Socket Sendto 可以传入不同的目的地址吗

1 前言

通常我们认为 socket 中 地址信息 和 socket句柄 是一一对应的,不能往一个socket句柄中,传入不同的地址信息。




2 POSIX Socket 中的介绍

最先找到的是 POSIX Socket 标准,其实就是伯克利的socket标准。

2.1 维基百科


UDP Server 的 socket 操作:无需 accept socket,bind 本地端口之后,直接recvfrom。

  memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
  sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  sa.sin_port = htons(7654);
  fromlen = sizeof sa;

  sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
  if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof sa) == -1) {
    perror("error bind failed");

  for (;;) {
    recsize = recvfrom(sock, (void*)buffer, sizeof buffer, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&sa, &fromlen);
    if (recsize < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno));
    printf("recsize: %d\n ", (int)recsize);
    printf("datagram: %.*s\n", (int)recsize, buffer);

UDP Client 的 socket 操作,没有 connect ,直接 sendto 给一个IP。

  sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
  if (sock == -1) {
      /* if socket failed to initialize, exit */
      printf("Error Creating Socket");

  /* Zero out socket address */
  memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa);

  /* The address is IPv4 */
  sa.sin_family = AF_INET;

   /* IPv4 adresses is a uint32_t, convert a string representation of the octets to the appropriate value */
  sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");

  /* sockets are unsigned shorts, htons(x) ensures x is in network byte order, set the port to 7654 */
  sa.sin_port = htons(7654);

  bytes_sent = sendto(sock, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0,(struct sockaddr*)&sa, sizeof sa);
  if (bytes_sent < 0) {
    printf("Error sending packet: %s\n", strerror(errno));

  close(sock); /* close the socket */


2.2 POSIX Socket 标准

再深入一点,找到POSIX Socket 标准的介绍 sendto


The sendto() function shall send a message through a connection-mode or connectionless-mode socket.

If the socket is a connectionless-mode socket, the message shall be sent to the address specified by dest_addr if no pre-specified peer address has been set. If a peer address has been pre-specified, either the message shall be sent to the address specified by dest_addr (overriding the pre-specified peer address), or the function shall return -1 and set errno to [EISCONN].

If the socket is connection-mode, dest_addr shall be ignored.

socket 有两种模式,一种是连接模式,一种是无连接模式。

无连接模式下,如果没有预先指定对等地址,则会发消息给 dest_addr 指定的地址。如果已经预先指定了一个对等地址,则该消息要么发送到由dest_addr指定的地址(覆盖预先指定的对等地址),或者该函数应返回-1并将errno设置为[EISCONN]


再看看无连接 socket 的定义

The SOCK_DGRAM socket type supports connectionless data transfer which is not necessarily acknowledged or reliable. Datagrams may be sent to the address specified (possibly multicast or broadcast) in each output operation, and incoming datagrams may be received from multiple sources. The source address of each datagram is available when receiving the datagram. An application may also pre-specify a peer address, in which case calls to output functions that do not specify a peer address shall send to the pre-specified peer.



3 XTI 中的介绍


TCP/IP 应用层位于传输层之上,TCP/IP 应用程序需要调用传输层的接口才能实现应用程序之间通信。目前使用最广泛的传输层的应用编程接口是套接字接口(Socket)。Socket APIs 是于 1983 年在 Berkeley Socket Distribution (BSD) Unix 中引进的。 1986 年 AT&T 公司引进了另一种不同的网络层编程接口 TLI(Transport Layer Interface),1988 年 AT&T 发布了一种修改版的 TLI,叫做 XTI(X/open Transport interface)。XTI/TLI 和 Socket 是用来处理相同任务的不同方法。


XTI是 POSIX 的超集,协议的前六章也是在梳理POSIX。有两个图很有代表意义。



在 章节 2.8 和 5.4 给出了无连接模式 UDP socket 的示例,通过命令行输入任意域名,DEMO会解析域名,往该服务器发出数据。

由此再次确认 sendto 是不限制地址信息,不做绑定。

4 一个聊天工具的UDP实现


With UDP sockets, while you can use connect, you generally don’t want to, as that restricts you to a single peer per socket. Instead, you want to use a single unconnected UDP socket in each peer with the sendto and recvfrom system calls to send and receive packets with a different address for each packet.


The sendto function takes a packet and a peer address to send it to, while the recvfrom function returns a packet and the peer address it came from. With a single socket, there’s no need to multiplexing with select or poll – you just call recvfrom to get the next packet from any source. When you get a packet, you also get the peer address to send packets (back) to.

sendto函数将一个数据包和一个对等地址发送给它,而recvfrom函数返回一个数据包和它来自的对等地址。使用单个套接字时,不需要使用select或poll进行复用 - 只需调用recvfrom即可从任何源获取下一个数据包。当你得到一个数据包时,你也可以得到对方地址来发送数据包(返回)。

On startup, your peer will create a single socket and bind it to INADDR_ANY (allowing it to receive packets on any interface or broadcast address on the machine) and either the specific port assigned to you program or port 0 (allowing the OS to pick any unused port). In the latter case, you’ll need to use getsockname to get the port and report it to the user. Once the socket is set up, the peer program can sendto any peer it knows about, or recvfrom any peer at all (including those it does not yet know about).



