
2. 广播机制

- 规则一:为缺失的维度补1
- 规则二:假定缺失元素用已有值填充

m = np.ones((2, 3))
a = np.arange(3)

import numpy as np#导包 别名
nd = np.random.randint(0,10,size = (3,2))
array([[0, 6],
       [8, 0],
       [1, 4]])
nd2 = np.random.randint(0,10,size = (3,2))
array([[9, 6],
       [3, 9],
       [7, 7]])
nd + nd2 #相同格式的随机数组相加是相同位置的彼此相加
array([[ 9, 12],
       [11,  9],
       [ 8, 11]])
#随机生成0-10 1行两列的随机数组
nd3 = np.random.randint(0,10,size = (1,2)) 
array([[3, 2]])
# 广播机制
# nd3,只有一行,nd有3行,nd3,复制了3份
nd + nd3  #不同格式的随机数组相加是先变成格式相同的再相加
array([[ 3,  8],
       [11,  2],
       [ 4,  6]])
# 广播机制
nd + 10  #与数值相加是每一个值都加上这个数值
array([[10, 16],
       [18, 10],
       [11, 14]])
nd4 = np.random.randint(0,10,size = (1,3))
array([[7, 4, 7]])
array([[0, 6],
       [8, 0],
       [1, 4]])

array([[7, 4, 7]])
nd + nd4 #不能相加原因是数组结构不匹配

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-10-1faa5468f779> in <module>()
----> 1 nd + nd4

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,2) (1,3) 
# 行和列都可以实现广播机制,前提:形状相似
nd4.reshape(3,1) + nd 
array([[ 7, 13],
       [12,  4],
       [ 8, 11]])

a = np.arange(3).reshape((3, 1))
b = np.arange(3)

a = np.ones((4, 1))
b = np.arange(4)



def Sortn(x):


#随机生成数值在0-150 =元素个数为20的随机数组
nd = np.random.randint(0,150,size = 20)
array([106,  49,  13,   4,   8, 105, 103, 146,  34,  93,   9, 123, 126,
       131, 109,  23,  99, 116, 120,  76])
#此种方法无返回值 会将原来的数值改掉 所以需要自己手动输出
array([  4,   8,   9,  13,  23,  34,  49,  76,  93,  99, 103, 105, 106,
       109, 116, 120, 123, 126, 131, 146])
nd = np.random.randint(0,150,size = 20)
array([147,  70,   0, 126,  52, 143,  60,  18, 118, 106, 106,  40,   0,
        42, 116,  35,  53,  32, 128, 147])
array([147,  70,   0, 126,  52, 143,  60,  18, 118, 106, 106,  40,   0,
        42, 116,  35,  53,  32, 128, 147])
# 有返回值,说明之前的对象没有更改,内存中创建了新的对象
array([  0,   0,  18,  32,  35,  40,  42,  52,  53,  60,  70, 106, 106,
       116, 118, 126, 128, 143, 147, 147])
nd = np.random.randint(0,150,size = (5,6))
array([[102,  92,  57,  24,  10,  50],
       [ 77, 147,  62,  60,  82,  26],
       [ 50,  88,  63, 142,  33,  49],
       [136,  26,  80, 136,  23,  12],
       [129,  68,   3,   1,   4,  83]])
#axis 轴
# axis =0 代表行
# axis = 1 代表列
#按行排序是说将[102,  92,  57,  24,  10,  50]看作一个整体,
#第一行第一个和第二行第一个 第三行第一个第四行第一个 .....从小到大排序
#第一行第二个和第二行第二个 第三行第二个.......进行从小到大排序
array([[ 50,  26,   3,   1,   4,  12],
       [ 77,  68,  57,  24,  10,  26],
       [102,  88,  62,  60,  23,  49],
       [129,  92,  63, 136,  33,  50],
       [136, 147,  80, 142,  82,  83]])
array([[102,  92,  57,  24,  10,  50],
       [ 77, 147,  62,  60,  82,  26],
       [ 50,  88,  63, 142,  33,  49],
       [136,  26,  80, 136,  23,  12],
       [129,  68,   3,   1,   4,  83]])
np.sort(nd,axis = 1)
#第一列第一个数 第二列第一个数 第三列第一个数.....从小到大排序
#第二列第一个数 第二列第二个数 第二列第三个数......从小到达排序
array([[ 10,  24,  50,  57,  92, 102],
       [ 26,  60,  62,  77,  82, 147],
       [ 33,  49,  50,  63,  88, 142],
       [ 12,  23,  26,  80, 136, 136],
       [  1,   3,   4,  68,  83, 129]])
nd3 = np.random.randint(0,150,size = (4,5,6))
array([[[ 45, 105, 149,  50, 121, 136],
        [117,  41, 118,  22,  30, 114],
        [131, 107,  40,  43, 141,  99],
        [ 57,  44, 101, 113,  19,  71],
        [ 53, 148, 122,  50,  66, 142]],

       [[ 61, 142,  24,  21,  32,  77],
        [ 13,  79, 112, 110,  66,  13],
        [  9,   1, 127,  68,  44, 120],
        [144, 133,  17,  82,  68, 120],
        [ 81,  59, 127,  11,  69,  74]],

       [[ 15,  19, 105, 101,   0,  88],
        [ 59, 115,  19,  93, 141, 125],
        [143,  68,   4,  98,   9,   0],
        [ 98,  80,  78,  86,  28, 116],
        [ 32,  25, 126, 123, 127,  43]],

