
Colorization and Color Transfer(图像上色和颜色迁移)

Semantic Colorization with Internet Images, Chia et al. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Color Harmonization, Cohen-Or, Sorkine, Gal, Leyvand, and Xu. Web Page Computing the alpha-Channel with Probabilistic Segmentation for Image Colorization, Dalmau-Cedeno, Rivera, and Mayorga Bayesian Color Constancy Revisited, Gehler, Rother, Blake, Minka, and Sharp Color2Gray: Salience-Preserving Color Removal, Gooch, Olsen, Tumblin, and Gooch Color Conceptualization, Hou and Zhang Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance, Hsu, Mertens, Paris, Avidan, and Durand. Web Page Bayesian Correction of Image Intensity with Spatial Consideration, Jia, Sun, Tang, and Shum Robust Color-to-gray via Nonlinear Global Mapping, Kim, Jang, Demouth, and Lee. SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Web Page Variational Models for Image Colorization via Chromaticity and Brightness Decomposition, Kang and March Colorization using Optimization, Levin, Lischinski, and Weiss
Intrinsic Colorization, Liu et al. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 Web Page N-Dimensional Probability Density Function Transfer and Its Application to Colour Transfer, Pitie et al. Automated Colour Grading using Colour Distribution Transfer, Pitie et al. Color by Linear Neighborhood Embedding, Qiu and Guan Manga Colorization, Qu, Wong, and Heng Color Transfer between Images, Reinhard, Ashikhmin, Gooch, and Shirley Local Color Transfer via Probabilistic Segmentation by Expectation-Maximization, Tai, Jia, and Tang
Data-Driven Image Color Theme Enhancement, Wang, Yu, Wong, Chen, and Xu. SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Web Page Color Transfer in Correlated Color Space, Xiao and Ma Fast Image and Video Colorization using Chrominance Blending, Yatziv and Sapiro

Texture Synthesis and Inpainting(纹理和成和修复)

Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing, Avidan and Shamir. Wikipedia Synthesizing Natural Textures, Ashikhmin PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing, Barnes, Shechtman, Finkelstein, and Goldman. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Image Inpainting, Bertalmio, Sapiro, Caselles, and Ballester Video Watercolorization using Bidirectional Texture Advection, Bousseau, Neyret, Thollot, and Salesin
Camouflage Images, Chu et al. SIGGRAPH 2010 Web Page Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Inpainting, Criminisi, Perez, and Toyama Weiming DONG's web page contains useful information about texture synthesis and image resizing Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer, Efros and Freeman Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling, Efros and Leung RotoTexture: Automated Tools for Texturing Raw Video, Fang and Hart Textureshop: Texture Synthesis as a Photograph Editing Tool, Fang and Hart Multiscale Texture Synthesis, Han, Risser, Ramamoorthi, and Grinspun Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs, Hays and Efros Image Analogies, Hertzmann, Jacobs, Oliver, Curless, and Salesin Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts, Kwatra , Schodl , Essa , Turk, and Bobick Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting, Rubinstein, Shamir, and Avidan. Video Multi-operator Media Retargeting, Rubinstein, Shamir, and Avidan. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Fields of Experts: A Framework for Learning Image Priors, Roth and Black Curvature Regularity for Region-based Image Segmentation and Inpainting: A Linear Programming Relaxation, Schoenemann, Kahl, and Cremers. ICCV 2009. Fast Texture Synthesis using Tree-structured Vector Quantization, Wei and Levoy Non-homogeneous Content-driven Video-retargeting, Wolf, Guttmann, and Cohen-Or Feature Matching and Deformation for Texture Synthesis, Wu and Yu

HDR and Tone Mapping(高动态范围成像和色调映射)

