go Map


  map 是一种特殊的数据结构:一种元素对(pair)的无序集合,pair 的一个元素是 key,对应的另一个元素是 value,所以这个结构也称为关联数组或字典。这是一种快速寻找值的理想结构:给定 key,对应的 value 可以迅速定位。

map 这种数据结构在其他编程语言中也称为字典(Python)



var map1 map[keytype]valuetype
var map1 map[string]int

  ([keytype] 和 valuetype 之间允许有空格,但是 gofmt 移除了空格)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var mapLit map[string]int
	//var mapCreated map[string]float32
	var mapAssigned map[string]int

	mapLit = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
	mapCreated := make(map[string]float32) //mapCreated := map[string]float32{}
	mapAssigned = mapLit

	mapCreated["key1"] = 4.5
	mapCreated["key2"] = 3.14159
	mapAssigned["two"] = 3

	fmt.Printf("Map literal at \"one\" is: %d\n", mapLit["one"])
	fmt.Printf("Map created at \"key2\" is: %f\n", mapCreated["key2"])
	fmt.Printf("Map assigned at \"two\" is: %d\n", mapLit["two"])
	fmt.Printf("Map literal at \"ten\" is: %d\n", mapLit["ten"])


Map literal at "one" is: 1
Map created at "key2" is: 3.141590
Map assigned at "two" is: 3
Map literal at "ten" is: 0

map 是 引用类型 的: 内存用 make 方法来分配。

扫描二维码关注公众号,回复: 2385686 查看本文章

map 的初始化:

var map1 = make(map[keytype] valuetype)。


map1 := make(map[keytype] valuetype)。

不要使用 new,永远用 make 来构造 map


和数组不同,map 可以根据新增的 key-value 对动态的伸缩,因此它不存在固定长度或者最大限制。但是你也可以选择标明 map 的初始容量 capacity,就像这样:

make(map[keytype]valuetype, cap)


map2 := make(map[string]float32, 100)



package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
	var value int
	var isPresent bool

	map1 := make(map[string]int)
	map1["New Delhi"] = 55
	map1["Beijing"] = 20
	map1["Washington"] = 25
	value, isPresent = map1["Beijing"]
	if isPresent {
		fmt.Printf("The value of \"Beijing\" in map1 is: %d\n", value)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("map1 does not contain Beijing")

	value, isPresent = map1["Paris"]
	fmt.Printf("Is \"Paris\" in map1 ?: %t\n", isPresent)
	fmt.Printf("Value is: %d\n", value)

	// delete an item:
	delete(map1, "Washington")
	value, isPresent = map1["Washington"]
	if isPresent {
		fmt.Printf("The value of \"Washington\" in map1 is: %d\n", value)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("map1 does not contain Washington")


The value of "Beijing" in map1 is: 20
Is "Paris" in map1 ?: false
Value is: 0
map1 does not contain Washington


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	// Version A:
	items := make([]map[int]int, 5)
	for i:= range items {
		items[i] = make(map[int]int, 1)
		items[i][1] = 2
	fmt.Printf("Version A: Value of items: %v\n", items)

	// Version B: NOT GOOD!
	items2 := make([]map[int]int, 5)
	for _, item := range items2 {
		item = make(map[int]int, 1) // item is only a copy of the slice element.
		item[1] = 2 // This 'item' will be lost on the next iteration.
	fmt.Printf("Version B: Value of items: %v\n", items2)


Version A: Value of items: [map[1:2] map[1:2] map[1:2] map[1:2] map[1:2]]
Version B: Value of items: [map[] map[] map[] map[] map[]]

需要注意的是,应当像 A 版本那样通过索引使用切片的 map 元素。在 B 版本中获得的项只是 map 值的一个拷贝而已,所以真正的 map 元素没有得到初始化。


// the telephone alphabet:
package main
import (

var (
	barVal = map[string]int{"alpha": 34, "bravo": 56, "charlie": 23,
								"delta": 87, "echo": 56, "foxtrot": 12,
								"golf": 34, "hotel": 16, "indio": 87,
								"juliet": 65, "kili": 43, "lima": 98}

func main() {
	for k, v := range barVal {
		fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Value: %v / ", k, v)
	keys := make([]string, len(barVal))
	i := 0
	for k, _ := range barVal {
		keys[i] = k
	for _, k := range keys {
		fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Value: %v / ", k, barVal[k])


Key: bravo, Value: 56 / Key: charlie, Value: 23 / Key: hotel, Value: 16 / Key: indio, Value: 87 / Key: kili, Value: 43 / Key: lima, Value: 98 / Key: alpha, Value: 34 / Key: delta, Value: 87 / Key: echo, Value: 56 / Key: foxtrot, Value: 12 / Key: golf, Value: 34 / Key: juliet, Value: 65 /
Key: alpha, Value: 34 / Key: bravo, Value: 56 / Key: charlie, Value: 23 / Key: delta, Value: 87 / Key: echo, Value: 56 / Key: foxtrot, Value: 12 / Key: golf, Value: 34 / Key: hotel, Value: 16 / Key: indio, Value: 87 / Key: juliet, Value: 65 / Key: kili, Value: 43 / Key: lima, Value: 98 /


type name struct {
	key string
	value int

