uci 命令、shell接口、API接口

uci 命令:

uci help:

Usage: uci [<options>]<command> [<arguments>]



       export     [<config>]                           导出配置文件

       import     [<config>]                           以uci语法导入配置文件

       changes    [<config>]                       列出配置文件分阶段修改的内容(没有commit),若未指定配置文件,则导出所有配置文件的修改

       commit     [<config>]                        对给定的配置文件写入修改,如果没有指定参数则将所有的配置文件写入文件系统

       add        <config><section-type>                                      增加指定配置文件的类型为section-type的匿名区段

       add_list  <config>.<section>.<option>=<string>           对已存在的list选项增加字符串

       del_list  <config>.<section>.<option>=<string>             删除已存在的list选项的字符串

       show      [<config>[.<section>[.<option>]]]                      显示指定的选项、配置节或配置文件

       get       <config>.<section>[.<option>]                            获取指定区段选项的值

       set        <config>.<section>[.<option>]=<value>           设置指定配置节选项的值,或者是增加一个配置节,类型设置为指定的值

       delete    <config>[.<section>[[.<option>][=<id>]]]          删除指定配置节或选项

       rename    <config>.<section>[.<option>]=<name>      对指定的选项或配置节重命名

       revert    <config>[.<section>[.<option>]]                        恢复指定的选项,配置节或配置文件

       reorder   <config>.<section>=<position>


       -c <path>             设置配置文件的搜索路径 (default: /etc/config)

       -d <str>                在uci显示中设置列表值的分隔符 in uci show

       -f <file>                使用<file>作为输入,而不是stdin

       -m                        导入时,将数据合并到现有包中

       -n                         名称未命名部分导出(默认)

       -N                        不要命名unname dsections

       -p <path>            添加配置更改文件的搜索路径

       -P <path>          添加配置更改文件的搜索路径,并使用默认值

       -q                       安静模式(不打印错误信息)

       -s                       强制严格模式(停止解析器错误,默认)

       -S                       停止严格模式

       -X                       不要在'show'上使用扩展语法

uci shell 接口:




uci_load              #从uci文件中加载配置并设置到环境变量中






uci_get_state      #指定从/var/state中获取状态值

uci_get                #从uci文件中获取值







w=debug  123
echo $w



#调用config_set 清空<section>.<option>的value值
#config_unset <section> <option>

#config_load:  调用uci_load函数从配置文件中读取配置然后设置到环境变量中
config_load <config>

# variable:用来存储config值的变量
config_get <variable>  <section>  <option> [<default>]

#config_get_bool:从当前环境变量中获取配置值 ,并把值转换成整数
config_get_bool <variable> <section> <option> [<default>]

config_set  <section> <option> <value>

#config_foreach:遍历每个section去调用callback_func函数(callback_func 的入参为section name)
#[<section type>]:只遍历这个类型的section......
config_foreach  <callback_func> [<section type>]

#config_list_foreach:遍历section下list的option值,并调用callback_func函数(入参为list option的值,有多少值调用多少次)
config_list_foreach <section> <list> <callback_func>


include <shell script> [<shell script>......]
















struct uci_context
/* list of config packages */
struct uci_list root;

/* parser context, use for error handling only */
struct uci_parse_context *pctx;

/* backend for import and export */
struct uci_backend *backend;
struct uci_list backends;

/* uci runtime flags */
enum uci_flags flags;

char *confdir;
char *savedir;

/* search path for delta files */
struct uci_list delta_path;

/* private: */
int err;
const char *func;
jmp_buf trap;
bool internal, nested;
char *buf;
int bufsz;


struct uci_package
struct uci_element e;
struct uci_list sections;
struct uci_context *ctx;
bool has_delta;
char *path;

/* private: */
struct uci_backend *backend;
void *priv;
int n_section;
struct uci_list delta;
struct uci_list saved_delta;

struct uci_section
struct uci_element e;
struct uci_list options;
struct uci_package *package;
bool anonymous;
char *type;

struct uci_option
struct uci_element e;
struct uci_section *section;
enum uci_option_type type;
union {
struct uci_list list;
char *string;
} v;


struct uci_ptr
enum uci_type target;
enum {
UCI_LOOKUP_DONE =     (1 << 0),
} flags;

struct uci_package *p;
struct uci_section *s;
struct uci_option *o;
struct uci_element *last;

const char *package;
const char *section;
const char *option;
const char *value;


uci API:



 *uci_alloc_context: Allocate a new uci context

*动态申请一块内存用于struct uci_context结构。


extern struct uci_context * uci_alloc_context(void);


