NORDIC Thingy:52 蓝牙 BLE 服务 SoC 程序调用流程分析之三, User interface service

Nordic Thingy 52 BLE Services

* Thingy configuration service 

* Environment service 

* User interface service 

* Motion service 

* Sound service 

* Battery service 

* DFU service

* User interface service 

The UI module handles the onboard LEDs, buttons, and other potential UI components like a quadrature decoder, touchscreen etc. The UI module runs on top of the UI BLE Service (ble_uis), the LED and button drivers, and the UI flash storage with base UUID EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042. This module enables RGB LED value setting and button event notifications via BLE. Button notification is enabled by writing 0x0001 to the CCCD of the button characteristic.

UI 模块处理板载的 LED、按键、 触摸屏操作等, UI 模块基于 UI BLE 服务 (ble_uis); LED 和按键的驱动,UI Flash 基于 UUID: EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042 存储;UI 模块通过 BLE 使能 RGB LED 值设定和按键事件通知。按键通知使能是通过写入 0x0001 到按键特征的 CCCD。

服务 UUID 定义

文件: ble_uis.h

#define BLE_UIS_UUID_BASE        {{0x42, 0x00, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xFF, 0x52, 0x10, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x49, 0x35, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0xEF}}

#define BLE_UIS_UUID_SERVICE     0x0300     /**< UUID for UI service */
#define BLE_UIS_UUID_LED_CHAR    0x0301     /**< UUID for LED characteristic. */
#define BLE_UIS_UUID_BUTTON_CHAR 0x0302     /**< UUID for button characteristic. */
#define BLE_UIS_UUID_PIN_CHAR    0x0303     /**< UUID for pin characteristic. */