       [[126,  50,  74, 127, 141,  44],
        [111,  35, 121,  36,  40,  10],
        [  9,  38,  50, 119,  90,  22],
        [116,   6,  26,  36, 110,  60],
        [ 76, 149,  38, 108,  60,  77]]])
np.sort(nd3,axis = 2)
#多维按轴排序  关键区分哪个轴
#三维数组 [[[ ....]]] 最外层的轴是2 中间层的轴是1 里面的轴是0 
np.sort(nd3,axis = -1)
array([[[ 45,  50, 105, 121, 136, 149],
        [ 22,  30,  41, 114, 117, 118],
        [ 40,  43,  99, 107, 131, 141],
        [ 19,  44,  57,  71, 101, 113],
        [ 50,  53,  66, 122, 142, 148]],

       [[ 21,  24,  32,  61,  77, 142],
        [ 13,  13,  66,  79, 110, 112],
        [  1,   9,  44,  68, 120, 127],
        [ 17,  68,  82, 120, 133, 144],
        [ 11,  59,  69,  74,  81, 127]],

       [[  0,  15,  19,  88, 101, 105],
        [ 19,  59,  93, 115, 125, 141],
        [  0,   4,   9,  68,  98, 143],
        [ 28,  78,  80,  86,  98, 116],
        [ 25,  32,  43, 123, 126, 127]],

       [[ 44,  50,  74, 126, 127, 141],
        [ 10,  35,  36,  40, 111, 121],
        [  9,  22,  38,  50,  90, 119],
        [  6,  26,  36,  60, 110, 116],
        [ 38,  60,  76,  77, 108, 149]]])
np.sort(nd3,axis = 1)
array([[[ 45,  41,  40,  22,  19,  71],
        [ 53,  44, 101,  43,  30,  99],
        [ 57, 105, 118,  50,  66, 114],
        [117, 107, 122,  50, 121, 136],
        [131, 148, 149, 113, 141, 142]],

       [[  9,   1,  17,  11,  32,  13],
        [ 13,  59,  24,  21,  44,  74],
        [ 61,  79, 112,  68,  66,  77],
        [ 81, 133, 127,  82,  68, 120],
        [144, 142, 127, 110,  69, 120]],

       [[ 15,  19,   4,  86,   0,   0],
        [ 32,  25,  19,  93,   9,  43],
        [ 59,  68,  78,  98,  28,  88],
        [ 98,  80, 105, 101, 127, 116],
        [143, 115, 126, 123, 141, 125]],

       [[  9,   6,  26,  36,  40,  10],
        [ 76,  35,  38,  36,  60,  22],
        [111,  38,  50, 108,  90,  44],
        [116,  50,  74, 119, 110,  60],
        [126, 149, 121, 127, 141,  77]]])
array([[[ 45, 105, 149,  50, 121, 136],
        [117,  41, 118,  22,  30, 114],
        [131, 107,  40,  43, 141,  99],
        [ 57,  44, 101, 113,  19,  71],
        [ 53, 148, 122,  50,  66, 142]],

       [[ 61, 142,  24,  21,  32,  77],
        [ 13,  79, 112, 110,  66,  13],
        [  9,   1, 127,  68,  44, 120],
        [144, 133,  17,  82,  68, 120],
        [ 81,  59, 127,  11,  69,  74]],

       [[ 15,  19, 105, 101,   0,  88],
        [ 59, 115,  19,  93, 141, 125],
        [143,  68,   4,  98,   9,   0],
        [ 98,  80,  78,  86,  28, 116],
        [ 32,  25, 126, 123, 127,  43]],

       [[126,  50,  74, 127, 141,  44],
        [111,  35, 121,  36,  40,  10],
        [  9,  38,  50, 119,  90,  22],
        [116,   6,  26,  36, 110,  60],
        [ 76, 149,  38, 108,  60,  77]]])
np.sort(nd3,axis = 0)
array([[[ 15,  19,  24,  21,   0,  44],
        [ 13,  35,  19,  22,  30,  10],
        [  9,   1,   4,  43,   9,   0],
        [ 57,   6,  17,  36,  19,  60],
        [ 32,  25,  38,  11,  60,  43]],

       [[ 45,  50,  74,  50,  32,  77],
        [ 59,  41, 112,  36,  40,  13],
        [  9,  38,  40,  68,  44,  22],
        [ 98,  44,  26,  82,  28,  71],
        [ 53,  59, 122,  50,  66,  74]],

       [[ 61, 105, 105, 101, 121,  88],
        [111,  79, 118,  93,  66, 114],
        [131,  68,  50,  98,  90,  99],
        [116,  80,  78,  86,  68, 116],
        [ 76, 148, 126, 108,  69,  77]],

       [[126, 142, 149, 127, 141, 136],
        [117, 115, 121, 110, 141, 125],
        [143, 107, 127, 119, 141, 120],
        [144, 133, 101, 113, 110, 120],
        [ 81, 149, 127, 123, 127, 142]]])

1. 快速排序

- np.sort()不改变输入
- ndarray.sort()本地处理,不占用空间,但改变输入

2. 部分排序


- 当k为正时,我们想要得到最小的k个数
- 当k为负时,我们想要得到最大的k个数

nd = np.random.randint(0,1000,size = 50)
array([ 86, 235, 944, 674, 359, 296, 169, 697, 279, 557, 737,  97, 216,
       463, 538,  96, 473, 275, 939, 306, 210, 758, 299, 500, 650, 437,
       943, 968, 666, 773, 513,  41, 450, 268, 899, 372,  87, 990, 809,
       503, 124, 544, 820, 898, 786, 437, 389, 874, 454, 694])
np.partition(nd,-5) #前面不排序 最后面五个数是数组中最大的五个数 并没排序
# 负数 倒着,最大的几个数,找到,并没排序
array([939, 943, 990, 944, 968])
array([86, 41, 87, 96, 97])

