redis源码=>set 字符串

在redis.c的代码里   redisCommandTable  ,找到set对应的setComnmand 对应的function



/* SET key value [NX] [XX] [EX <seconds>] [PX <milliseconds>] */
void setCommand(redisClient *c) {
    int j;
    robj *expire = NULL;
    int unit = UNIT_SECONDS;
    int flags = REDIS_SET_NO_FLAGS;
    // 设置选项参数  是否val后面携带了参数啥的
    for (j = 3; j < c->argc; j++) {
        char *a = c->argv[j]->ptr;
        robj *next = (j == c->argc-1) ? NULL : c->argv[j+1];

        if ((a[0] == 'n' || a[0] == 'N') &&
            (a[1] == 'x' || a[1] == 'X') && a[2] == '\0') {
            flags |= REDIS_SET_NX;
        } else if ((a[0] == 'x' || a[0] == 'X') &&
                   (a[1] == 'x' || a[1] == 'X') && a[2] == '\0') {
            flags |= REDIS_SET_XX;
        } else if ((a[0] == 'e' || a[0] == 'E') &&
                   (a[1] == 'x' || a[1] == 'X') && a[2] == '\0' && next) {
            unit = UNIT_SECONDS;
            expire = next;
        } else if ((a[0] == 'p' || a[0] == 'P') &&
                   (a[1] == 'x' || a[1] == 'X') && a[2] == '\0' && next) {
            unit = UNIT_MILLISECONDS;
            expire = next;
        } else {
    // 尝试对值对象进行编码   =>  使用更节省内存的数据格式 将raw改为embstr
    c->argv[2] = tryObjectEncoding(c->argv[2]);// 函数说明在下

shared 为结构体吗,在redis.h里的


// 通过复用来减少内存碎片,以及减少操作耗时的共享对象

struct sharedObjectsStruct {
    robj *crlf, *ok, *err, *emptybulk, *czero, *cone, *cnegone, *pong, *space,
    *colon, *nullbulk, *nullmultibulk, *queued,
    *emptymultibulk, *wrongtypeerr, *nokeyerr, *syntaxerr, *sameobjecterr,
    *outofrangeerr, *noscripterr, *loadingerr, *slowscripterr, *bgsaveerr,
    *masterdownerr, *roslaveerr, *execaborterr, *noautherr, *noreplicaserr,
    *busykeyerr, *oomerr, *plus, *messagebulk, *pmessagebulk, *subscribebulk,
    *unsubscribebulk, *psubscribebulk, *punsubscribebulk, *del, *rpop, *lpop,
    *lpush, *emptyscan, *minstring, *maxstring,
    *mbulkhdr[REDIS_SHARED_BULKHDR_LEN], /* "*<value>\r\n" */
    *bulkhdr[REDIS_SHARED_BULKHDR_LEN];  /* "$<value>\r\n" */
/* Try to encode a string object in order to save space */
// 尝试对字符串对象进行编码,以节约内存。
robj *tryObjectEncoding(robj *o) {
    long value;

    sds s = o->ptr;
    size_t len;

    /* Make sure this is a string object, the only type we encode
     * in this function. Other types use encoded memory efficient
     * representations but are handled by the commands implementing
     * the type. */
    redisAssertWithInfo(NULL,o,o->type == REDIS_STRING);

    /* We try some specialized encoding only for objects that are
     * RAW or EMBSTR encoded, in other words objects that are still
     * in represented by an actually array of chars. */
    // 只在字符串的编码为 RAW 或者 EMBSTR 时尝试进行编码
    if (!sdsEncodedObject(o)) return o;

    /* It's not safe to encode shared objects: shared objects can be shared
     * everywhere in the "object space" of Redis and may end in places where
     * they are not handled. We handle them only as values in the keyspace. */
     // 不对共享对象进行编码
     if (o->refcount > 1) return o;

    /* Check if we can represent this string as a long integer.
     * Note that we are sure that a string larger than 21 chars is not
     * representable as a 32 nor 64 bit integer. */
    // 对字符串进行检查
    // 只对长度小于或等于 21 字节,并且可以被解释为整数的字符串进行编码
    len = sdslen(s);
    if (len <= 21 && string2l(s,len,&value)) {
        /* This object is encodable as a long. Try to use a shared object.
         * Note that we avoid using shared integers when maxmemory is used
         * because every object needs to have a private LRU field for the LRU
         * algorithm to work well. */
        if (server.maxmemory == 0 &&
            value >= 0 &&
            value < REDIS_SHARED_INTEGERS)
            return shared.integers[value];
        } else {
            if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_RAW) sdsfree(o->ptr);
            o->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_INT;
            o->ptr = (void*) value;
            return o;

    /* If the string is small and is still RAW encoded,
     * try the EMBSTR encoding which is more efficient.
     * In this representation the object and the SDS string are allocated
     * in the same chunk of memory to save space and cache misses. */
    // 尝试将 RAW 编码的字符串编码为 EMBSTR 编码
        robj *emb;

        if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_EMBSTR) return o;
        emb = createEmbeddedStringObject(s,sdslen(s));
        return emb;

    /* We can't encode the object...
     * Do the last try, and at least optimize the SDS string inside
     * the string object to require little space, in case there
     * is more than 10% of free space at the end of the SDS string.
     * We do that only for relatively large strings as this branch
     * is only entered if the length of the string is greater than
    // 这个对象没办法进行编码,尝试从 SDS 中移除所有空余空间
    if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_RAW &&
        sdsavail(s) > len/10)
        o->ptr = sdsRemoveFreeSpace(o->ptr);

    /* Return the original object. */
    return o;

上方代码,在尝试将raw编码的字符串修改为embstr的时候。会先判断是不是embstr,然后再重新生成一个新的emb。将旧的o 调用decrRefCount 进行销毁。之后返回emb


关于上方的 raw转为embstr,尽量使用使用embstr的原因

之后走的 是  setGenericCommand 这个方法

个人理解的 flag刚好比是标该命令有没有携带过期时间 等 函数实现了 SET 、 SETEX 、 PSETEX 和 SETNX 命令
void setGenericCommand(redisClient *c, int flags, robj *key, robj *val, robj *expire, int unit, robj *ok_reply, robj *abort_reply) 
    long long milliseconds = 0; /* initialized to avoid any harmness warning */

    if (expire) {
        if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c, expire, &milliseconds, NULL) != REDIS_OK)
        if (milliseconds <= 0) {
            addReplyErrorFormat(c,"invalid expire time in %s",c->cmd->name);
        if (unit == UNIT_SECONDS) milliseconds *= 1000;

    if ((flags & REDIS_SET_NX && lookupKeyWrite(c->db,key) != NULL) ||
        (flags & REDIS_SET_XX && lookupKeyWrite(c->db,key) == NULL))
        addReply(c, abort_reply ? abort_reply : shared.nullbulk);
    server.dirty++;  // 记录更新到次数,在redisServer结构体,用于rdb更新
    if (expire) setExpire(c->db,key,mstime()+milliseconds);
    if (expire) notifyKeyspaceEvent(REDIS_NOTIFY_GENERIC,
    addReply(c, ok_reply ? ok_reply : shared.ok);


/* High level Set operation. This function can be used in order to set
 * a key, whatever it was existing or not, to a new object.
 * 1) The ref count of the value object is incremented.
 * 2) clients WATCHing for the destination key notified.
 * 3) The expire time of the key is reset (the key is made persistent). */
void setKey(redisDb *db, robj *key, robj *val) {
    if (lookupKeyWrite(db,key) == NULL) {
    } else {

