C++编程思想 第2卷 第2章 防御性编程 一个简单的单元测试框架 TestSuite框架

测试套件框架 TestSuite Framework,TestSuite包含两个主要的类:Test


//: C02:DateTest.h
// From "Thinking in C++, Volume 2", by Bruce Eckel & Chuck Allison.
// (c) 1995-2004 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See source code use permissions stated in the file 'License.txt',
// distributed with the code package available at www.MindView.net.
#ifndef DATETEST_H
#define DATETEST_H
#include "Date.h"
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"

class DateTest : public TestSuite::Test {
  Date mybday;
  Date today;
  Date myevebday;
  DateTest(): mybday(1951, 10, 1), myevebday("19510930") {}
  void run() {
  void testOps() {
    test_(mybday < today);
    test_(mybday <= today);
    test_(mybday != today);
    test_(mybday == mybday);
    test_(mybday >= mybday);
    test_(mybday <= mybday);
    test_(myevebday < mybday);
    test_(mybday > myevebday);
    test_(mybday >= myevebday);
    test_(mybday != myevebday);
  void testFunctions() {
    test_(mybday.getYear() == 1951);
    test_(mybday.getMonth() == 10);
    test_(mybday.getDay() == 1);
    test_(myevebday.getYear() == 1951);
    test_(myevebday.getMonth() == 9);
    test_(myevebday.getDay() == 30);
    test_(mybday.toString() == "19511001");
    test_(myevebday.toString() == "19510930");
  void testDuration() {
    Date d2(2003, 7, 4);
    Date::Duration dur = duration(mybday, d2);
    test_(dur.years == 51);
    test_(dur.months == 9);
    test_(dur.days == 3);
#endif // DATETEST_H ///:~


//: C02:DateTest.cpp
// From "Thinking in C++, Volume 2", by Bruce Eckel & Chuck Allison.
// (c) 1995-2004 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See source code use permissions stated in the file 'License.txt',
// distributed with the code package available at www.MindView.net.
// Automated testing (with a framework).
//{L} Date ../TestSuite/Test
#include <iostream>
#include "DateTest.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
  DateTest test;
  return test.report();
/* Output:
Test "DateTest":
        Passed: 21,      Failed: 0
*/ ///:~


Test类使用运行时类型识别 RTTI, 来取得测试类的类名,并将这个类名


Test "class DateTest":
        Passed: 21      Failed: 0
修改其中一个测试条件 把小于号改成大于号
class DateTestfailure: (mybday > today) , 文件路径省略 datetest.h (line 23)
Test "class DateTest":
        Passed: 20      Failed: 1        

贴出 让程序可以运行的剩余的代码

//: C02:Date.h
// From "Thinking in C++, Volume 2", by Bruce Eckel & Chuck Allison.
// (c) 1995-2004 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See source code use permissions stated in the file 'License.txt',
// distributed with the code package available at www.MindView.net.
#ifndef DATE_H
#define DATE_H
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iosfwd>

class Date {
  int year, month, day;
  int compare(const Date&) const;
  static int daysInPrevMonth(int year, int mon);
  // A class for date calculations
  struct Duration {
    int years, months, days;
    Duration(int y, int m, int d)
    : years(y), months(m) ,days(d) {}
  // An exception class
  struct DateError : public std::logic_error {
    DateError(const std::string& msg = "")
      : std::logic_error(msg) {}
  Date(int, int, int) throw(DateError);
  Date(const std::string&) throw(DateError);
  int getYear() const;
  int getMonth() const;
  int getDay() const;
  std::string toString() const;
  friend Duration duration(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend bool operator<(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend bool operator<=(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend bool operator>(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend bool operator>=(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend bool operator==(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend bool operator!=(const Date&, const Date&);
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,
                                  const Date&);
  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, Date&);
#endif // DATE_H ///:~
//: C02:Date.cpp {O}
// From "Thinking in C++, Volume 2", by Bruce Eckel & Chuck Allison.
// (c) 1995-2004 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See source code use permissions stated in the file 'License.txt',
// distributed with the code package available at www.MindView.net.
#include "Date.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm> // For swap()
#include <ctime>
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

namespace {
  const int daysInMonth[][13] = {
    { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
    { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
  inline bool isleap(int y) {
    return y%4 == 0 && y%100 != 0 || y%400 == 0;

Date::Date() {
  // Get current date
  time_t tval = time(0);
  struct tm *now = localtime(&tval);
  year = now->tm_year + 1900;
  month = now->tm_mon + 1;
  day = now->tm_mday;

Date::Date(int yr,int mon,int dy) throw(Date::DateError) {
  if(!(1 <= mon && mon <= 12))
    throw DateError("Bad month in Date ctor");
  if(!(1 <= dy && dy <= daysInMonth[isleap(year)][mon]))
    throw DateError("Bad day in Date ctor");
  year = yr;
  month = mon;
  day = dy;

