SVN Server 的mof 文件, 今天的大发现, windows的接口秘密

WMI 的解释

Windows Management Instrumentation


Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can write WMI scripts or applications to automate administrative tasks on remote computers but WMI also supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and products, for example System Center Operations Manager, formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or Windows Remote Management (WinRM).

Note  The following documentation is targeted for developers and IT administrators. If you are an end-user that has experienced an error message concerning WMI, you should go to Microsoft Support and search for the error code you see on the error message. For more information about troubleshooting problems with WMI scripts and the WMI service, see WMI Isn't Working!

Note  WMI is fully supported by Microsoft; however, the latest version of administrative scripting and control is available through the Windows Management Infrastructure (MI). MI is fully compatible with previous versions of WMI, and provides a host of features and benefits that make designing and developing providers and clients easier than ever. For more information, see Windows Management Infrastructure (MI).

Where applicable

WMI can be used in all Windows-based applications, and is most useful in enterprise applications and administrative scripts.

System administrators can find information about using WMI at the TechNet ScriptCenter, and in various books about WMI. For more information, see Further Information.


#pragma classflags("forceupdate")

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root")

instance of __NameSpace
    Name = "VisualSVN";

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\VisualSVN")

class Win32_ProviderEx : __Win32Provider
    [Description ( "Hosting Model, provides compatibility with Windows XP and Windows Server .NET. Do not override." ) , Override("HostingModel")]
    string HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost";
    string SecurityDescriptor;
    UInt32 version = 1;

instance of Win32_ProviderEx as $P
    Name    = "VisualSVNWMIProvider";
    ClsId   = "{3E7CF778-9DCE-4D0F-A71D-B77FB0FB5E39}";
    ImpersonationLevel = 1;
    PerUserInitialization = TRUE;
    HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost:VisualSVN-2.5.6";

instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
    Provider = $P;

    SupportsPut = "TRUE";
    SupportsGet = "TRUE";
    SupportsDelete = "FALSE";
    SupportsEnumeration = "TRUE";

instance of __MethodProviderRegistration
    Provider = $P;

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic, abstract]
class VisualSVN_Account

class VisualSVN_WindowsAccount : VisualSVN_Account
    [key] string SID;

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic, abstract]
class VisualSVN_SubversionAccount : VisualSVN_Account
    [key] string Name;

class VisualSVN_Everyone : VisualSVN_Account
    string Name;

instance of VisualSVN_Everyone

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_User : VisualSVN_SubversionAccount
    [implemented, static] void Create([in] string Name, [in] string Password);
    [implemented, static] void Delete([in] string Name);
    [implemented] void SetPassword([in] string Password);

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_Group : VisualSVN_SubversionAccount
    [implemented, static] void Create([in] string Name,
                                      [in] VisualSVN_SubversionAccount ref Members[]);
    [implemented, static] void Delete([in] string Name);
    [implemented] void GetMembers([out] VisualSVN_SubversionAccount Members[]);
    [implemented] void SetMembers([in] VisualSVN_SubversionAccount ref Members[]);

class VisualSVN_PermissionEntry
    VisualSVN_Account Account;
    [Description ("0 - no access, 1 - read only, 2 - read/write"),
     Values{"No Access", "Read Only", "Read Write"}]
    uint32 AccessLevel;

class VisualSVN_CertifcateInformation
    [Read] string IssuedTo;
    [Read] string IssuedBy;
    [Read] datetime ValidFrom;
    [Read] datetime ValidTo;
    [Read] string Organization;
    [Read] string OrganizationUnit;
    [Read] string CountryCode;
    [Read] string State;
    [Read] string City;
    [Read] string Base64Certificate;

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_Service
    [Key] string Name;
        MappingStrings{"Win32API|Service Structures|SERVICE_STATUS|dwCurrentState"},
        ValueMap{"Stopped", "Start Pending", "Stop Pending", "Running", "Continue Pending", "Pause Pending", "Paused", "Unknown"}
    uint32 ServiceState;

        MappingStrings{"Win32API|Service Structures|SERVICE_STATUS|dwWin32ExitCode"}
    uint32 ExitCode;
    [Read] string URL;

    [Read] string ServerName;
    [Read] boolean UseCustomServerName;
    [Read] string CustomServerName;

    [Read] string RepositoriesRoot;
    [Read] boolean AdjustRepositoriesRootPermissions;

    [Read] boolean UseSecureConnection;
    [Read] uint16 UnsecurePort;
    [Read] uint16 SecurePort;
    [Read] boolean ListenAllIPAddresses;
    [Read] string ListenIPAddressesArray[];

    [Read] boolean AuthWindowsBasic;
    [Read] boolean AuthWindowsIntegrated;

    [Read] boolean AccessLoggingEnabled;
    [Read] boolean OperationalLoggingEnabled;

    [implemented] void StartService();
    [implemented] void StopService();
    [implemented] void RestartService();

