How to think like a Computer Scientist: 课后习题第二十一章1-5

# Name:        module1
# Purpose:
# Author:      penglaixy
# Created:     19/09/2013
# Copyright:   (c) penglaixy 2013
# Licence:     <your licence>

class MyTime:
    def __init__(self, hrs =0, mins =0, secs=0):
        Create a MyTime object initialized to hrs,mins,secs
        total_secs = hrs*3600 + mins*60 + secs
        self.hours = total_secs//3600
        self.hours = self.hours%24
        left_secs = total_secs%3600
        self.mins = left_secs//60
        self.secs = left_secs%60

    def __str__(self):
        return "{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}".format(self.hours, self.mins, self.secs)

    def to_seconds(self):
        Return th number of seconds represented by this instance
        return self.hours*3600 + self.mins*60 + self.secs

    def increment(self, secs):
        total_secs = self.to_seconds() + secs
        self.hours = total_secs//3600
        self.hours = self.hours%24
        left_secs = total_secs%3600
        self.mins = left_secs//60
        self.secs = left_secs%60

    def __gt__(self, other):
        Return True if time self is large than the time other,
        else False
        total_secs1 = self.to_seconds()
        total_secs2 = other.to_seconds()
        if total_secs1 > total_secs2:
            return True
        return False

    def between(self, other, test_time):
        test time test_time is between time self and time other
        if Yes, return True
        total_secs1 = self.to_seconds()
        total_secs2 = other.to_seconds()
        test_secs = test_time.to_seconds()

        if total_secs1 <= test_secs and test_secs < total_secs2:
            return True
        return False

def main():
    t1 = MyTime(25,12,30)
    print t1
    t2 = MyTime(2,67,90)
    print t2
    t3 = MyTime(24,69,89)
    print t3

    print t1.between(t2, t3)
    print t3.between(t2, t1)
    print t1 > t2
    print t1 > t3

    print t1
    print t1
    print t1

if __name__ == '__main__':

