TC SRM674 DIV2 T3 VampireTreeDiv2


You are a genealogist specializing in family trees of vampires. Vampire family trees differ from human family trees. In particular, there are two ways how a vampire can be “born”:

  1. A living human can be turned into a vampire (the technical term here is “sired”) by an existing vampire. In this case we call the older vampire the master and the newly created vampire the servant of that master.
  2. Two existing vampires can have a vampire child. In this case we call the two original vampires parents and the new vampire their child. Note that there are no restrictions on the two parent vampires. In particular, their genders and their ancestry can be arbitrary. Any two vampires can have a child.

You are now studying one particular family of vampires. These vampires have all been created from a single vampire: the True Ancestor. This special vampire has no master and no parents. There are n vampires in the family. They are numbered 0 through n-1 in the order in which they were born, with vampire 0 being the True Ancestor.
You are given a description of the family tree in the vector s A and B, each with n-1 elements. For each i between 1 and n-1, inclusive, the values A[i-1] and B[i-1] describe either the master or the parents of vampire i. If vampire i has a master then A[i-1] will be the number of its master and B[i-1] will be equal to -1. Otherwise, A[i-1] and B[i-1] will be the numbers of the two parents of vampire i.
In this particular family it is pretty rare for two vampires to have a child. More precisely, there are at most 15 vampires with two parents each.
You would like to select a representative sample of vampires from this family. The sample must have the following properties:

  • You need to select at least one vampire from each master/servant and also from each parent/child relationship.
  • The total number of vampires in your sample must be as small as possible.

Find and return the number of ways in which you can select the sample, modulo 10^9+7.


  • A will contain between 1 and 999 elements, inclusive.
  • A and B will contain the same number of elements.
  • There are no more than 15 elements of B that are not equal to -1.
  • 0 A [ i ] i for all valid i.
  • 1 B [ i ] i for all valid i.
  • A [ i ] B [ i ] for all valid i.




PART 1 构图


PART 2 选择个数最少

我们先来考虑选出个数最小的问题,我们令 F [ u ] [ 0 ] u 节点不选的情况下,至少需要选几个节点; F [ u ] [ 1 ] 为选 u 节点的情况下,包括 u 至少要选几个节点。

F [ u ] [ 0 ] = v | < u , v >∈ E F [ v ] [ 1 ]

F [ u ] [ 1 ] = v | < u , v >∈ E m i n ( F [ v ] [ 0 ] , F [ v ] [ 1 ] ) + 1


PART 3 求方案数

我们令 G [ u ] [ 0 ] 为不选择 u 节点满足条件的方案数, G [ u ] [ 1 ] 为选择 u 节点满足条件的方案数。(当不存在这种方案的时候用 + 表示)

G [ u ] [ 0 ] = v | < u , v >∈ E G [ v ] [ 1 ]

G [ u ] [ 1 ] = v | < u , v >∈ E { G [ v ] [ 0 ] , if F [ v ] [ 0 ] < F [ v ] [ 1 ] G [ v ] [ 1 ] , if F [ v ] [ 1 ] < F [ v ] [ 0 ] G [ v ] [ 0 ] + G [ v ] [ 1 ] , if F [ v ] [ 0 ] = F [ v ] [ 1 ]



PART 4 新的问题!



using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;

const int MAXN = 1005;
const int BIT_NGTONE = 0xff;
const int MOD = 1000000007;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;

struct Edge {
    int to, next;
} E[MAXN << 1];

class VampireTreeDiv2 {
    int countMinSamples( vector <int> A, vector <int> B );
    int N, tot_chldrn;
    void init();    // 初始化
    void add_edge(int u, int v);    // 加边,从u到v
    void dfs(int u);    // 给神奇的选法配套的深搜
    void dp(int u);     // 记忆化DP

int last[MAXN], tote, dep[MAXN], chdrn[20], F[MAXN][2], fa[MAXN], flag[MAXN];
LL G[MAXN][2];