Do HDR Displays Support LDR Content? A Psychophysical Evaluation, Akyu"z, Reinhard, Fleming, Riecke, Bu"lthoff Two-scale Tone Management for Photographic Look, Bae, Paris, and Durand Real-time Edge-Aware Image Processing with the Bilateral Grid, Chen, Paris, Durand Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs, Debevec and Malik Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High-Dynamic-Range Images, Durand and Dorsey Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail Manipulation, Farbman, Fattal, Lischinski, and Szeliski. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page
Optimal HDR reconstruction with linear digital cameras, Granados et al., CVPR 2010. Gradient Domain High Dynamic Range Compression, Fattal, Lischinski, and Werman Modeling Human Color Perception under Extended Luminance Levels, Kim, Weyrich, and Kautz. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Perceptually Based Tone Mapping for Low-Light Conditions, Kirk and O'Brien. SIGGRAPH 2011. Web Page Compressing and Companding High Dynamic Range Images with Subband Architectures, Li, Sharan, and Adelson Radiometric Calibration Using a Single Image Lin, Gu, Yamazaki, and Shum Determining the Radiometric Response Function from a Single Grayscale Image, Lin and Zhang Interactive Local Adjustment of Tonal Values, Lischinski, Farbman, Uyttendaele, and Szeliski. Web Page Exposure Fusion, Mertens, Kautz, Van Reeth Radiometric Self Calibration, Mitsunaga and Nayar Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images, Reinhard, Stark, Shirley and Ferwerda Ldr2Hdr: On-the-Fly Reverse Tone Mapping of Legacy Video and Photographs, Rempel, Trentacoste, Seetzen, Young, Heidrich, Whitehead, and Ward High Dynamic Range Image Hallucination, Wang, Wei, Zhou, Guo, and Shum Fast, Robust Image Registration for Compositing High Dynamic Range Photographs from Hand-Held Exposures, Ward

Intrinsic Images(本征图像)

Removing Photography Artifacts using Gradient Projection and Flash-Exposure Sampling, Agrawal, Raskar, Nayar, and Li User-Assisted Intrinsic Images, Bousseau, Paris, and Durand. SIGGRAPH Asia 2009. Web Page Flash Photography Enhancement via Intrinsic Relighting, Eisemann and Durand Bayesian Model of Surface Perception, Freeman and Viola Detecting Illumination in Images, Finlayson, Fredembach, and Drew Ground Truth Dataset and Baseline Evaluations for Intrinsic Image Algorithms, Grosse, Johnson, Adelson, and Freeman. ICCV 2009. A Variational Framework for Retinex, Kimmel, Elad, Shaked, Keshet, and Sobel Dark Flash Photography, Krishnan amd Fergus. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Lightness and Retinex Theory, Land and McCann Estimating Intrinsic Images from Image Sequenceswith Biased Illumination, Matsushita, Lin, Kang, Shum. ECCV 2004 Post-production Facial Performance Relighting using Reflectance Transfer, Peers, Tamura, Matusik, and Debevec Separation of Highlight Reflections from Textured Surfaces, Tan, Lin, and Quan Recovering Intrinsic Images from a Single Image, Tappen, Freeman, and Adelson Estimating Intrinsic Component Images using Non-Linear Regression, Tappen, Adelson, and Freeman Deriving Intrinsic Images from Image Sequences, Weiss

Deblurring, Denoising, and Super-Resolution(图像去模糊,去噪和超分辨率)

