Android 工具之androidscreencast

Mac OS X 安装Maven:

  • 下载 Maven, 并解压到某个目录。例如/Users/robbie/apache-maven-3.3.3

  • 打开Terminal,输入以下命令,设置Maven classpath

     $ vi ~/.bash_profile


     export M2_HOME=/Users/robbie/apache-maven-3.3.3
     export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin

  • 输入命令以使bash_profile生效

     $ source ~/.bash_profile
  • 输入mvn -v查看Maven是否安装成功


Building and running from source

This project requires at least Java 8.

After cloning the project, run mvnw install.

The resulting artifacts will be created in the target subdirectory.

You can run the executable jar via java -jar target/androidscreencast-VERSION-executable.jar, replacing VERSION with the current version.

For example, java -jar target/androidscreencast-0.0.10s-executable.jar.

Additionally OS-packages would be created with ADB executables bundled:

  • androidscreencast-VERSION-linux.tar.gz
  • androidscreencast-VERSION-macosx.tar.gz

In order to provide correct configuration see configuration section.

 Androidscreencastcase 一个 Java Web Start application,适用于 Windows/Linux/MacOS 平台控制任何Android 设备(包括模拟器和真机),通过 USB连接就可实现鼠标键盘控制你的 android.可以录像,在 TP LCD没有调试好的情况下也可调试真机。


启动方法 :首先下载androidscreencast.jnlp

直接在终端运行$ javaws androidscreencast.jnlp

Troubleshooting :如果出现下面的情况,需要重启 adb

yuao@yuao-desktop:~$ javaws androidscreencast.jnlp

58:34 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 1

58:35 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 2

58:36 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 3

58:37 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 4

58:38 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 5

58:39 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 6

58:40 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 7

58:41 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 8

58:42 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 9

58:43 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 10

58:44 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 11

58:44 E/adb: Cannot start adb when AndroidDebugBridge is created without the location of adb


$ adb start-server