    [Description ("0 - subversion authentication, 1 - windows authentication"),
     Values{"Subversion", "Windows"},
     Read] uint32 AuthType;
    [Read] boolean UseUPNFormat;

    [implemented, Values{"Success", "DoesNotExists"}]
    uint32 SetRepositoriesRoot([in] string RepositoriesRoot,
                               [in] boolean AdjustPermissions,
                               [in] boolean ForceCreate = false);

    void SetServerName([in] boolean UseCustom, [in] string CustomServerName);
    void SetNetworkOptions([in] uint16 Port,
                   [in] boolean UseSecureConnection,
                   [in] string ListenIPAddressesArray[]);
    void SetAuthenticationOptions([in, Values{"Subversion", "Windows"}] uint32 AuthType,
                 [in] boolean WindowsBasic,
                 [in] boolean WindowsIntegrated,
                 [in] boolean UseUPNFormat = false);

    void SetLoggingOptions([in] boolean EnableAccessLogging,
                           [in] boolean EnableOperationalLogging);

    [implemented] VisualSVN_CertifcateInformation GetCertificateInformation();
    [implemented] void ImportCertificate([in] string Base64Certificate);
     Values{"Matched", "KeyMatched", "KeyConflict", "KeyMissed"}]
                uint32 ValidateCertificate([in] string Base64Certificate);
    [implemented] void CreateSelfSignedCertificate([in] string CommonName,
                                                   [in] string Organization,
                                                   [in] string OrganizationUnit,
                                                   [in] string CountryCode,
                                                   [in] string State,
                                                   [in] string City,
                                                   [in] uint32 Days);
    [implemented] string CreateCertificateRequest([in] string CommonName,
                                                  [in] string Organization,
                                                  [in] string OrganizationUnit,
                                                  [in] string CountryCode,
                                                  [in] string State,
                                                  [in] string City);

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic, abstract]
class VisualSVN_RepositoryEntry
    [Description ("'repo' for repository and entry"), key]
    string RepositoryName;
    [Description ("'/' for repo root, '/folder/file' for entry"), key]
    string Path;

    string Name;
    [Description ("null for repo root")]
    string ParentPath;
    string URL;
    [Description ("0 - File, 1 - Folder"), Values{"File", "Folder"}]
    uint32 Kind;

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_Repository
    [Description ("Repository name"), key]
    string Name;

    string URL;
    [static, implemented] void Create([in] string Name);
    [static, implemented] void Delete([in] string Name);

    [implemented] void GetChildren([in] string Path, [out] VisualSVN_RepositoryEntry Children[]);
    [implemented] void Upgrade();

    [implemented] void CreateFolders([in] string Folders[], [in] string Message);
    [implemented] void DeleteFolders([in] string Folders[], [in] string Message);

    [Description ("Repository capabilities. Supported capabilites: 'mergeinfo'"), implemented]
    boolean HasCapability([in] string Capability);

    [implemented] boolean GetHook([Values{"PostCommit", "PostLock", "PostPropChange", "PostUnlock",
                                          "PreCommit", "PreLock", "PrePropChnage", "PreUnlock",
                                          "StartCommit"}, in] uint32 Kind, [out] string Hook);

    [implemented] void SetHook([Values{"PostCommit", "PostLock", "PostPropChange", "PostUnlock",
                                       "PreCommit", "PreLock", "PrePropChnage", "PreUnlock",
                                       "StartCommit"}, in] uint32 Kind, [in] string Hook);

    [implemented] void DeleteHook([Values{"PostCommit", "PostLock", "PostPropChange", "PostUnlock",
                                          "PreCommit", "PreLock", "PrePropChnage", "PreUnlock",
                                          "StartCommit"}, in] uint32 Kind);

[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_SecurityDescriptor
    [key] object ref AssociatedObject;
    VisualSVN_PermissionEntry Permissions[];

    [implemented, static]
    void SetSecurity([in] object ref Object,
                     [in] VisualSVN_PermissionEntry Permissions[],
                     [in] boolean ResetChildren = false);

[Singleton, provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_VersionInfo
    string Version;
    string SubversionVersion;
    string ApacheVersion;

[Singleton, provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_LicenseInfo
     Values{"Valid", "Invalid", "Expired", "NotStarted", "NoLicense", "MaintenanceExpired" }]
        uint32 Status;

    [Description( "Possible values are: 'Enterprise'"),
     Read] string Type;
    [Read] string LicensedTo;

    [Description("True if license has limited time."), Read]
    boolean TimeLimited;

    [Description( "If license lifetime is unlimited the filed is null"),
     Read] datetime StartTime;
    [Description( "If license lifetime is unlimited the filed is null"),
     Read] datetime EndTime;

    [Description( "License remaining time in minutes. If license lifetime is unlimited the filed is null"),
     Read] uint32 RemainingTime;

    [implemented, static,
     Values{"Valid", "Invalid", "Expired", "NotStarted" }]
        uint32 UpdateLicense([in] string LicenseKey);

