
摘要: 如果发生争吵,一定至少有一方有错;而女人从不认错,所以只能男人有错;就算男人无错,惹女人生气,也铁定有错;如再不肯认错,岂非错上加错?你看,逻辑就是逻辑,女人们的逻辑无可辩驳~~~
Today, my 15 year old girlfriend called to tell me she is pregnant. Her dad is ex-military, and makes a point of cleaning his guns every time I go to her house. FML


Today, while practicing for a competition, someone decided to spin a rifle with a bayonet. I'm currently sitting in the ER with stitches in my foot. FML


Today, I accidentally unplugged my headphones in the quiet section of the library, causing my music to play from my laptop at full volume. I was listening to Celine Dion. I'm the captain of the football team. FML

楼主是学校的足球对队长,平常比较喜欢劲爆的音乐,结果今天在图书馆看书的时候不小心把耳机线拔出来了,当时楼主正在听Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁 -- 以高音著称),瞬时高亢的音乐充满了整个图书馆。。。FML

Today, I was paired up with my long-term crush for a project. She introduced herself to me and asked if I was new this year. We've gone to the same school since kindergarten. FML

我一直在暗恋的女神跟我打招呼了“你好,认识一下,请问你是新来的嘛?”---- 我从幼儿园就跟你一直上同一所学校。FML

Today, while babysitting, the power went off. My little cousin pointed into the dark kitchen behind me and asked, "Who's that man standing there?"


Today, I got in an argument with my wife. I told her that I feel like she immediately disagrees with anything I say. She immediately disagreed and said she never does that. FML



