Aidos Kuneen (ADK) is in the rising channel, the price reached 22 US dollars

Aidos Kuneen is developing a next-generation project that provides an open source platform designed to provide users with more financial privacy through decentralization and extensibility.Aidos Kuneen (ADK) traded up 8.49% against the U.S. dollar during the 1-days period ending at 22:00 PM Eastern on June 20th. One Aidos Kuneen coin can currently be bought for about $22.38 or 0.0031 BTC on popular exchanges. Aidos Kuneen has a market capitalization of zero and approximately $314,992 worth of Aidos Kuneen was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. In the last week, Aidos Kuneen has traded 1.44% higher against the U.S. dollar.

Trading Aidos Kuneen

Aidos Kuneen can trade on the AidosMarket. It is often impossible to use dollars directly to buy other crypto currencies such as Aidos Kuneen. Investors seeking to trade Aidos Kuneen should first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange trading in US dollars (eg Changelly, Gemini or Coinbase).

Aidos Kuneen ADK Token Technical Information

Amount supply- 25,000,000 ADK

Technology- IMesh (DAG): This is an innovative new distributed ledger based on the DAG (directed acyclic graph). Each transaction verifies the other two transactions directly to confirm that it is valid and in compliance with the protocol rules.Aidos Kuneen Conclusion

The DAG technology is relatively new, and there is still need for more research to satisfy if truly it can truly fulfill the need for financial privacy. Still, Aidos Kuneen has little to desire regarding long-term viability.

Here is others cryptocurrencies have performed in the last 24 hours:

The value of an Aditus (ADI) is $0.0168 or 0.00000258 BTC. ADI's 24-hour price dropped by 7.8% and 24-hour trading volume was $268,942.

The value of a COMSA [XEM]CMSis $0.339165 or 0.0000563 BTC. CMS's 24-hour price rose by 0.1% and 24-hour trading volume was $21,857.

The value of a TokenDesk (TDS) is $0.1045 or 0.00001743 BTC. TDS's 24-hour price dropped by 15.68% and 24-hour trading volume was $297,650.

The value of a Bela (BELA) is $0.037 or 0.00000569 BTC. BELA's 24-hour price dropped by 6.84% and 24-hour trading volume was $1,949.

The value of a SnipCoin (SNIP) is $0.000544 or 0.00000008 BTC. SNIP's 24-hour price dropped by 1.93% and 24-hour trading volume was $34,722.