Reinterpretable Imager: Towards Variable Post Capture Space, Angle & Time Resolution in Photography, Agrawal, Veeraraghavan, and Raskar. Eurographics 2010. Invertible Motion Blur in Video, Agrawal, Xu, and Raskar. SIGGRAPH 2009. Optimal Single Image Capture for Motion Deblurring, Agrawal and Raskar. CVPR 2009. Coded Exposure Deblurring: Optimized Codes for PSF Estimation and Invertibility, Agrawal and Xu. CVPR 2009. A Non-local Algorithm for Image Denoising, Buades, Coll, and Morel. Analyzing Spatially-varying Blur, Chakrabarti, Zickler, and Freeman. CVPR 2010. Fast Motion Deblurring, Cho and Lee. SIGGRAPH Asia 2009. Web Page Motion Blur Removal with Orthogonal Parabolic Exposures, Cho, Levin, Durand, and Freeman. CVPR 2010. Web Page Handling Outliers in Non-Blind Image Deconvolution, Cho, Wang, and Lee. ICCV 2011. Web Page Display supersampling, Damera-Venkata and Chang Image Upsampling Via Imposed Edge Statistics, Fattal Single Image Dehazing, Fattal.    Web Page   Demo Code Multiscale Shape and Detail Enhancement from Multi-light Image Collections, Fattal, Agrawala, and Rusinkiewicz Removing Camera Shake from a Single Image, Fergus, Singh, Hertzmann, Roweis, and Freeman Example-Based Super-Resolution, Freeman, Jones, and Pasztor Space-Variant Single-Image Blind Deconvolution for Removing Camera Shake, Harmeling, Hirsch, and Scholkopf Multiframe Blind Deconvolution, Super-Resolution, and Saturation Correction via Incremental EM, Harmeling, Sra, Hirsch, and Scholkopf Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior, He, Sun, Tang. CVPR 2009. Image Deblurring and Denoising using Color Priors, Joshi, Zitnick, Szeliski, and Kriegman. CVPR 2009. Web Page Image Deblurring using Inertial Measurement Sensors, Joshi, Kang, Zitnick, and Szeliski. SIGGRAPH 2010. Web Page Joint Bilateral Upsampling, Kopf, Cohen, Lischinski, Uyttendaele Blind Deconvolution using a Normalized Sparsity Measure, Krishnan, Tay, and Fergus. CVPR 2011. Web Page Blind Motion Deblurring Using Image Statistics, Levin Image and Depth from a Conventional Camera with a Coded Aperture, Levin, Fergus, Durand, Freeman 
Sparse Deconvolution 4D Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension, Levin, Hasinoff, Green, Durand, and Freeman. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Motion-Invariant Photography, Levin, Sand, Cho, Durand, Freeman. SIGGRAPH 2008. Web Page Noise Estimation from a Single Image, Liu, Freeman, Szeliski, and Kang Image Magnification Using Level-Set Reconstruction, Morse and Schwartzwald Bayesian Image Super-Resolution, Continued, Pickup, Capely, Roberts, and Zisserman Fast Image/Video Upsampling, Shan, Li, Jia, and Tang. Web Page High-quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image, Shan, Jia, and Argarwala. Web Page Image Super-resolution using Gradient Profile Prior, Sun, Sun, Xu, and Shum. Deblurring Using Regularized Locally-Adaptive Kernel Regression, Takeda, Farsiu, and Milanfar. Web Page Kernel Regression for Image Processing and Reconstruction, Takeda, Farsiu, Milanfar. Web Page Exploiting the Sparse Derivative Prior for Super-Resolution and Image Demosaicing, Tappen, Russell, and Freeman Bayesian Image Super-Resolution, Tipping and Bishop Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images, Whyte, Sivic, Zisserman, and Ponce. CVPR 2010 Deblurring Shaken and Partially Saturated Images, Whyte, Sivic, and Zisserman. ICCP 2012 Image Super-Resolution via Sparse Representation, Yang, Wright, Huang, and Ma 
Image Super-resolution as Sparse Representation of Raw Image Patches Code Image Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image Pairs, Yuan, Sun, Quan, and Shum Progressive Inter-scale and intra-scale Non-blind Image Deconvolution, Yuan, Sun, Quan, and Shum Denoising vs. Deblurring: HDR Imaging Techniques Using Moving Cameras, Zhang, Deshpande, and Chen. CVPR 2010. Web Page Robust Flash Deblurring, Zhuo and Sim. CVPR 2010. Web Page

Matting and Editing(抠图和图像编辑)

Interactive Digital Photomontage, Agarwala, Dontcheva, Agrawala, Drucker, Colburn, Curless, Salesin, and Cohen Video SnapCut: Robust Video Object Cutout Using Localized Classifiers, Bai, Wang, Simons, and Saprio. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing, Barnes, Shechtman, Finkelstein, and Goldman. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Face Swapping: Automatically Replacing Faces in Photographs, Bitouk, Kumar, Dhillon, Belhumeur, and Nayar. SIGGRAPH 2008. Web Page The Patch Transform and Its Applications to Image Editing, Cho, Butman, Avidan, and Freeman. Web Page A Bayesian Approach to Digital Matting, Chuang, Curless, Salesin, and Szeliski
Geodesic Image and Video Editing, Criminisi, Sharp, Rother, and Perez. SIGGRAPH 2011. Coordinates for Instant Image Cloning, Farbman, Hoffer, Lipman, Cohen-Or, and Lischinski. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Shared Sampling for Real-Time Alpha Matting, Gastal and Oliveira. Eurographics 2010. Web Page Geodesic Star Convexity for Interactive Image Segmentation, Gulshan, Rother, Criminisi, Blake, and Zisserman. CVPR 2010. Web Page and Code A Global Sampling Method for Alpha Matting, He, Rhemann, Rother, Tang, Sun. CVPR 2011. Guided Image Filtering, He, Sun, Tang. ECCV 2011. Code Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance, Hsu, Mertens, Paris, Avidan, and Durand. Web Page Arcimboldo-like Collage Using Internet Images, Huang, Zhang, and Zhang. Web Page Drag-and-Drop Pasting, Jia, Sun, Tang, and Shum. Web Page Exploring Photobios, Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Shechtman, Garg, Seitz. SIGGRAPH 2011. Web Page Seamless Image Stitching in the Gradient Domain, Levin, Zomet, Peleg, and WeissPhoto Clip Art, Lalonde, Hoiem, Efros, Rother, Winn, and Criminisi A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting, Levin, Lischinski, and Weiss Code
Spectral Matting, Levin, Rav-Acha, and Lischinski Paint Selection, Liu, Sun, and Shum. SIGGRAPH 2009. Poisson Image Editing, Perez, Gangnet, and Blake A Perceptually Motivated Online Benchmark for Image Matting, Rhemann, Rother, Wang, Gelautz, Kohli, and Rott. Web Page
A Spatially Varying PSF-based Prior for Alpha Matting, Rhemann, Rother, Kohli, and Gelautz. CVPR 2010. AutoCollage, Rother, Bordeaux, Hamadi, and Blake Alpha Estimation in Natural Images, Ruzon and TomasiNew Appearance Models for Natural Image Matting, Singaraju, Rother, and Rhemann Interactive Editing of Massive Imagery Made Simple: Turning Atlanta into Atlantis, Summa, Scorzelli, Jiang, Bremer, and Pascucci. SIGGRAPH 2011. Web Page Flash Matting, Sun, Li, Kang, and Shum Fast Poisson Blending Using Multi-splines, Szeliski, Uyttendaele, and Steedly. ICCP 2011. Soft Scissors : An Interactive Tool for Realtime High Quality Matting, Wang, Agrawala, and Cohen Image and Video Matting: A Survey, Wang and Cohen

