
Generally this kind messages comes in ASM alertlog file on below situations,

Delayed ASM PST heart beats on ASM disks in normal or high redundancy diskgroup,   <<<< 在normal或high冗余度的磁盘组上的ASM磁盘被执行延迟ASM PST心跳检查。
thus the ASM instance dismount the diskgroup.By default, it is 15 seconds.    <<<< 检查失败,ASM实例会dismount磁盘组,默认的超时时间为15秒。


By the way the heart beat delays are sort of ignored for external redundancy diskgroup.    <<<< PST heartbeat检查会忽略外部冗余的磁盘组。
ASM instance stop issuing more PST heart beat until it succeeds PST revalidation,
but the heart beat delays do not dismount external redundancy diskgroup directly.    <<<< PST heartbeat检查即使超过了15秒也不会dismount外部冗余的磁盘组。

The ASM disk could go into unresponsiveness, normally in the following scenarios:    <<< ASM磁盘出现无反应的情况通常是由于以下几个原因:

+   Some of the paths of the physical paths of the multipath device are offline or lost    <<<< 1.聚合设备下的一些物理路径offline或丢失。
+   During path 'failover' in a multipath set up                                                         <<<< 2.具有设备下的物理路径发生failover。
+   Server load, or any sort of storage/multipath/OS maintenance                                <<<< 3.系统或设备的维护操作。

   通过上面的这段描述,能大概的解释出现问题的原因,由于存储链路断掉了2条(可能发生failover),导致聚合后的共享存储设备短暂的不可访问,OCRVDISK是Normal冗余度的磁盘组,ASM会执行PST heartbeat检查,由于超过15秒OCRVDISK对应的磁盘组不可访问导致ASM将OCRVDISK直接dismount,进而导致OCR文件不可访问,导致crs服务OFFLINE,由于cssd的磁盘心跳超时时间为200秒,且是直接访问ASM磁盘,不经过ASM磁盘组,所以css服务没有受影响,hasd高可用堆栈依然正常工作,集群节点未被踢出,数据库实例正常工作。


If you can not keep the disk unresponsiveness to below 15 seconds, then the below parameter can be set in the ASM instance ( on all the Nodes of RAC ):

   _asm_hbeatiowait    <<<< 该参数指定了PST heartbeat超时时间。
As per internal bug 17274537 , based on internal testing the value should be increased to 120 secs, which is fixed in    <<<< 从12.1.0.2开始,该参数默认值被增加到了120秒。


Run below in asm instance to set desired value for _asm_hbeatiowait

alter system set "_asm_hbeatiowait"= scope=spfile sid='*';    <<<< 运行这条命令修改ASM实例的该参数,之后重启ASM实例,CRS。

And then restart asm instance / crs, to take new parameter value in effect.


更详细的内容请参考文章:《ASM diskgroup dismount with "Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST" (文档 ID 1581684.1)


