


         create database work;                                                                                                        #创建数据库

         create table test (学号 char(9),姓名 char(10),年龄 smallint) character set = utf8mb4;  

         insert into test (学号,姓名,年龄) values ( '03' , '张三' ,23);                                      #插入记录

         alter table test add 城市 char(8) not null default '北京';                               #增加字段,设置默认值

         insert into test (学号,姓名,年龄,籍贯) values ( '02','susu',22,'北京');       #插入4项记录

         alter table test add 邮箱 VARCHAR(200) not null default '[email protected]';



         drop table test;                                                                                                    #删除表

         delete from test WHERE 学号='02';                                                                    #删除特定记录

         drop database work;                                                                                        #删除数据库

         ALTER TABLE user11 ALTER age DROP DEFAULT;                                         #删除默认值

         ALTER TABLE user11 ALTER email DROP DEFAULT;

         alter table test drop column city;                                                                  #删除表特定字段



         UPDATE test  set 姓名='巨大' WHERE 姓名='李四';                             #修改记录

         ALTER TABLE user11 ALTER age SET DEFAUTL 18;                                       # 给age添加默认值

         ALTER TABLE user11 ADD email VARCHAR(50);                                           # 添加一个字段

         ALTER TABLE user11 ALTER email SET DEFAULT '[email protected]';                    # 给email添加默认值

         UPDATE test set 邮箱='[email protected]' WHERE 姓名='丁一';

         ALTER TABLE test CHANGE 城市 籍贯 CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '北京';  #修改字段名称与类型

         -- ALTER TABLE 表名 CHANGE 原字段名 新字段名 字段类型 约束条件

         UPDATE test  set 籍贯='邢台' WHERE 姓名='丁二';                         #修改籍贯实例

         UPDATE test SET city='shanghai' WHERE name='lisi';                                #修改城市实例



         select * from test;                                                                            #查看表数据

         show table status like 'test' \G;                                           #查看表的存储引擎、记录数等

         desc test;                                                                                 #查看表中所有字段,与数据类型。

         select * from test order by 学号 desc;                             #降序查询

        select * from test order by 学号 asc;                               #升序查询

         select * from test WHERE 年龄 > 22;                               #按要求查询年龄                    

         UPDATE test SET 年龄=年龄+1;                                          #按要求更新年龄



         CREATE USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '123';                                                                                    

         rename user root@localhost to binge@localhost;       

         set password for zhangbin =password('1234');      

         update  mysql.user set password=password('')  where user='root';   

         flush privileges;        

         select  Host,User,Password from mysql.user;    

         show grants for root@localhost;                                                  
         show grants for root@'%';


grant select,create,drop,update,alter,insert on work.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by '' with grant option;                                                                                                

         grant select,create,drop,update,alter on work.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by '' with grant option;

         flush privileges;   

         show grants for root@localhost;    

         select user();      

         revoke all on *.* from root@localhost;    

         REVOKE ALL ON work.* FROM 'root'@'localhost';                   
         revoke SELECT,INSERT on work.* from 'root'@'localhost';

         grant select,create,drop,update,alter on *.* to 'root'@'%'          
         grant select,create,insert,drop,update,alter on work.* to 'root'@'localhost'; 
         revoke all on *.* from 'root'@'%';


                                     >drop user 用户名@'%';
              >drop user 用户名@localhost; 
                                      drop user replName@'192.168.%.%';




