Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0.M2,分布式数据库中间件解决方案

Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0.M2 现已发布。Sharding-Sphere 是一套开源的分布式数据库中间件解决方案组成的生态圈,它由 Sharding-JDBC、Sharding-Proxy 和 Sharding-Sidecar 这3款相互独立的产品组成。他们均提供标准化的数据分片、读写分离、柔性事务和数据治理功能,可适用于如 Java 同构、异构语言、容器、云原生等各种多样化的应用场景。

Sharding-Sphere 负责人@亮_dangdang在 Sharding-Sphere 的官方交流群中表示:“3.0.0.M2 已经基本稳定,在 3.0.0 版本不再进行新功能的开发,将集中精力修复 bug,并尽快发布 3.0.0 正式版。如无意外,我们将不会再发布 3.0.0.M3,下个版本应该即为 3.0.0 正式版,欢迎大家测试,并提出宝贵意见。”

Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0.M2 更新内容如下:


  1. ISSUE #862 Support data orchestration in cloud side

  2. ISSUE #980 Support DCL statement

  3. ISSUE #936 Support the registry center for Proxy


  1. ISSUE #916 Support authorization for Sharding Proxy

  2. ISSUE #935 Support to store configuration by using Yaml instead of JSON in registry center.

  3. ISSUE #1004 Support props configuration for MasterSlave rule.

Bug 修复

  1. ISSUE #372 Reuse PreparedStatement cause cache of route result do not clean

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  2. ISSUE #919 Use groovy to parse inline expression may cause memory leak

  3. ISSUE #993 Fail to parsing PostgreSQL due to the quotation

  4. ISSUE #1011 Can't resolve placeholder in spring boot configuration yaml

  5. ISSUE #1015 Support the statement of SELECT id, COUNT(*) FROM table GROUP BY 1,2