int VampireTreeDiv2::countMinSamples(vector <int> A, vector <int> B) {
    N = A.size();
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        if (B[i] == -1) add_edge(A[i], i + 1);
        else chdrn[tot_chldrn++] = i, add_edge(A[i], i + 1), add_edge(B[i], i + 1);
    int lim = 1 << tot_chldrn, stat, mini = INF;
    for (i = 0; i < tot_chldrn; i++) fa[chdrn[i] + 1] = dep[A[chdrn[i]]] > dep[B[chdrn[i]]] ? A[chdrn[i]] : B[chdrn[i]];    // 先选好孩子的一个父节点
    LL res = 0;
    for (stat = 0; stat < lim; stat++) {    // stat枚举孩子们选与不选的状态
        memset(F, BIT_NGTONE, sizeof(F));
        memset(G, BIT_NGTONE, sizeof(G));
        for (i = 0; i < tot_chldrn; i++) flag[chdrn[i] + 1] = (stat >> i & 1) + 1;  // 给孩子打上标记,0表示这个节点不是孩子,1表示是不选的孩子,2表示选的孩子
        if (F[0][0] < mini) res = G[0][0];      // 更新答案,级计数
        else if (F[0][0] == mini) res = (res + G[0][0]) % MOD;
        mini = min(F[0][0], mini);
        if (F[0][1] < mini) res = G[0][1];
        else if (F[0][1] == mini) res = (res + G[0][1]) % MOD;
        mini = min(F[0][1], mini);
    return res;

void VampireTreeDiv2::init() {
    tote = tot_chldrn = 0;
    memset(last, 0, sizeof(last));
    memset(flag, 0, sizeof(flag));
    memset(dep, 0, sizeof(dep));

void VampireTreeDiv2::add_edge(int u, int v) {
    E[++tote].to = v, E[tote].next = last[u], last[u] = tote;

void VampireTreeDiv2::dfs(int u) {
    for (int i = last[u]; i; i = E[i].next)
        if (dep[E[i].to] < dep[u] + 1) {
            dep[E[i].to] = dep[u] + 1;

void VampireTreeDiv2::dp(int u) {
    if (F[u][0] != -1) return;      // 如果搜过了就直接返回
    F[u][0] = 0, G[u][0] = G[u][1] = F[u][1] = 1;   // 初始化
    bool fail0 = false, fail1 = false;  // fail0表示该节点不选的状态是否失效,fail1表示该节点选的状态是否失效
    int delta;
    for (int i = last[u]; i; i = E[i].next) {
        int & v = E[i].to;
        dp(v);      // 无论如何先搜一下
        if (!flag[v] || flag[v] && u == fa[v]) {    // 如果是非孩子节点或允许转移的孩子节点(没有被删边)
            if (F[v][1] >= INF || fail0) fail0 = true, F[u][0] = INF, G[u][0] = 0;  // 若存在从非法状态的转移则对应的状态也非法
            else F[u][0] += F[v][1], G[u][0] = G[u][0] * G[v][1] % MOD;     // 否则更新答案
            delta = min(F[v][0], F[v][1]);
            if (delta >= INF || fail1) fail1 = true, F[u][1] = INF, G[u][1] = 0;
            else F[u][1] += delta,
            G[u][1] *= F[v][0] < F[v][1] ? G[v][0] : (F[v][0] == F[v][1] ? (G[v][0] + G[v][1]) % MOD : G[v][1]), G[u][1] %= MOD;
        else if (F[v][1] >= INF) fail0 = true, F[u][0] = INF, G[u][0] = 0;      // 注意删边只是不计数方案,对于当前节点是否可以不选的状态还是需要判断
    if (flag[u] == 2) F[u][0] = INF, G[u][0] = 0;   // 再最后更新非法状态,可以省去很麻烦的特判
    if (flag[u] == 1) F[u][1] = INF, G[u][1] = 0;



