ALTIBASE 数据库完美结合了,并提出了一个新概念---Hybrid DBMS。

ALTIBASE 提供高性能、容错能力和事务管理的方便性,特别是在通信、网上银行、证券交易、实时应用和嵌入式系统领域



Altibase is an in-memory database (IMDB) with hybrid architecture.

A single database that delivers high intensity data processing through an in-memory database portion and large storage capacity through an on-disk database portion.

Altibase满足国际SQL92完备级(最高等级)标准,是完全标准化的关系型商业数据库。从应用程序开发和使用的角度,Altibase和传统的Oracle、DB2等关系型数据库的概念、功能、使用方法完全相同。但从软件内部设计和实现上, Altibase采用内存为存储介质,对内存中数据管理进行了革命性的重新设计和优化,使得业务处理速度显著提高,性能都在传统磁盘数据库(Oracle、DB2等)的10倍以上。

Altibase HDB is a database management system with hybrid architecture that combines an in-memory database with a conventional disk-resident database. Altibase HDB features include SQL standards compliance, high-availability, replication, real-time ACID compliance, spatial, vertical and horizontal scalability, and compatibility with standard interfaces and programming languages such as ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, .Net, Java, C/C++, and Precompiler.

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Altibase XDB (eXtreme DBMS) was first released in 2013, and integrated into HDB in 2015. XDB was a traditional relational database that had fast data processing speeds in main-memory. It came with high-availability, replication, and scalability features and with three interfaces include Direct Access Mode, Direct Access API Mode as well as conventional client/server protocols such as TCP/IP and IPC for more complex database operations.

In China, the three major telecommunications companies, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom, utilize ALTIBASE HDB in 29 of 31 Chinese provinces



·区别于现存 DBMS的独特的数据库

·General MM DBMS的基础上增加 Disk DBMS 的功能

·克服内存数据库存储少量数据的缺点, 可提供大量数据的存储,即提供高性能、大容量的数据库

·A4 服务器 1台就能支持 Hot Online 和大量数据处理及BackUp Store的功能

·Relational Database model


·Client/Server Architecture





·64Bit/32Bit DBMS 及 Application 的完美兼容

·支持所有 Unix, Linux , Windows 操作系统

·通过 Replication 功能,提供无间断服务

·不同服务器类型之间的 Replication 

   -Replication IP 复制

   -Master/Slave Conflict Resolution

   -Timestamp based Conflict Resolution