 *uci_alloc_alternate_context: Allocate new uci context with specific default


extern struct uci_context*uci_alloc_alternate_context(const char *confdir, const char *savedir);


 *uci_free_context: Free the uci context including all of its data

*释放struct uci_context结构内存,以及为其成员申请的所有内存


extern void uci_free_context(structuci_context *ctx);


 *uci_perror: Print the last uci error that occured

 *@ctx: uci context

 *@str: string to print before the error message



extern void uci_perror(struct uci_context*ctx, const char *str);


 *uci_geterror: Get an error string for the last uci error


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@dest: target pointer for the string

 *@str: prefix for the error message


 *Note: string must be freed by the caller


extern void uci_get_errorstr(structuci_context *ctx, char **dest, const char *str);


 *uci_import: Import uci config data from a stream


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@stream: file stream to import from

 *@name: (optional) assume the config has the given name

 *@package: (optional) store the last parsed config package in this variable

 *@single: ignore the 'package' keyword and parse everything into a singlepackage


 *the name parameter is for config files that don't explicitly use the 'package<...>' keyword

 * if'package' points to a non-null struct pointer, enable delta tracking and merge


extern int uci_import(struct uci_context * ctx, FILE * stream, const char  *name, struct uci_package  **package, boolsingle);


 *uci_export: Export one or all uci config packages


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@stream: output stream

 *@package: (optional) uci config package to export

 *@header: include the package header


extern int uci_export(struct uci_context*ctx, FILE *stream, struct uci_package *package, bool header);


 *uci_load: Parse an uci config file and store it in the uci context


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@name: name of the config file (relative to the config directory)

 *@package: store the loaded config package in this variable


extern int uci_load(struct uci_context*ctx, const char *name, struct uci_package **package);


 *uci_unload: Unload a config file from the uci context


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@package: pointer to the uci_package struct


extern int uci_unload(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_package *p);


 *uci_lookup_ptr: Split an uci tuple string and look up an element tree


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: lookup result struct

 *@str: uci tuple string to look up

 *@extended: allow extended syntax lookup


 * ifextended is set to true, uci_lookup_ptr supports the following

 *extended syntax:



 *  network.@interface[0].ifname ('ifname' option of the first interfacesection)

 *  network.@interface[-1]       (lastinterface section)

 *Note: uci_lookup_ptr will automatically load a config package if necessary

 *@str must not be constant, as it will be modified and used for the stringsinside @ptr,

 *thus it must also be available as long as @ptr is in use.


 *This function returns UCI_ERR_NOTFOUND if the package specified in the tuple

 *string cannot be found.  Otherwise itwill return UCI_OK.


 *Note that failures in looking up other parts, if they are also specfied,

 *including section and option, will also have a return value UCI_OK but with

 *ptr->flags * UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE not set.


extern int uci_lookup_ptr(structuci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr, char *str, bool extended);


 *uci_add_section: Add an unnamed section


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@p: package to add the section to

 *@type: section type

 *@res: pointer to store a reference to the new section in


extern int uci_add_section(structuci_context *ctx, struct uci_package *p, const char *type, struct uci_section**res);


 *uci_set: Set an element's value; create the element if necessary


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: uci pointer


 *The updated/created element is stored in ptr->last


extern int uci_set(struct uci_context *ctx,struct uci_ptr *ptr);


 *uci_add_list: Append a string to an element list


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: uci pointer (with value)


 *Note: if the given option already contains a string value,

 * itwill be converted to an 1-element-list before appending the next element


extern int uci_add_list(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr);


 *uci_del_list: Remove a string from an element list


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: uci pointer (with value)



extern int uci_del_list(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr);


 *uci_reorder: Reposition a section


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@s: uci section to reposition

 *@pos: new position in the section list


extern int uci_reorder_section(structuci_context *ctx, struct uci_section *s, int pos);


 *uci_rename: Rename an element


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: uci pointer (with value)


extern int uci_rename(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr);


 *uci_delete: Delete a section or option


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: uci pointer


extern int uci_delete(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr);


 *uci_save: save change delta for a package


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@p: uci_package struct


extern int uci_save(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_package *p);


 *uci_commit: commit changes to a package


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@p: uci_package struct pointer

 *@overwrite: overwrite existing config data and flush delta


 *committing may reload the whole uci_package data,

 *the supplied pointer is updated accordingly


extern int uci_commit(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_package **p, bool overwrite);


