

HDU 2136 - Largest prime factor

HDU - 1492 The number of divisors(约数) about Humble Numbers

HDU - 1215 七夕节

HDU - 1452 Happy 2004

HDU 1005 - Number Sequence

HDU 1852 - Beijing 2008

HDU 2582 - f(n)

HDU 2197 - 本原串

HDU 2866 - Special Prime

HDU 3758 - Factorial Simplification

HDU 3071 - Gcd & Lcm game


HDU 2104 - hide handkerchief

HDU 4497 - GCD and LCM

HDU 5019 - Revenge of GCD

HDU 3092 - Least common multiple

同余性质 和 循环节 补题

HDU 2674 - N!Again

HDU 2620 - Ice Rain

HDU 2619 - Love you Ten thousand years

HDU 2683 - TCE-frep number system

HDU 3524 - Perfect Squares

HDU 4389 - X mod f(x)

HDU 2814 - Interesting Fibonacci

模线性方程 和 逆元补题

POJ 1061 - 青蛙的约会

HDU 2669 - Romantic

HDU 3369 - Robot

HDU 5475 - An easy problem

HDU 1576 - A/B

HDU 1792 - A New Change Problem

HDU 2854 - Central Meridian Number

HDU 2685 - I won't tell you this is about number theory

HDU 3074 - Multiply game

模线性方程组 补题 

HDU 1788 - Chinese remainder theorem again

POJ 2891 - Strange Way to Express Integers

HDU 3579 - Hello Kiki

HDU 1573 - X问题

HDU 1930 - And Now, a Remainder from Our Sponsor



HDU 1395 - 2^x mod n = 1

HDU 2879 - HeHe

HDU 2588 - GCD

HDU 2654 - Become A Hero

HDU 2824 - The Euler function

HDU 2462 - The Luckiest number

HDU 2837 - Calculation

HDU 3307 - Description has only two Sentences


HDU 1796 - How many integers can you find

HDU 2841 - Visible Trees

HDU 1695 - GCD

HDU 1787 - GCD Again

HDU 3388 - Coprime

POJ 3904 - Sky Code



POJ 2429 - GCD & LCM Inverse

POJ 3641 - Pseudoprime numbers

HDU 4910 - Problem about GCD

POJ 1811 - Prime Test

POJ 2447 - RSA

离散对数-Baby Step Gaint Step算法

POJ 2417 - Discrete Logging

