_GetPinState(GPIOA, DQ); 
	Delay_10us(50); //50us
// 	W1_OUT &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 			  // One-wire LOW
// 	W1_DDR |= 1<<W1_PIN;
// 	DELAY( Delay_10us( 1 ));				  // 1 us time 
// 	W1_DDR &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 			  // One-wire HIGH and use as input

// 	DELAY( Delay_10us( 14 )); 			  // 14 us 
// 	uint8_t value = W1_IN & (1<<W1_PIN);	  // sample bus
// 	DELAY( Delay_10us( 45 )); 			  // 45 us 

	return value;

** @Function:		   ds1821_bit_write
** @Descriptions:	  write one bit
** @parameters:			
** @Returned: none
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
void ds1821_bit_write( uint8_t b )
	  Delay_10us(2); //10us
		DQ_H;  //realse 1-wire 
// 	W1_OUT &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 			  // One-wire LOW
// 	W1_DDR |= 1<<W1_PIN;
// 	DELAY( Delay_10us( 10 )); 			  // 10 us 

// 	if ( b ) 
// 	{
// 		W1_DDR &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 		  // One-wire input    
// 		DELAY( Delay_10us( 5 + 45 )); 	  // in total 60 us
// 	}
// 	else
// 	{
// 		DELAY( Delay_10us( 5 + 45 )); 	  // 60 us in total
// 		W1_DDR &= ~(1<<W1_PIN); 		  // One-wire HIGH and use as input    
// 	}

** @Function:		   ds1821_read
** @Descriptions:	  read  x bit
** @parameters:	bits: Specifies the number of bits to read		
** @Returned: none
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
int ds1821_read( uint8_t bits)
	uint8_t i = bits;
	int  value = 1 << (bits-1);
	int  b = 0;

	   b >>= 1;
	   if( ds1821_bit_read() )  //first read LSB
			 b |= value;
	} while( --i );

	return b;

** @Function:		   ds1821_byte_rd
** @Descriptions:	  read one byte
** @parameters:	bits: Specifies the number of bits to read		
** @Returned: 
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
char ds1821_byte_rd( void )
   return (char) ds1821_read(8);

** @Function:		   ds1821_byte_wr
** @Descriptions:	  read one byte
** @parameters:	bits: Specifies the number of bits to read		
** @Returned: 
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
void ds1821_byte_wr( uint8_t b )
  uint8_t i = 8;
		ds1821_bit_write( b & 0x01 );
		b >>= 1;
  } while( --i );

** @Function:		   DS1821DriverStateMachine
** @Descriptions:	  Read actual temperature value
** @parameters:	
** @Returned: ds1821_tmp: Actual temperature value
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-08-16
char DS1821DriverStateMachine(void)
 	  char ds1821_tmp = 0;
    char temp;
	  uint8_t status = 0;
			temp = ds1821_reset();
			//printf("The temp = %x \r\n", temp);
		printf("The temp Sensor have been checked\r\n");
	  ds1821_byte_wr(0xee); // start conversion
			temp = ds1821_reset();
			//printf("The temp = %x \r\n", temp);
	  ds1821_byte_wr(0xAA);		             // Reads last converted temperature value
		ds1821_tmp = ds1821_byte_rd();		   // low byte
//		ds1821_byte_wr(0xA1);	
//		status = ds1821_read(8);
//		printf("The status = %x \r\n", status);
//			do
//		{
//			temp = ds1821_reset();
//			//printf("The temp = %x \r\n", temp);
//		}while(temp!=0);
//		ds1821_byte_wr(0xA2);	
//		status = ds1821_read(8);
//		printf("The status = %x \r\n", status);
		ds1821_byte_wr(0x22);	               // stop conversion
   return ds1821_tmp;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
 |   END                                                                     
 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


* Copyright(C) 2017,HaiWei 
* ALL rights reserved.
* @file    main.c
* @author  MCU Application Team
* @version V0.1
* @date    9-June-2015
* @brief   

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include "hhd32f1xx.h"
#include "hhd_sys.h"
#include "hhd_uart.h"
#include "hhd_gpio.h"
#include "hhd_adc.h"
#include "hhd_spi.h"
#include "hhd_iic.h"

#include "system_user.h"
#include "USART_user.h"
#include "ADC_user.h"
#include "SPI_user.h"
#include "I2C_user.h"
#include "GPIO_user.h"
#include "Timer_user.h"
#include "8255.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "ds1821_driver.h"

//#include "delay.h"
//#include "sys.h"

/*--------------------------Private define-------------------------*/
//#define GPIO_IN_TEST  0
//#define GPIO_OUT_TEST 1
//#define UART_TEST 2
//#define IO_EXTI   3 
#define ADC_TEST  4
//#define SPI_TEST    5
//#define I2C_TEST    6
//#define ADC_TEMP    7
#define TIM_5S        500  //10ms x 500 = 5s

/*--------------------------Function volitale-------------------------*/
uint32_t val = 0;
extern uint16_t TimerCnt , gTimerFlag;
/*--------------------------Function declare-------------------------*/
void NVIC_Init(void);
void DeviceInit(void);

** @Function:		   main
** @Descriptions:	   	
** @parameters:			
** @Returned: none
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-07-14
int main(void)
  char temp = 0;
	TimerCnt = TIM_5S;
   // SPI_Test();
	//	I2C_Test();
// 		IO_EXTI_Test();
 	//	GPIO_Test();
	//	ADC_TempSensor();
//		if(gTimerFlag == 1)
//		{
//			TimerCnt = TIM_5S;
//			gTimerFlag = 0;
//		}
		Delay_10us(100000); //1s
		GPIO_InvertOutPin(GPIOB, PIN9);	//LED
		temp = 0;
		temp = DS1821DriverStateMachine();
		printf("The tempretrue is:%d ℃\r\n", temp);
//  	GPIO_InvertOutPin(GPIOC, PIN6);	//LED
//		delay_us(2000000);	
//	 NVIC->IP[0] = 0xff;
//	 val = NVIC->IP[0] ;
//	 printf("The NVIC->IP[0] = %x\r\n", val);
//	 val = NVIC_GetPriority(TIM2_IRQn);
//	 printf("TIM2_IRQn = %x\r\n", val);
//	 val = NVIC_GetPriority(UART1_IRQn);
//	 printf("UART1_IRQn] = %x\r\n", val);


** @Function:		   DeviceInit
** @Descriptions:	   	
** @parameters:			
** @Returned: none
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-07-14
void DeviceInit(void)
	/* ----------- System initialization -------------------------------------*/
	// VariableInit();
	// D8255_Init();
//	 delay_init();

** @Function:		   NVIC_Init
** @Descriptions:	   	
** @parameters:			
** @Returned: none
** @Author:  MCU Application Team
** @Date: 2017-07-14
void NVIC_Init(void)
	NVIC_SetPriority(UART1_IRQn, 0);
	NVIC_SetPriority(TIM2_IRQn, 1);

