20180713-Task2-Global Issues-优缺点

Global Issues

In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that had been transported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

With the economic globalization, the international trade has becoming more and more frequent, so the local people can eat all kinds of foods from other parts of the world. In my point of view, the advantages of this exceed the disadvantages.

In some areas, the food from all around the world have a positive influence on people’s health and the development of countries’ economy. To be specific, more choice of food usually means that it is easier for people to maintain a balance diet. For example, for some people who are in the landlocked countries, they can eat a variety of seafood which is rich in nutrient substance. Furthermore, it can also stimulate(boost) economic growth. Because of the curiosity of other countries’ food, the local residents may increase consumption on these food or agricultural products, which can gear up the food industry.

On the other hand, the process of increasing the variety of good from other countries also bring some problems. Some imported food carrying with the virus, especially for meat, are to blame for the epidemic disease. Additionally, due to the descending demand for the local food, the price of these food in the market may be influenced, discouraging the producer’s confidence and impeding the agricultural advancement. However, all these problems can be solved by the local government. For example, they can carry out a strict inspection of the imported food and enact policy to protect the local food.

Overall, there are both favorable and unfavorable effects. Personally, I am fairly optimistic about it and I also fully understand the necessity for governments to pay adequate attention to the food safety and the development of local agricultural industry.