Date::Date(const std::string& s) throw(Date::DateError) {
  // Assume YYYYMMDD format
  if(!(s.size() == 8))
    throw DateError("Bad string in Date ctor");
  for(int n = 8; --n >= 0;)
      throw DateError("Bad string in Date ctor");
  string buf = s.substr(0, 4);
  year = atoi(buf.c_str());
  buf = s.substr(4, 2);
  month = atoi(buf.c_str());
  buf = s.substr(6, 2);
  day = atoi(buf.c_str());
  if(!(1 <= month && month <= 12))
    throw DateError("Bad month in Date ctor");
   if(!(1 <= day && day <=
    throw DateError("Bad day in Date ctor");

int Date::getYear() const { return year; }

int Date::getMonth() const { return month; }

int Date::getDay() const { return day; }

string Date::toString() const {
  ostringstream os;
  os << setw(4) << year
     << setw(2) << month
     << setw(2) << day;
  return os.str();

int Date::compare(const Date& d2) const {
  int result = year - d2.year;
  if(result == 0) {
    result = month - d2.month;
    if(result == 0)
      result = day - d2.day;
  return result;

int Date::daysInPrevMonth(int year, int month) {
  if(month == 1) {
    month = 12;
  return daysInMonth[isleap(year)][month];

bool operator<(const Date& d1, const Date& d2) {
  return d1.compare(d2) < 0;
bool operator<=(const Date& d1, const Date& d2) {
  return d1 < d2 || d1 == d2;
bool operator>(const Date& d1, const Date& d2) {
  return !(d1 < d2) && !(d1 == d2);
bool operator>=(const Date& d1, const Date& d2) {
  return !(d1 < d2);
bool operator==(const Date& d1, const Date& d2) {
  return d1.compare(d2) == 0;
bool operator!=(const Date& d1, const Date& d2) {
  return !(d1 == d2);

duration(const Date& date1, const Date& date2) {
  int y1 = date1.year;
  int y2 = date2.year;
  int m1 = date1.month;
  int m2 = date2.month;
  int d1 = date1.day;
  int d2 = date2.day;

  // Compute the compare
  int order = date1.compare(date2);
  if(order == 0)
    return Date::Duration(0,0,0);
  else if(order > 0) {
    // Make date1 precede date2 locally
    using std::swap;
    swap(y1, y2);
    swap(m1, m2);
    swap(d1, d2);

  int years = y2 - y1;
  int months = m2 - m1;
  int days = d2 - d1;
  assert(years > 0 ||
     years == 0 && months > 0 ||
     years == 0 && months == 0 && days > 0);

  // Do the obvious corrections (must adjust days
  // before months!) - This is a loop in case the
  // previous month is February, and days < -28.
  int lastMonth = m2;
  int lastYear = y2;
  while(days < 0) {
    // Borrow from month
    assert(months > 0);
    days += Date::daysInPrevMonth(
      lastYear, lastMonth--);

  if(months < 0) {
    // Borrow from year
    assert(years > 0);
    months += 12;
  return Date::Duration(years, months, days);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Date& d) {
  char fillc = os.fill('0');
  os << setw(2) << d.getMonth() << '-'
     << setw(2) << d.getDay() << '-'
     << setw(4) << setfill(fillc) << d.getYear();
  return os;

istream& operator>>(istream& is, Date& d) {
  is >> d.month;
  char dash;
  is >> dash;
  if(dash != '-')
  is >> d.day;
  is >> dash;
  if(dash != '-')
  is >> d.year;
  return is;
} ///:~
//: TestSuite:Test.h
// From "Thinking in C++, Volume 2", by Bruce Eckel & Chuck Allison.
// (c) 1995-2004 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See source code use permissions stated in the file 'License.txt',
// distributed with the code package available at www.MindView.net.
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using std::string;
using std::ostream;
using std::cout;

// fail_() has an underscore to prevent collision with
// ios::fail(). For consistency, test_() and succeed_()
// also have underscores.

#define test_(cond) \
  do_test(cond, #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define fail_(str) \
  do_fail(str, __FILE__, __LINE__)

namespace TestSuite {

class Test {
  ostream* osptr;
  long nPass;
  long nFail;
  // Disallowed:
  Test(const Test&);
  Test& operator=(const Test&);
  void do_test(bool cond, const string& lbl,
    const char* fname, long lineno);
  void do_fail(const string& lbl,
    const char* fname, long lineno);
  Test(ostream* osptr = &cout) {
    this->osptr = osptr;
    nPass = nFail = 0;
  virtual ~Test() {}
  virtual void run() = 0;
  long getNumPassed() const { return nPass; }
  long getNumFailed() const { return nFail; }
  const ostream* getStream() const { return osptr; }
  void setStream(ostream* osptr) { this->osptr = osptr; }
  void succeed_() { ++nPass; }
  long report() const;
  virtual void reset() { nPass = nFail = 0; }

} // namespace TestSuite
#endif // TEST_H ///:~
//: TestSuite:Test.cpp {O}
// From "Thinking in C++, Volume 2", by Bruce Eckel & Chuck Allison.
// (c) 1995-2004 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See source code use permissions stated in the file 'License.txt',
// distributed with the code package available at www.MindView.net.
#include "Test.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
using namespace TestSuite;

void Test::do_test(bool cond, const std::string& lbl,
  const char* fname, long lineno) {
    do_fail(lbl, fname, lineno);

void Test::do_fail(const std::string& lbl,
  const char* fname, long lineno) {
  if(osptr) {
    *osptr << typeid(*this).name()
           << "failure: (" << lbl << ") , " << fname
           << " (line " << lineno << ")" << endl;

long Test::report() const {
  if(osptr) {
    *osptr << "Test \"" << typeid(*this).name()
           << "\":\n\tPassed: " << nPass
           << "\tFailed: " << nFail
           << endl;
  return nFail;
} ///:~

