E 26D 名词+介词

1.A magnet has attraction @for iron filaments.
2.I'm not in the mood @for going to the party.
3.He's got a degree @in chemistry.
4.A clerk must have patience @with all customers.
5.There's no point @in going by car if we can't park near the theatre.
6.She made  a point @of coming late so that everyone would look at her.
7.He takes pride @in doing things properly.
8.Your team has no hope @of winning.
9.I've had enough @of this weather.
10.Julia shows great talent @for acting.
11.Pop music has a very bad effect @on children.
12.I don't like the idea @of getting married yet.
13.Her marriage @to Smith didn't last very long.
14.Nobody knew the reason @for his disappearance.
15.There's some confusion @about whether the word can be left out.
16.By midnight the effect @of the drops will have worn off.
17.A key @to the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door.
18.Pete thought a special license would give him immunity @form arrest.
19.There's a limit @to every man's patience.
20.Since Harry is ill, we need a substitute @for him.
21.the Hawkinses bought a horse @for $15,000.
22.English has a different expression @for the same idea.
23.The Japanese mountain climber had a narrow escape @from death.
24.His familiarity @with many modern languages surprised all of us.
25.While some species of whales are nearing extinction,many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban @on whale hunting.
26.Vitamin C tablets, if taken regularly, may reduce your chances @of getting a cold.
27.Some people feel a repugnance @to his suggestion.
28.The Jacksons sent a invitation @for next Friday.
29.That is an exception @to the rule.
30.he has made many accusations, but he has never given any proof @of the truth of what he has said.
31.Joe takes create satisfaction @in having a beautiful garden.
32.Parents sometimes feel that they have no influence @on their children.
33.I had the privilege  @of attending a meeting on juvenile delinquency  not one ago.
34.He felt sympathy @for her misfortune.
35.My uncle is an expert @in electronics.
36.They sought shelter @from the rain.
37.There are both similarities and differences @between the tourist-attracting countries Italy and Greece.
38.A family must make provision @for hard times.
39.Good boys and girls are a credit @to their parents.
40.In many schools, students don't have sufficient access @to the library.
41.What's the punishment @for speeding?
42.We must use every means possible for the prevention @of fire.
43.The English language has a close affinity @to French.
44.The way you live is a disgrace @to your family.
45.She gave verbal expression @to her emotions.
46.I have no like @for that man; in fact, Have taken a dislike @to him.
47.This leaves no stain @on his character, and no further prejudice @against him should be entertained.
48.The key @to success is hard work.
49.He has a reputation @for honesty.
50.I hope you'll show some forbearance @for his inexperience.