5 Lwip 的实现

如下是 lwip 2.0.3 的参考代码。

int lwip_sendto(int s, const void *data, size_t size, int flags,
       const struct sockaddr *to, socklen_t tolen)

  sock = get_socket(s);
  if (!sock) {
    return -1;

  if (NETCONNTYPE_GROUP(netconn_type(sock->conn)) == NETCONN_TCP) {
    return lwip_send(s, data, size, flags);
#else /* LWIP_TCP */
    sock_set_errno(sock, err_to_errno(ERR_ARG));
    return -1;
#endif /* LWIP_TCP */


  /* initialize a buffer */
  buf.p = buf.ptr = NULL;
  buf.flags = 0;
  if (to) {
    SOCKADDR_TO_IPADDR_PORT(to, &buf.addr, remote_port);
  } else {
    remote_port = 0;
    ip_addr_set_any(NETCONNTYPE_ISIPV6(netconn_type(sock->conn)), &buf.addr);
  netbuf_fromport(&buf) = remote_port;

  /* make the buffer point to the data that should be sent */
  /* Allocate a new netbuf and copy the data into it. */
  if (netbuf_alloc(&buf, short_size) == NULL) {
    err = ERR_MEM;
  } else {
    if (NETCONNTYPE_GROUP(netconn_type(sock->conn)) != NETCONN_RAW) {
      u16_t chksum = LWIP_CHKSUM_COPY(buf.p->payload, data, short_size);
      netbuf_set_chksum(&buf, chksum);
    } else
      MEMCPY(buf.p->payload, data, short_size);
    err = ERR_OK;
  err = netbuf_ref(&buf, data, short_size);

  if (err == ERR_OK) {
    /* send the data */
    err = netconn_send(sock->conn, &buf);

  /* deallocated the buffer */

  sock_set_errno(sock, err_to_errno(err));
  return (err == ERR_OK ? short_size : -1);

总结下 lwip 的实现:
1. 看下 socket 是否是 TCP,则直接调用send,无视传递进来的目的地址。
2. 对于 UDP 的方式,没有管是否是连接模式,直接以当前目的地址为主。这样处理是简单处理,没有考虑 connect 的情况,有一点不满足 POSIX 标准。也许 adam 是考虑效率,毕竟它的名字是 lwip。

6 Zephyr中的sendto处理

static int sendto(struct net_pkt *pkt,
          const struct sockaddr *dst_addr,
          socklen_t addrlen,
          net_context_send_cb_t cb,
          s32_t timeout,
          void *token,
          void *user_data)
    struct net_context *context = net_pkt_context(pkt);
    int ret;

    if (!net_context_is_used(context)) {
        return -EBADF;

#if defined(CONFIG_NET_TCP)
    if (net_context_get_ip_proto(context) == IPPROTO_TCP) {
        if (net_context_get_state(context) != NET_CONTEXT_CONNECTED) {
            return -ENOTCONN;

        if (context->tcp->flags & NET_TCP_IS_SHUTDOWN) {
            return -ESHUTDOWN;
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_TCP */

#if defined(CONFIG_NET_UDP)
    /* Bind default address and port only if UDP */
    if (net_context_get_ip_proto(context) == IPPROTO_UDP) {
        ret = bind_default(context);
        if (ret) {
            return ret;
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_UDP */

    if (!dst_addr) {
        return -EDESTADDRREQ;

#if defined(CONFIG_NET_IPV4)
    if (net_pkt_family(pkt) == AF_INET) {
        struct sockaddr_in *addr4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)dst_addr;

        if (addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) {
            return -EINVAL;

        if (!addr4->sin_addr.s_addr) {
            return -EDESTADDRREQ;
    } else
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_IPV4 */
        NET_DBG("Invalid protocol family %d", net_pkt_family(pkt));
        return -EINVAL;

#if defined(CONFIG_NET_UDP)
    if (net_context_get_ip_proto(context) == IPPROTO_UDP) {
        ret = create_udp_packet(context, pkt, dst_addr, &pkt);
    } else
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_UDP */

#if defined(CONFIG_NET_TCP)
    if (net_context_get_ip_proto(context) == IPPROTO_TCP) {
        net_pkt_set_appdatalen(pkt, net_pkt_get_len(pkt));
        ret = net_tcp_queue_data(context, pkt);
    } else
#endif /* CONFIG_NET_TCP */
        NET_DBG("Unknown protocol while sending packet: %d",
        return -EPROTONOSUPPORT;

    if (ret < 0) {
        NET_DBG("Could not create network packet to send (%d)", ret);
        return ret;

    return send_data(context, pkt, cb, timeout, token, user_data);

总结下 zephyr 的实现:
1. 看下 socket 是否是 TCP,看是否connect过,没有则返回错误。这样比lwip处理的还宽松,没有匹配不同地址。
2. 对于 UDP 的方式,同样也没有匹配不同地址,处理比较宽松。

7 总结





对于 lwip 和 zephyr 的处理,也许有一些我还没研究到的地方。对于这个结论还是不够确定,目前先如此,后续有新的发现再更新。

8 End