 *uci_list_configs: List available uci config files


 *@ctx: uci context


 *caller is responsible for freeing the allocated memory behind list


extern int uci_list_configs(structuci_context *ctx, char ***list);


 *uci_set_savedir: override the default delta save directory


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@dir: directory name


 *This will also try adding the specified dir to the end of delta pathes.


extern int uci_set_savedir(structuci_context *ctx, const char *dir);


 *uci_set_confdir: override the default config storage directory


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@dir: directory name


extern int uci_set_confdir(structuci_context *ctx, const char *dir);


 *uci_add_delta_path: add a directory to the search path for change delta files


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@dir: directory name


 *This function allows you to add directories, which contain 'overlays'

 *for the active config, that will never be committed.


 *Adding a duplicate directory will cause UCI_ERR_DUPLICATE be returned.


extern int uci_add_delta_path(structuci_context *ctx, const char *dir);


 *uci_revert: revert all changes to a config item


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: uci pointer


extern int uci_revert(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr);


 *uci_parse_argument: parse a shell-style argument, with an arbitrary quotingstyle


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@stream: input stream

 *@str: pointer to the current line (use NULL for parsing the next line)

 *@result: pointer for the result


extern int uci_parse_argument(structuci_context *ctx, FILE *stream, char **str, char **result);


 *uci_set_backend: change the default backend

 *@ctx: uci context

 *@name: name of the backend


 *The default backend is "file", which uses /etc/config for configstorage


extern int uci_set_backend(structuci_context *ctx, const char *name);


 *uci_validate_text: validate a value string for uci options

*验证uci options中的一个字符串值

 *@str: value


 *this function checks whether a given string is acceptable as value

 *for uci options


extern bool uci_validate_text(const char*str);


 *uci_parse_ptr: parse a uci string into a uci_ptr


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@ptr: target data structure

 *@str: string to parse


 *str is modified by this function


int uci_parse_ptr(struct uci_context *ctx,struct uci_ptr *ptr, char *str);


 * uci_lookup_next:lookup a child element


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@e: target element pointer

 *@list: list of elements

 *@name: name of the child element


 * ifparent is NULL, the function looks up the package with the given name


int uci_lookup_next(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_element **e, struct uci_list *list, const char *name);


 *uci_parse_section: look up a set of options


 *@s: uci section

 *@opts: list of options to look up

 *@n_opts: number of options to look up

 *@tb: array of pointers to found options


void uci_parse_section(struct uci_section*s, const struct uci_parse_option *opts,
                                   int n_opts, struct uci_option **tb);


 *uci_hash_options: build a hash over a list of options


 *@tb: list of option pointers

 *@n_opts: number of options


uint32_t uci_hash_options(struct uci_option**tb, int n_opts);


 *uci_alloc_element: allocate a generic uci_element, reserve a buffer andtypecast


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@type: {package,section,option}

 *@name: string containing the name of the element

 *@datasize: additional buffer size to reserve at the end of the struct


#define uci_alloc_element(ctx, type, name,datasize) \
              uci_to_## type (uci_alloc_generic(ctx, uci_type_ ## type, name, sizeof(struct uci_ ##type) + datasize))
#define uci_dataptr(ptr) \
              (((char*) ptr) + sizeof(*ptr))


 *uci_lookup_package: look up a package


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@name: name of the package


static inline struct uci_package *
uci_lookup_package (struct uci_context *ctx,const char *name)
              structuci_element *e = NULL;
              if(uci_lookup_next(ctx, &e, &ctx->root, name) == 0)
                            return uci_to_package(e);
                            return NULL;


 *uci_lookup_section: look up a section


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@p: package that the section belongs to

 *@name: name of the section


static inline struct uci_section *
uci_lookup_section(struct uci_context *ctx,struct uci_package *p, const char *name)
              structuci_element *e = NULL;
              if(uci_lookup_next(ctx, &e, &p->sections, name) == 0)


 *uci_lookup_option: look up an option


 *@ctx: uci context

 *@section: section that the option belongs to

 *@name: name of the option


static inline struct uci_option *
uci_lookup_option(struct uci_context *ctx,struct uci_section *s, const char *name)
              structuci_element *e = NULL;
              if(uci_lookup_next(ctx, &e, &s->options, name) == 0)
static inline const char *
uci_lookup_option_string(struct uci_context*ctx, struct uci_section *s, const char *name)
              structuci_option *o;
              o= uci_lookup_option(ctx, s, name);
              if(!o || o->type != UCI_TYPE_STRING)