Warping and Morphing(图像扭曲和变形)

As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Interpolation, Alexa, Cohen-Or, and Levin Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis, Beier and Neely Optimizing Content-Preserving Projections for Wide-Angle Images, Carroll, Agrawala, and Agarwala. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Detail Preserving Shape Deformation in Image Editing, Fang and Hart Feature-Aware Texturing, Gal, Sorkine, and Cohen-Or As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation, Igarashi, Moscovich, and Hughes Polymorph: Morphing Among Multiple Images , Lee, Wolberg, and Shin Content-Preserving Warps for 3D Video Stabilization, Liu, Gleicher, Jin and Agarwala. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Moving Gradients: A Path-Based Method for Plausible Image Interpolation, Mahajan, Huang, Matusik, Ramamoorthi, and Belhumeur. SIGGRAPH 2009 Multi-operator Media Retargeting, Rubinstein, Shamir, and Avidan. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Regenerative Morphing, Shechtman, Rav-Acha, Irani, and Seitz. CVPR 2010. Web Page Image Morphing: A Survey , Wolberg

Useful Techniques(其他相关技术)

Gaussian KD-Trees for Fast High-Dimensional Filtering, Adams, Gelfand, Dolson, and Levoy. SIGGRAPH 2009. Web Page Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Using the Permutohedral Lattice, Adams, Baek, and Davis. Eurographics 2010. Web Page Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts, Boykov, Veksler, and ZabihEdge-Avoiding Wavelets and thier Applications, Fattal Web Page Graphical Models: Probabilistic Inference , Jordan and Weiss Loopy Belief Propagation for Approximate Inference: An Empirical Study , Murphy, Weiss, and Jordan Bilateral Filtering: Papers, Resources, Applications, Paris and Durand Constant time O(1) bilateral filtering Porikli Image Alignment and Stitching: A Tutorial, Szeliski Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images, Tomasi and Manduchi Image Smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization, Xu, Lu, Xu, and Jia. SIGGRAPH Asia 2011. Web Page Real-Time O(1) Bilateral Filtering, Yang, Tan and Ahuja Source Code SVM for Edge-Preserving Filtering, Yang, Wang and Ahuja

... and Beyond

Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas, Agarwala, Agrawala, Cohen, Salesin, and Szeliski Video Face Replacement, Dale et al. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011. Web Page Convolution Pyramids, Farbman, Fattal, and Lischinski. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011. Candid Portrait Selection from Video, Fiss, Argarwala, and Curless. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011. Web Page Image-Based Rendering Using Image-Based Priors, Fitzgibbon, Wexler, and Zisserman "GrabCut"--Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts, Rother, Kolmogorov, and Blake Web Page Photo Tourism: Exploring Photo Collections in 3D, Snavely, Seitz, and Szeliski Web Page 

Books for General Reference

Digital Image Processing, Second Edition, Gonzalez and Woods Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Forsyth and Ponce The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, Brinkmann Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Hartley and Zisserman Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Strang Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Richard Szeliski

